--- /dev/null
+ * PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
+ * http://postgis.refractions.net
+ *
+ * Copyright 2012 (C) Paul Ramsey <pramsey@cleverelephant.ca>
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
+ *
+ **********************************************************************/
+The ANALYZE command hooks to a callback (gserialized_analyze_nd) that
+calculates (compute_gserialized_stats_mode) two histograms of occurances of
+features, once for the 2D domain (and the && operator) one for the
+ND domain (and the &&& operator).
+Queries in PostgreSQL call into the selectivity sub-system to find out
+the relative effectiveness of different clauses in sub-setting
+relations. Queries with constant arguments call gserialized_gist_sel,
+queries with relations on both sides call gserialized_gist_joinsel.
+gserialized_gist_sel sums up the values in the histogram that overlap
+the contant search box.
+gserialized_gist_joinsel sums up the product of the overlapping
+cells in each relation's histogram.
+Depending on the operator and type, the mode of selectivity calculation
+will be 2D or ND.
+- geometry && geometry ==> 2D
+- geometry &&& geometry ==> ND
+- geography && geography ==> ND
+The 2D mode is put in effect by retrieving the 2D histogram from the
+statistics cache and then allowing the generic ND calculations to
+go to work.
+TO DO: More testing and examination of the &&& operator and mixed
+dimensionality cases. (2D geometry) &&& (3D column), etc.
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "executor/spi.h"
+#include "fmgr.h"
+#include "commands/vacuum.h"
+#include "nodes/relation.h"
+#include "parser/parsetree.h"
+#include "utils/array.h"
+#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "utils/syscache.h"
+#include "utils/rel.h"
+#include "../postgis_config.h"
+ #include "access/htup_details.h"
+#include "stringbuffer.h"
+#include "liblwgeom.h"
+#include "lwgeom_pg.h" /* For debugging macros. */
+#include "gserialized_gist.h" /* For index common functions */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <ieeefp.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+/* Prototypes */
+Datum gserialized_gist_joinsel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum gserialized_gist_joinsel_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum gserialized_gist_joinsel_nd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum gserialized_gist_sel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum gserialized_gist_sel_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum gserialized_gist_sel_nd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum gserialized_analyze_nd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum gserialized_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum _postgis_gserialized_sel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum _postgis_gserialized_joinsel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum _postgis_gserialized_stats(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+* Assign a number to the n-dimensional statistics kind
+* tgl suggested:
+* 1-100: reserved for assignment by the core Postgres project
+* 100-199: reserved for assignment by PostGIS
+* 200-9999: reserved for other globally-known stats kinds
+* 10000-32767: reserved for private site-local use
+#define STATISTIC_KIND_ND 102
+#define STATISTIC_KIND_2D 103
+#define STATISTIC_SLOT_2D 1
+* The SD factor restricts the side of the statistics histogram
+* based on the standard deviation of the extent of the data.
+* SDFACTOR is the number of standard deviations from the mean
+* the histogram will extend.
+#define SDFACTOR 3.25
+* The maximum number of dimensions our code can handle.
+* We'll use this to statically allocate a bunch of
+* arrays below.
+#define ND_DIMS 4
+* Minimum width of a dimension that we'll bother trying to
+* compute statistics on. Bearing in mind we have no control
+* over units, but noting that for geographics, 10E-5 is in the
+* range of meters, we go lower than that.
+#define MIN_DIMENSION_WIDTH 0.000000001
+* Default geometry selectivity factor
+#define DEFAULT_ND_SEL 0.0001
+#define DEFAULT_ND_JOINSEL 0.001
+* More modest fallback selectivity factor
+#define FALLBACK_ND_SEL 0.2
+* N-dimensional box type for calculations, to avoid doing
+* explicit axis conversions from GBOX in all calculations
+* at every step.
+typedef struct ND_BOX_T
+ float4 min[ND_DIMS];
+ float4 max[ND_DIMS];
+} ND_BOX;
+* N-dimensional box index type
+typedef struct ND_IBOX_T
+ int min[ND_DIMS];
+ int max[ND_DIMS];
+* N-dimensional statistics structure. Well, actually
+* four-dimensional, but set up to handle arbirary dimensions
+* if necessary (really, we just want to get the 2,3,4-d cases
+* into one shared piece of code).
+typedef struct ND_STATS_T
+ /* Dimensionality of the histogram. */
+ float4 ndims;
+ /* Size of n-d histogram in each dimension. */
+ float4 size[ND_DIMS];
+ /* Lower-left (min) and upper-right (max) spatial bounds of histogram. */
+ ND_BOX extent;
+ /* How many rows in the table itself? */
+ float4 table_features;
+ /* How many rows were in the sample that built this histogram? */
+ float4 sample_features;
+ /* How many not-Null/Empty features were in the sample? */
+ float4 not_null_features;
+ /* How many features actually got sampled in the histogram? */
+ float4 histogram_features;
+ /* How many cells in histogram? (sizex*sizey*sizez*sizem) */
+ float4 histogram_cells;
+ /* How many cells did those histogram features cover? */
+ /* Since we are pro-rating coverage, this number should */
+ /* now always equal histogram_features */
+ float4 cells_covered;
+ /* Variable length # of floats for histogram */
+ float4 value[1];
+* Given that geodetic boxes are X/Y/Z regardless of the
+* underlying geometry dimensionality and other boxes
+* are guided by HAS_Z/HAS_M in their dimesionality,
+* we have a little utility function to make it easy.
+static int
+gbox_ndims(const GBOX* gbox)
+ int dims = 2;
+ if ( FLAGS_GET_GEODETIC(gbox->flags) )
+ return 3;
+ if ( FLAGS_GET_Z(gbox->flags) )
+ dims++;
+ if ( FLAGS_GET_M(gbox->flags) )
+ dims++;
+ return dims;
+* Utility function to see if the first
+* letter of the mode argument is 'N'. Used
+* by the _postgis_* functions.
+static int
+text_p_get_mode(const text *txt)
+ int mode = 2;
+ char *modestr = text2cstring(txt);
+ if ( modestr[0] == 'N' )
+ mode = 0;
+ pfree(modestr);
+ return mode;
+* Integer comparison function for qsort
+static int
+cmp_int (const void *a, const void *b)
+ int ia = *((const int*)a);
+ int ib = *((const int*)b);
+ if ( ia == ib )
+ return 0;
+ else if ( ia > ib )
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return -1;
+* The difference between the fourth and first quintile values,
+* the "inter-quintile range"
+static int
+range_quintile(int *vals, int nvals)
+ qsort(vals, nvals, sizeof(int), cmp_int);
+ return vals[4*nvals/5] - vals[nvals/5];
+* Given int array, return sum of values.
+static int
+total_int(const int *vals, int nvals)
+ int i;
+ int total = 0;
+ /* Calculate total */
+ for ( i = 0; i < nvals; i++ )
+ total += vals[i];
+ return total;
+* Given double array, return sum of values.
+static double
+total_double(const double *vals, int nvals)
+ int i;
+ float total = 0;
+ /* Calculate total */
+ for ( i = 0; i < nvals; i++ )
+ total += vals[i];
+ return total;
+* The average of an array of integers.
+static double
+avg(const int *vals, int nvals)
+ int t = total_int(vals, nvals);
+ return (double)t / (double)nvals;
+* The standard deviation of an array of integers.
+static double
+stddev(const int *vals, int nvals)
+ int i;
+ double sigma2 = 0;
+ double mean = avg(vals, nvals);
+ /* Calculate sigma2 */
+ for ( i = 0; i < nvals; i++ )
+ {
+ double v = (double)(vals[i]);
+ sigma2 += (mean - v) * (mean - v);
+ }
+ return sqrt(sigma2 / nvals);
+* Given a position in the n-d histogram (i,j,k) return the
+* position in the 1-d values array.
+static int
+nd_stats_value_index(const ND_STATS *stats, int *indexes)
+ int d;
+ int accum = 1, vdx = 0;
+ /* Calculate the index into the 1-d values array that the (i,j,k,l) */
+ /* n-d histogram coordinate implies. */
+ /* index = x + y * sizex + z * sizex * sizey + m * sizex * sizey * sizez */
+ for ( d = 0; d < (int)(stats->ndims); d++ )
+ {
+ int size = (int)(stats->size[d]);
+ if ( indexes[d] < 0 || indexes[d] >= size )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " bad index at (%d, %d)", indexes[0], indexes[1]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ vdx += indexes[d] * accum;
+ accum *= size;
+ }
+ return vdx;
+* Convert an #ND_BOX to a JSON string for printing
+static char*
+nd_box_to_json(const ND_BOX *nd_box, int ndims)
+ char *rv;
+ int i;
+ stringbuffer_t *sb = stringbuffer_create();
+ stringbuffer_append(sb, "{\"min\":[");
+ for ( i = 0; i < ndims; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( i ) stringbuffer_append(sb, ",");
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "%.6g", nd_box->min[i]);
+ }
+ stringbuffer_append(sb, "],\"max\":[");
+ for ( i = 0; i < ndims; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( i ) stringbuffer_append(sb, ",");
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "%.6g", nd_box->max[i]);
+ }
+ stringbuffer_append(sb, "]}");
+ rv = stringbuffer_getstringcopy(sb);
+ stringbuffer_destroy(sb);
+ return rv;
+* Convert an #ND_STATS to a JSON representation for
+* external use.
+static char*
+nd_stats_to_json(const ND_STATS *nd_stats)
+ char *json_extent, *str;
+ int d;
+ stringbuffer_t *sb = stringbuffer_create();
+ int ndims = (int)roundf(nd_stats->ndims);
+ stringbuffer_append(sb, "{");
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "\"ndims\":%d,", ndims);
+ /* Size */
+ stringbuffer_append(sb, "\"size\":[");
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ if ( d ) stringbuffer_append(sb, ",");
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "%d", (int)roundf(nd_stats->size[d]));
+ }
+ stringbuffer_append(sb, "],");
+ /* Extent */
+ json_extent = nd_box_to_json(&(nd_stats->extent), ndims);
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "\"extent\":%s,", json_extent);
+ pfree(json_extent);
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "\"table_features\":%d,", (int)roundf(nd_stats->table_features));
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "\"sample_features\":%d,", (int)roundf(nd_stats->sample_features));
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "\"not_null_features\":%d,", (int)roundf(nd_stats->not_null_features));
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "\"histogram_features\":%d,", (int)roundf(nd_stats->histogram_features));
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "\"histogram_cells\":%d,", (int)roundf(nd_stats->histogram_cells));
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "\"cells_covered\":%d", (int)roundf(nd_stats->cells_covered));
+ stringbuffer_append(sb, "}");
+ str = stringbuffer_getstringcopy(sb);
+ stringbuffer_destroy(sb);
+ return str;
+* Create a printable view of the #ND_STATS histogram.
+* Caller is responsible for freeing.
+* Currently only prints first two dimensions.
+static char*
+nd_stats_to_grid(const ND_STATS *stats)
+ char *rv;
+ int j, k;
+// int ndims = (int)roundf(stats->ndims);
+ int sizex = (int)roundf(stats->size[0]);
+ int sizey = (int)roundf(stats->size[1]);
+ stringbuffer_t *sb = stringbuffer_create();
+ for ( k = 0; k < sizey; k++ )
+ {
+ for ( j = 0; j < sizex; j++ )
+ {
+ stringbuffer_aprintf(sb, "%3d ", (int)roundf(stats->value[j + k*sizex]));
+ }
+ stringbuffer_append(sb, "\n");
+ }
+ rv = stringbuffer_getstringcopy(sb);
+ stringbuffer_destroy(sb);
+ return rv;
+/** Expand the bounds of target to include source */
+static int
+nd_box_merge(const ND_BOX *source, ND_BOX *target)
+ int d;
+ for ( d = 0; d < ND_DIMS; d++ )
+ {
+ target->min[d] = Min(target->min[d], source->min[d]);
+ target->max[d] = Max(target->max[d], source->max[d]);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/** Zero out an ND_BOX */
+static int
+nd_box_init(ND_BOX *a)
+ memset(a, 0, sizeof(ND_BOX));
+ return TRUE;
+* Prepare an ND_BOX for bounds calculation:
+* set the maxes to the smallest thing possible and
+* the mins to the largest.
+static int
+nd_box_init_bounds(ND_BOX *a)
+ int d;
+ for ( d = 0; d < ND_DIMS; d++ )
+ {
+ a->min[d] = FLT_MAX;
+ a->max[d] = FLT_MIN;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/** Set the values of an #ND_BOX from a #GBOX */
+static void
+nd_box_from_gbox(const GBOX *gbox, ND_BOX *nd_box)
+ int d = 0;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
+ nd_box_init(nd_box);
+ nd_box->min[d] = gbox->xmin;
+ nd_box->max[d] = gbox->xmax;
+ d++;
+ nd_box->min[d] = gbox->ymin;
+ nd_box->max[d] = gbox->ymax;
+ d++;
+ if ( FLAGS_GET_GEODETIC(gbox->flags) )
+ {
+ nd_box->min[d] = gbox->zmin;
+ nd_box->max[d] = gbox->zmax;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( FLAGS_GET_Z(gbox->flags) )
+ {
+ nd_box->min[d] = gbox->zmin;
+ nd_box->max[d] = gbox->zmax;
+ d++;
+ }
+ if ( FLAGS_GET_M(gbox->flags) )
+ {
+ nd_box->min[d] = gbox->mmin;
+ nd_box->max[d] = gbox->mmax;
+ d++;
+ }
+ return;
+* Return TRUE if #ND_BOX a overlaps b, false otherwise.
+static int
+nd_box_intersects(const ND_BOX *a, const ND_BOX *b, int ndims)
+ int d;
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ if ( (a->min[d] > b->max[d]) || (a->max[d] < b->min[d]) )
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+* Return TRUE if #ND_BOX a contains b, false otherwise.
+static int
+nd_box_contains(const ND_BOX *a, const ND_BOX *b, int ndims)
+ int d;
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ if ( ! ((a->min[d] < b->min[d]) && (a->max[d] > b->max[d])) )
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+* Expand an #ND_BOX ever so slightly. Expand parameter is the proportion
+* of total width to add.
+static int
+nd_box_expand(ND_BOX *nd_box, double expansion_factor)
+ int d;
+ double size;
+ for ( d = 0; d < ND_DIMS; d++ )
+ {
+ size = nd_box->max[d] - nd_box->min[d];
+ if ( size <= 0 ) continue;
+ nd_box->min[d] -= size * expansion_factor / 2;
+ nd_box->max[d] += size * expansion_factor / 2;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+* What stats cells overlap with this ND_BOX? Put the lowest cell
+* addresses in ND_IBOX->min and the highest in ND_IBOX->max
+static inline int
+nd_box_overlap(const ND_STATS *nd_stats, const ND_BOX *nd_box, ND_IBOX *nd_ibox)
+ int d;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " nd_box: %s", nd_box_to_json(nd_box, nd_stats->ndims));
+ /* Initialize ibox */
+ memset(nd_ibox, 0, sizeof(ND_IBOX));
+ /* In each dimension... */
+ for ( d = 0; d < nd_stats->ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ double smin = nd_stats->extent.min[d];
+ double smax = nd_stats->extent.max[d];
+ double width = smax - smin;
+ int size = roundf(nd_stats->size[d]);
+ /* ... find cells the box overlaps with in this dimension */
+ nd_ibox->min[d] = floor(size * (nd_box->min[d] - smin) / width);
+ nd_ibox->max[d] = floor(size * (nd_box->max[d] - smin) / width);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, " stats: dim %d: min %g: max %g: width %g", d, smin, smax, width);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, " overlap: dim %d: (%d, %d)", d, nd_ibox->min[d], nd_ibox->max[d]);
+ /* Push any out-of range values into range */
+ nd_ibox->min[d] = Max(nd_ibox->min[d], 0);
+ nd_ibox->max[d] = Min(nd_ibox->max[d], size-1);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+* Returns the proportion of b2 that is covered by b1.
+static inline double
+nd_box_ratio(const ND_BOX *b1, const ND_BOX *b2, int ndims)
+ int d;
+ bool covered = TRUE;
+ double ivol = 1.0;
+ double vol2 = 1.0;
+ double vol1 = 1.0;
+ for ( d = 0 ; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ if ( b1->max[d] <= b2->min[d] || b1->min[d] >= b2->max[d] )
+ return 0.0; /* Disjoint */
+ if ( b1->min[d] > b2->min[d] || b1->max[d] < b2->max[d] )
+ covered = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( covered )
+ return 1.0;
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ double width1 = b1->max[d] - b1->min[d];
+ double width2 = b2->max[d] - b2->min[d];
+ double imin, imax, iwidth;
+ vol1 *= width1;
+ vol2 *= width2;
+ imin = Max(b1->min[d], b2->min[d]);
+ imax = Min(b1->max[d], b2->max[d]);
+ iwidth = imax - imin;
+ iwidth = Max(0.0, iwidth);
+ ivol *= iwidth;
+ }
+ if ( vol2 == 0.0 )
+ return vol2;
+ return ivol / vol2;
+* Calculate how much a set of boxes is homogenously distributed
+* or contentrated within one dimension, returning the range_quintile of
+* of the overlap counts per cell in a uniform
+* partition of the extent of the dimension.
+* A uniform distribution of counts will have a small range
+* and will require few cells in a selectivity histogram.
+* A diverse distribution of counts will have a larger range
+* and require more cells in a selectivity histogram (to
+* distinguish between areas of feature density and areas
+* of feature sparseness. This measurement should help us
+* identify cases like X/Y/Z data where there is lots of variability
+* in density in X/Y (diversely in a multi-kilometer range) and far
+* less in Z (in a few-hundred meter range).
+static int
+nd_box_array_distribution(const ND_BOX **nd_boxes, int num_boxes, const ND_BOX *extent, int ndims, double *distribution)
+ /* How many bins shall we use in figuring out the distribution? */
+ static int num_bins = 50;
+ int d, i, k, range;
+ int counts[num_bins];
+ double smin, smax; /* Spatial min, spatial max */
+ double swidth; /* Spatial width of dimension */
+ double average, sdev, sdev_ratio;
+ int bmin, bmax; /* Bin min, bin max */
+ const ND_BOX *ndb;
+ /* For each dimension... */
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ /* Initialize counts for this dimension */
+ memset(counts, 0, sizeof(int)*num_bins);
+ smin = extent->min[d];
+ smax = extent->max[d];
+ swidth = smax - smin;
+ /* Don't try and calculate distribution of overly narrow dimensions */
+ if ( swidth < MIN_DIMENSION_WIDTH )
+ {
+ distribution[d] = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Sum up the overlaps of each feature with the dimensional bins */
+ for ( i = 0; i < num_boxes; i++ )
+ {
+ double minoffset, maxoffset;
+ /* Skip null entries */
+ ndb = nd_boxes[i];
+ if ( ! ndb ) continue;
+ /* Where does box fall relative to the working range */
+ minoffset = ndb->min[d] - smin;
+ maxoffset = ndb->max[d] - smin;
+ /* Skip boxes that our outside our working range */
+ if ( minoffset < 0 || minoffset > swidth ||
+ maxoffset < 0 || maxoffset > swidth )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* What bins does this range correspond to? */
+ bmin = num_bins * (minoffset) / swidth;
+ bmax = num_bins * (maxoffset) / swidth;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " dimension %d, feature %d: bin %d to bin %d", d, i, bmin, bmax);
+ /* Increment the counts in all the bins this feature overlaps */
+ for ( k = bmin; k <= bmax; k++ )
+ {
+ counts[k] += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* How dispersed is the distribution of features across bins? */
+ range = range_quintile(counts, num_bins);
+ average = avg(counts, num_bins);
+ sdev = stddev(counts, num_bins);
+ sdev_ratio = sdev/average;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " dimension %d: range = %d", d, range);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " dimension %d: average = %.6g", d, average);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " dimension %d: stddev = %.6g", d, sdev);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " dimension %d: stddev_ratio = %.6g", d, sdev_ratio);
+ distribution[d] = range;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+* Given an n-d index array (counter), and a domain to increment it
+* in (ibox) increment it by one, unless it's already at the max of
+* the domain, in which case return false.
+static inline int
+nd_increment(ND_IBOX *ibox, int ndims, int *counter)
+ int d = 0;
+ while ( d < ndims )
+ {
+ if ( counter[d] < ibox->max[d] )
+ {
+ counter[d] += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ counter[d] = ibox->min[d];
+ d++;
+ }
+ /* That's it, cannot increment any more! */
+ if ( d == ndims )
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Increment complete! */
+ return TRUE;
+* Pull the stats object from the PgSQL system catalogs. Used
+* by the selectivity functions and the debugging functions.
+static ND_STATS*
+pg_get_nd_stats(const Oid table_oid, AttrNumber att_num, int mode)
+ HeapTuple stats_tuple;
+ float4 *floatptr;
+ ND_STATS *nd_stats;
+ int rv, nvalues;
+ int stats_kind = STATISTIC_KIND_ND;
+ /* First pull the stats tuple */
+ stats_tuple = SearchSysCache2(STATRELATT, table_oid, att_num);
+ if ( ! stats_tuple )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "stats for \"%s\" do not exist", get_rel_name(table_oid));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* If we're in 2D mode, set the kind appropriately */
+ if ( mode == 2 )
+ stats_kind = STATISTIC_KIND_2D;
+ /* Then read the geom status histogram from that */
+ rv = get_attstatsslot(stats_tuple, 0, 0, stats_kind, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL, NULL, &floatptr, &nvalues);
+ if ( ! rv )
+ {
+ ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "histogram for \"%s\" does not exist?", get_rel_name(table_oid));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Clone the stats here so we can release the attstatsslot immediately */
+ nd_stats = palloc(sizeof(float) * nvalues);
+ memcpy(nd_stats, floatptr, sizeof(float) * nvalues);
+ /* Clean up */
+ free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, floatptr, nvalues);
+ ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple);
+ return nd_stats;
+* Pull the stats object from the PgSQL system catalogs. The
+* debugging functions are taking human input (table names)
+* and columns, so we have to look those up first.
+static ND_STATS*
+pg_get_nd_stats_by_name(const Oid table_oid, const text *att_text, int mode)
+ const char *att_name = text2cstring(att_text);
+ AttrNumber att_num;
+ /* We know the name? Look up the num */
+ if ( att_text )
+ {
+ /* Get the attribute number */
+ att_num = get_attnum(table_oid, att_name);
+ if ( ! att_num )
+ elog(ERROR, "attribute \"%s\" does not exist", att_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "attribute name is null");
+ }
+ return pg_get_nd_stats(table_oid, att_num, mode);
+* Given two statistics histograms, what is the selectivity
+* of a join driven by the && or &&& operator?
+* Join selectivity is defined as the number of rows returned by the
+* join operator divided by the number of rows that an
+* unconstrained join would return (nrows1*nrows2).
+* To get the estimate of join rows, we walk through the cells
+* of one histogram, and multiply the cell value by the
+* proportion of the cells in the other histogram the cell
+* overlaps: val += val1 * ( val2 * overlap_ratio )
+static float8
+estimate_join_selectivity(const ND_STATS *s1, const ND_STATS *s2)
+ int ncells1, ncells2;
+ int ndims1, ndims2, ndims;
+ double ntuples_max;
+ double ntuples_not_null1, ntuples_not_null2;
+ ND_BOX extent1, extent2;
+ ND_IBOX ibox1, ibox2;
+ int at1[ND_DIMS];
+ int at2[ND_DIMS];
+ double min1[ND_DIMS];
+ double width1[ND_DIMS];
+ double cellsize1[ND_DIMS];
+ int size2[ND_DIMS];
+ double min2[ND_DIMS];
+ double width2[ND_DIMS];
+ double cellsize2[ND_DIMS];
+ int size1[ND_DIMS];
+ int d;
+ double val = 0;
+ float8 selectivity;
+ /* Drop out on null inputs */
+ if ( ! ( s1 && s2 ) )
+ {
+ elog(NOTICE, " estimate_join_selectivity called with null inputs");
+ }
+ /* We need to know how many cells each side has... */
+ ncells1 = (int)roundf(s1->histogram_cells);
+ ncells2 = (int)roundf(s2->histogram_cells);
+ /* ...so that we can drive the summation loop with the smaller histogram. */
+ if ( ncells1 > ncells2 )
+ {
+ const ND_STATS *stats_tmp = s1;
+ s1 = s2;
+ s2 = stats_tmp;
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "s1: %s", nd_stats_to_json(s1));
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "s2: %s", nd_stats_to_json(s2));
+ /* Re-read that info after the swap */
+ ncells1 = (int)roundf(s1->histogram_cells);
+ ncells2 = (int)roundf(s2->histogram_cells);
+ /* Q: What's the largest possible join size these relations can create? */
+ /* A: The product of the # of non-null rows in each relation. */
+ ntuples_not_null1 = s1->table_features * (s1->not_null_features / s1->sample_features);
+ ntuples_not_null2 = s2->table_features * (s2->not_null_features / s2->sample_features);
+ ntuples_max = ntuples_not_null1 * ntuples_not_null2;
+ /* Get the ndims as ints */
+ ndims1 = (int)roundf(s1->ndims);
+ ndims2 = (int)roundf(s2->ndims);
+ ndims = Max(ndims1, ndims2);
+ /* Get the extents */
+ extent1 = s1->extent;
+ extent2 = s2->extent;
+ /* If relation stats do not intersect, join is very very selective. */
+ if ( ! nd_box_intersects(&extent1, &extent2, ndims) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "relation stats do not intersect, returning 0");
+ }
+ /*
+ * First find the index range of the part of the smaller
+ * histogram that overlaps the larger one.
+ */
+ if ( ! nd_box_overlap(s1, &extent2, &ibox1) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "could not calculate overlap of relations");
+ }
+ /* Initialize counters / constants on s1 */
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims1; d++ )
+ {
+ at1[d] = ibox1.min[d];
+ min1[d] = s1->extent.min[d];
+ width1[d] = s1->extent.max[d] - s1->extent.min[d];
+ size1[d] = (int)roundf(s1->size[d]);
+ cellsize1[d] = width1[d] / size1[d];
+ }
+ /* Initialize counters / constants on s2 */
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims2; d++ )
+ {
+ min2[d] = s2->extent.min[d];
+ width2[d] = s2->extent.max[d] - s2->extent.min[d];
+ size2[d] = (int)roundf(s2->size[d]);
+ cellsize2[d] = width2[d] / size2[d];
+ }
+ /* For each affected cell of s1... */
+ do
+ {
+ double val1;
+ /* Construct the bounds of this cell */
+ ND_BOX nd_cell1;
+ nd_box_init(&nd_cell1);
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims1; d++ )
+ {
+ nd_cell1.min[d] = min1[d] + (at1[d]+0) * cellsize1[d];
+ nd_cell1.max[d] = min1[d] + (at1[d]+1) * cellsize1[d];
+ }
+ /* Find the cells of s2 that cell1 overlaps.. */
+ nd_box_overlap(s2, &nd_cell1, &ibox2);
+ /* Initialize counter */
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims2; d++ )
+ {
+ at2[d] = ibox2.min[d];
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "at1 %d,%d %s", at1[0], at1[1], nd_box_to_json(&nd_cell1, ndims1));
+ /* Get the value at this cell */
+ val1 = s1->value[nd_stats_value_index(s1, at1)];
+ /* For each overlapped cell of s2... */
+ do
+ {
+ double ratio2;
+ double val2;
+ /* Construct the bounds of this cell */
+ ND_BOX nd_cell2;
+ nd_box_init(&nd_cell2);
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims2; d++ )
+ {
+ nd_cell2.min[d] = min2[d] + (at2[d]+0) * cellsize2[d];
+ nd_cell2.max[d] = min2[d] + (at2[d]+1) * cellsize2[d];
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " at2 %d,%d %s", at2[0], at2[1], nd_box_to_json(&nd_cell2, ndims2));
+ /* Calculate overlap ratio of the cells */
+ ratio2 = nd_box_ratio(&nd_cell1, &nd_cell2, Max(ndims1, ndims2));
+ /* Multiply the cell counts, scaled by overlap ratio */
+ val2 = s2->value[nd_stats_value_index(s2, at2)];
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " val1 %.6g val2 %.6g ratio %.6g", val1, val2, ratio2);
+ val += val1 * (val2 * ratio2);
+ }
+ while ( nd_increment(&ibox2, ndims2, at2) );
+ }
+ while( nd_increment(&ibox1, ndims1, at1) );
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "val of histogram = %g", val);
+ /*
+ * In order to compare our total cell count "val" to the
+ * ntuples_max, we need to scale val up to reflect a full
+ * table estimate. So, multiply by ratio of table size to
+ * sample size.
+ */
+ val *= (s1->table_features / s1->sample_features);
+ val *= (s2->table_features / s2->sample_features);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "val scaled to full table size = %g", val);
+ /*
+ * Because the cell counts are over-determined due to
+ * double counting of features that overlap multiple cells
+ * (see the compute_gserialized_stats routine)
+ * we also have to scale our cell count "val" *down*
+ * to adjust for the double counting.
+ */
+// val /= (s1->cells_covered / s1->histogram_features);
+// val /= (s2->cells_covered / s2->histogram_features);
+ /*
+ * Finally, the selectivity is the estimated number of
+ * rows to be returned divided by the maximum possible
+ * number of rows that can be returned.
+ */
+ selectivity = val / ntuples_max;
+ return selectivity;
+* For (geometry &&& geometry) and (geography && geography)
+* we call into the N-D mode.
+Datum gserialized_gist_joinsel_nd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ PG_RETURN_DATUM(DirectFunctionCall5(
+ gserialized_gist_joinsel,
+ Int32GetDatum(0) /* ND mode */
+ ));
+* For (geometry && geometry)
+* we call into the 2-D mode.
+Datum gserialized_gist_joinsel_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ PG_RETURN_DATUM(DirectFunctionCall5(
+ gserialized_gist_joinsel,
+ Int32GetDatum(2) /* 2D mode */
+ ));
+* Join selectivity of the && operator. The selectivity
+* is the ratio of the number of rows we think will be
+* returned divided the maximum number of rows the join
+* could possibly return (the full combinatoric join).
+* joinsel = estimated_nrows / (totalrows1 * totalrows2)
+Datum gserialized_gist_joinsel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+ /* Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1); */
+ List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
+ JoinType jointype = (JoinType) PG_GETARG_INT16(3);
+ int mode = PG_GETARG_INT32(4);
+ Node *arg1, *arg2;
+ Var *var1, *var2;
+ Oid relid1, relid2;
+ ND_STATS *stats1, *stats2;
+ float8 selectivity;
+ /* Only respond to an inner join/unknown context join */
+ if (jointype != JOIN_INNER)
+ {
+ elog(NOTICE, "gserialized_gist_joinsel: jointype %d not supported", jointype);
+ }
+ /* Find Oids of the geometry columns we are working with */
+ arg1 = (Node*) linitial(args);
+ arg2 = (Node*) lsecond(args);
+ var1 = (Var*) arg1;
+ var2 = (Var*) arg2;
+ /* We only do column joins right now, no functional joins */
+ /* TODO: handle g1 && ST_Expand(g2) */
+ if (!IsA(arg1, Var) || !IsA(arg2, Var))
+ {
+ elog(DEBUG1, "gserialized_gist_joinsel called with arguments that are not column references");
+ }
+ /* What are the Oids of our tables/relations? */
+ relid1 = getrelid(var1->varno, root->parse->rtable);
+ relid2 = getrelid(var2->varno, root->parse->rtable);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "using relations \"%s\" Oid(%d), \"%s\" Oid(%d)",
+ get_rel_name(relid1), relid1, get_rel_name(relid2), relid2);
+ /* Pull the stats from the stats system. */
+ stats1 = pg_get_nd_stats(relid1, var1->varattno, mode);
+ stats2 = pg_get_nd_stats(relid2, var2->varattno, mode);
+ /* If we can't get stats, we have to stop here! */
+ if ( ! stats1 )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "unable to retrieve stats for \"%s\" Oid(%d)", get_rel_name(relid1), relid1);
+ }
+ else if ( ! stats2 )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "unable to retrieve stats for \"%s\" Oid(%d)", get_rel_name(relid2), relid2);
+ }
+ selectivity = estimate_join_selectivity(stats1, stats2);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "got selectivity %g", selectivity);
+ pfree(stats1);
+ pfree(stats2);
+ PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(selectivity);
+ * The gserialized_analyze_nd sets this function as a
+ * callback on the stats object when called by the ANALYZE
+ * command. ANALYZE then gathers the requisite number of
+ * sample rows and then calls this function.
+ *
+ * We could also pass stats->extra_data in from
+ * gserialized_analyze_nd (things like the column type or
+ * other stuff from the system catalogs) but so far we
+ * don't use that capability.
+ *
+ * Our job is to build some statistics on the sample data
+ * for use by operator estimators.
+ *
+ * We will populate an n-d histogram using the provided
+ * sample rows. The selectivity estimators (sel and j_oinsel)
+ * can then use the histogram
+ */
+static void
+compute_gserialized_stats_mode(VacAttrStats *stats, AnalyzeAttrFetchFunc fetchfunc,
+ int sample_rows, double total_rows, int mode)
+ MemoryContext old_context;
+ int d, i; /* Counters */
+ int notnull_cnt = 0; /* # not null rows in the sample */
+ int null_cnt = 0; /* # null rows in the sample */
+ int histogram_features = 0; /* # rows that actually got counted in the histogram */
+ ND_STATS *nd_stats; /* Our histogram */
+ size_t nd_stats_size; /* Size to allocate */
+ double total_width = 0; /* # of bytes used by sample */
+ double total_sample_volume = 0; /* Area/volume coverage of the sample */
+ double total_cell_count = 0; /* # of cells in histogram affected by sample */
+ ND_BOX sum; /* Sum of extents of sample boxes */
+ ND_BOX avg; /* Avg of extents of sample boxes */
+ ND_BOX stddev; /* StdDev of extents of sample boxes */
+ const ND_BOX **sample_boxes; /* ND_BOXes for each of the sample features */
+ ND_BOX sample_extent; /* Extent of the raw sample */
+ int histo_size[ND_DIMS]; /* histogram nrows, ncols, etc */
+ ND_BOX histo_extent; /* Spatial extent of the histogram */
+ ND_BOX histo_extent_new; /* Temporary variable */
+ int histo_cells_target; /* Number of cells we will shoot for, given the stats target */
+ int histo_cells; /* Number of cells in the histogram */
+ int histo_cells_new = 1; /* Temporary variable */
+ int ndims = 2; /* Dimensionality of the sample */
+ int histo_ndims = 0; /* Dimensionality of the histogram */
+ double sample_distribution[ND_DIMS]; /* How homogeneous is distribution of sample in each axis? */
+ double total_distribution; /* Total of sample_distribution */
+ int stats_slot; /* What slot is this data going into? (2D vs ND) */
+ int stats_kind; /* And this is what? (2D vs ND) */
+ /* Initialize sums */
+ memset(&sum, 0, sizeof(ND_BOX));
+ /*
+ * This is where gserialized_analyze_nd
+ * should put its' custom parameters.
+ */
+ /* void *mystats = stats->extra_data; */
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "compute_gserialized_stats called");
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " # sample_rows: %d", sample_rows);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " estimate of total_rows: %.6g", total_rows);
+ /*
+ * We might need less space, but don't think
+ * its worth saving...
+ */
+ sample_boxes = palloc(sizeof(ND_BOX*) * sample_rows);
+ /*
+ * First scan:
+ * o read boxes
+ * o find dimensionality of the sample
+ * o find extent of the sample
+ * o count null-infinite/not-null values
+ * o compute total_width
+ * o compute total features's box area (for avgFeatureArea)
+ * o sum features box coordinates (for standard deviation)
+ */
+ for ( i = 0; i < sample_rows; i++ )
+ {
+ Datum datum;
+ GBOX gbox;
+ ND_BOX *nd_box;
+ bool is_null;
+ datum = fetchfunc(stats, i, &is_null);
+ /* Skip all NULLs. */
+ if ( is_null )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " skipped null geometry %d", i);
+ null_cnt++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Read the bounds from the gserialized. */
+ if ( LW_FAILURE == gserialized_get_gbox_p(geom, &gbox) )
+ {
+ /* Skip empties too. */
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " skipped empty geometry %d", i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Check bounds for validity (finite and not NaN) */
+ if ( ! gbox_is_valid(&gbox) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " skipped infinite/nan geometry %d", i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * In N-D mode, set the ndims to the maximum dimensionality found
+ * in the sample. Otherwise, leave at ndims == 2.
+ */
+ if ( mode != 2 )
+ ndims = Max(gbox_ndims(&gbox), ndims);
+ /* Convert gbox to n-d box */
+ nd_box = palloc(sizeof(ND_BOX));
+ nd_box_from_gbox(&gbox, nd_box);
+ /* Cache n-d bounding box */
+ sample_boxes[notnull_cnt] = nd_box;
+ /* Initialize sample extent before merging first entry */
+ if ( ! notnull_cnt )
+ nd_box_init_bounds(&sample_extent);
+ /* Add current sample to overall sample extent */
+ nd_box_merge(nd_box, &sample_extent);
+ /* How many bytes does this sample use? */
+ total_width += VARSIZE(geom);
+ /* Add bounds coordinates to sums for stddev calculation */
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ sum.min[d] += nd_box->min[d];
+ sum.max[d] += nd_box->max[d];
+ }
+ /* Increment our "good feature" count */
+ notnull_cnt++;
+ /* Give backend a chance of interrupting us */
+ vacuum_delay_point();
+ }
+ /*
+ * We'll build a histogram having stats->attr->attstattarget cells
+ * on each side, within reason... we'll use ndims*10000 as the
+ * maximum number of cells.
+ * Also, if we're sampling a relatively small table, we'll try to ensure that
+ * we have an average of 5 features for each cell so the histogram isn't
+ * so sparse.
+ */
+ histo_cells_target = (int)pow((double)(stats->attr->attstattarget), (double)ndims);
+ histo_cells_target = Min(histo_cells_target, ndims * 10000);
+ histo_cells_target = Min(histo_cells_target, (int)(total_rows/5));
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " stats->attr->attstattarget: %d", stats->attr->attstattarget);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " target # of histogram cells: %d", histo_cells_target);
+ /* If there's no useful features, we can't work out stats */
+ if ( ! notnull_cnt )
+ {
+ elog(NOTICE, "no non-null/empty features, unable to compute statistics");
+ stats->stats_valid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " sample_extent: %s", nd_box_to_json(&sample_extent, ndims));
+ /*
+ * Second scan:
+ * o compute standard deviation
+ */
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ /* Calculate average bounds values */
+ avg.min[d] = sum.min[d] / notnull_cnt;
+ avg.max[d] = sum.max[d] / notnull_cnt;
+ /* Calculate standard deviation for this dimension bounds */
+ for ( i = 0; i < notnull_cnt; i++ )
+ {
+ const ND_BOX *ndb = sample_boxes[i];
+ stddev.min[d] += (ndb->min[d] - avg.min[d]) * (ndb->min[d] - avg.min[d]);
+ stddev.max[d] += (ndb->max[d] - avg.max[d]) * (ndb->max[d] - avg.max[d]);
+ }
+ stddev.min[d] = sqrt(stddev.min[d] / notnull_cnt);
+ stddev.max[d] = sqrt(stddev.max[d] / notnull_cnt);
+ /* Histogram bounds for this dimension bounds is avg +/- SDFACTOR * stdev */
+ histo_extent.min[d] = Max(avg.min[d] - SDFACTOR * stddev.min[d], sample_extent.min[d]);
+ histo_extent.max[d] = Min(avg.max[d] + SDFACTOR * stddev.max[d], sample_extent.max[d]);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Third scan:
+ * o skip hard deviants
+ * o compute new histogram box
+ */
+ nd_box_init_bounds(&histo_extent_new);
+ for ( i = 0; i < notnull_cnt; i++ )
+ {
+ const ND_BOX *ndb = sample_boxes[i];
+ /* Skip any hard deviants (boxes entirely outside our histo_extent */
+ if ( ! nd_box_intersects(&histo_extent, ndb, ndims) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " feature %d is a hard deviant, skipped", i);
+ sample_boxes[i] = NULL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Expand our new box to fit all the other features. */
+ nd_box_merge(ndb, &histo_extent_new);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Expand the box slightly (1%) to avoid edge effects
+ * with objects that are on the boundary
+ */
+ nd_box_expand(&histo_extent_new, 0.01);
+ histo_extent = histo_extent_new;
+ /*
+ * How should we allocate our histogram cells to the
+ * different dimensions? We can't do it by raw dimensional width,
+ * because in x/y/z space, the z can have different units
+ * from the x/y. Similarly for x/y/t space.
+ * So, we instead calculate how much features overlap
+ * each other in their dimension to figure out which
+ * dimensions have useful selectivity characteristics (more
+ * variability in density) and therefor would find
+ * more cells useful (to distinguish between dense places and
+ * homogeneous places).
+ */
+ nd_box_array_distribution(sample_boxes, notnull_cnt, &histo_extent, ndims,
+ sample_distribution);
+ /*
+ * The sample_distribution array now tells us how spread out the
+ * data is in each dimension, so we use that data to allocate
+ * the histogram cells we have available.
+ * At this point, histo_cells_target is the approximate target number
+ * of cells.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Some dimensions have basically a uniform distribution, we want
+ * to allocate no cells to those dimensions, only to dimensions
+ * that have some interesting differences in data distribution.
+ * Here we count up the number of interesting dimensions
+ */
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ if ( sample_distribution[d] > 0 )
+ histo_ndims++;
+ }
+ if ( histo_ndims == 0 )
+ {
+ /* Special case: all our dimensions had low variability! */
+ /* We just divide the cells up evenly */
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " special case: no axes have variability");
+ histo_cells_new = 1;
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ histo_size[d] = (int)pow((double)histo_cells_target, 1/(double)ndims);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo_size[d]: %d", histo_size[d]);
+ histo_cells_new *= histo_size[d];
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo_cells_new: %d", histo_cells_new);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * We're going to express the amount of variability in each dimension
+ * as a proportion of the total variability and allocate cells in that
+ * dimension relative to that proportion.
+ */
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " allocating histogram axes based on axis variability");
+ total_distribution = total_double(sample_distribution, ndims); /* First get the total */
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " total_distribution: %.8g", total_distribution);
+ histo_cells_new = 1; /* For the number of cells in the final histogram */
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ if ( sample_distribution[d] == 0 ) /* Uninteresting dimensions don't get any room */
+ {
+ histo_size[d] = 1;
+ }
+ else /* Interesting dimension */
+ {
+ /* How does this dims variability compare to the total? */
+ float edge_ratio = (float)sample_distribution[d] / (float)total_distribution;
+ /*
+ * Scale the target cells number by the # of dims and ratio,
+ * then take the appropriate root to get the estimated number of cells
+ * on this axis (eg, pow(0.5) for 2d, pow(0.333) for 3d, pow(0.25) for 4d)
+ */
+ histo_size[d] = (int)pow(histo_cells_target * histo_ndims * edge_ratio, 1/(double)histo_ndims);
+ /* If something goes awry, just give this dim one slot */
+ if ( ! histo_size[d] )
+ histo_size[d] = 1;
+ }
+ histo_cells_new *= histo_size[d];
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo_cells_new: %d", histo_cells_new);
+ }
+ /* Update histo_cells to the actual number of cells we need to allocate */
+ histo_cells = histo_cells_new;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo_cells: %d", histo_cells);
+ /*
+ * Create the histogram (ND_STATS) in the stats memory context
+ */
+ old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(stats->anl_context);
+ nd_stats_size = sizeof(ND_STATS) + ((histo_cells - 1) * sizeof(float4));
+ nd_stats = palloc(nd_stats_size);
+ memset(nd_stats, 0, nd_stats_size); /* Initialize all values to 0 */
+ MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
+ /* Initialize the #ND_STATS objects */
+ nd_stats->ndims = ndims;
+ nd_stats->extent = histo_extent;
+ nd_stats->sample_features = sample_rows;
+ nd_stats->table_features = total_rows;
+ nd_stats->not_null_features = notnull_cnt;
+ /* Copy in the histogram dimensions */
+ for ( d = 0; d < ndims; d++ )
+ nd_stats->size[d] = histo_size[d];
+ /*
+ * Fourth scan:
+ * o fill histogram values with the proportion of
+ * features' bbox overlaps: a feature's bvol
+ * can fully overlap (1) or partially overlap
+ * (fraction of 1) an histogram cell.
+ *
+ * Note that we are filling each cell with the "portion of
+ * the feature's box that overlaps the cell". So, if we sum
+ * up the values in the histogram, we could get the
+ * histogram feature count.
+ *
+ */
+ for ( i = 0; i < notnull_cnt; i++ )
+ {
+ const ND_BOX *nd_box;
+ ND_IBOX nd_ibox;
+ int at[ND_DIMS];
+ int d;
+ double num_cells = 0;
+ double tmp_volume = 1.0;
+ double min[ND_DIMS];
+ double max[ND_DIMS];
+ double cellsize[ND_DIMS];
+ nd_box = sample_boxes[i];
+ if ( ! nd_box ) continue; /* Skip Null'ed out hard deviants */
+ /* Give backend a chance of interrupting us */
+ vacuum_delay_point();
+ /* Find the cells that overlap with this box and put them into the ND_IBOX */
+ nd_box_overlap(nd_stats, nd_box, &nd_ibox);
+ memset(at, 0, sizeof(int)*ND_DIMS);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " feature %d: ibox (%d, %d, %d, %d) (%d, %d, %d, %d)", i,
+ nd_ibox.min[0], nd_ibox.min[1], nd_ibox.min[2], nd_ibox.min[3],
+ nd_ibox.max[0], nd_ibox.max[1], nd_ibox.max[2], nd_ibox.max[3]);
+ for ( d = 0; d < nd_stats->ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ /* Initialize the starting values */
+ at[d] = nd_ibox.min[d];
+ min[d] = nd_stats->extent.min[d];
+ max[d] = nd_stats->extent.max[d];
+ cellsize[d] = (max[d] - min[d])/(nd_stats->size[d]);
+ /* What's the volume (area) of this feature's box? */
+ tmp_volume *= (nd_box->max[d] - nd_box->min[d]);
+ }
+ /* Add feature volume (area) to our total */
+ total_sample_volume += tmp_volume;
+ /*
+ * Move through all the overlaped histogram cells values and
+ * add the box overlap proportion to them.
+ */
+ do
+ {
+ ND_BOX nd_cell;
+ double ratio;
+ /* Create a box for this histogram cell */
+ for ( d = 0; d < nd_stats->ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ nd_cell.min[d] = min[d] + (at[d]+0) * cellsize[d];
+ nd_cell.max[d] = min[d] + (at[d]+1) * cellsize[d];
+ }
+ /*
+ * If a feature box is completely inside one cell the ratio will be
+ * 1.0. If a feature box is 50% in two cells, each cell will get
+ * 0.5 added on.
+ */
+ ratio = nd_box_ratio(&nd_cell, nd_box, nd_stats->ndims);
+ nd_stats->value[nd_stats_value_index(nd_stats, at)] += ratio;
+ num_cells += ratio;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " ratio (%.8g) num_cells (%.8g)", ratio, num_cells);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " at (%d, %d, %d, %d)", at[0], at[1], at[2], at[3]);
+ }
+ while ( nd_increment(&nd_ibox, nd_stats->ndims, at) );
+ /* Keep track of overall number of overlaps counted */
+ total_cell_count += num_cells;
+ /* How many features have we added to this histogram? */
+ histogram_features++;
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram_features: %d", histogram_features);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " sample_rows: %d", sample_rows);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " table_rows: %.6g", total_rows);
+ /* Error out if we got no sample information */
+ if ( ! histogram_features )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no stats have been gathered");
+ elog(NOTICE, " no features lie in the stats histogram, invalid stats");
+ stats->stats_valid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ nd_stats->histogram_features = histogram_features;
+ nd_stats->histogram_cells = histo_cells;
+ nd_stats->cells_covered = total_cell_count;
+ /* Put this histogram data into the right slot/kind */
+ if ( mode == 2 )
+ {
+ stats_slot = STATISTIC_SLOT_2D;
+ stats_kind = STATISTIC_KIND_2D;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stats_slot = STATISTIC_SLOT_ND;
+ stats_kind = STATISTIC_KIND_ND;
+ }
+ /* Write the statistics data */
+ stats->stakind[stats_slot] = stats_kind;
+ stats->staop[stats_slot] = InvalidOid;
+ stats->stanumbers[stats_slot] = (float4*)nd_stats;
+ stats->numnumbers[stats_slot] = nd_stats_size/sizeof(float4);
+ stats->stanullfrac = (float4)null_cnt/sample_rows;
+ stats->stawidth = total_width/notnull_cnt;
+ stats->stadistinct = -1.0;
+ stats->stats_valid = true;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: slot 0: kind %d (STATISTIC_KIND_ND)", stats->stakind[0]);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: slot 0: op %d (InvalidOid)", stats->staop[0]);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: slot 0: numnumbers %d", stats->numnumbers[0]);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: null fraction: %f=%d/%d", stats->stanullfrac, null_cnt, sample_rows);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: average width: %d bytes", stats->stawidth);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG (3, " out: distinct values: all (no check done)");
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: %s", nd_stats_to_json(nd_stats));
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out histogram:\n%s", nd_stats_to_grid(nd_stats));
+ return;
+* In order to do useful selectivity calculations in both 2-D and N-D
+* modes, we actually have to generate two stats objects, one for 2-D
+* and one for N-D.
+* You would think that an N-D histogram would be sufficient for 2-D
+* calculations of selectivity, but you'd be wrong. For features that
+* overlap multiple cells, the N-D histogram over-estimates the number
+* of hits, and can't contain the requisite information to correct
+* that over-estimate.
+* We use the convenient PgSQL facility of stats slots to store
+* one 2-D and one N-D stats object, and here in the compute function
+* we just call the computation twice, once in each mode.
+* It would be more efficient to have the computation calculate
+* the two histograms simultaneously, but that would also complicate
+* the (already complicated) logic in the function,
+* so we'll take the CPU hit and do the computation twice.
+static void
+compute_gserialized_stats(VacAttrStats *stats, AnalyzeAttrFetchFunc fetchfunc,
+ int sample_rows, double total_rows)
+ /* 2D Mode */
+ compute_gserialized_stats_mode(stats, fetchfunc, sample_rows, total_rows, 2);
+ /* ND Mode */
+ compute_gserialized_stats_mode(stats, fetchfunc, sample_rows, total_rows, 0);
+* This function will be called when the ANALYZE command is run
+* on a column of the "geometry" or "geography" type.
+* It will need to return a stats builder function reference
+* and a "minimum" sample rows to feed it.
+* If we want analisys to be completely skipped we can return
+* FALSE and leave output vals untouched.
+* What we know from this call is:
+* o The pg_attribute row referring to the specific column.
+* Could be used to get reltuples from pg_class (which
+* might quite inexact though...) and use them to set an
+* appropriate minimum number of sample rows to feed to
+* the stats builder. The stats builder will also receive
+* a more accurate "estimation" of the number or rows.
+* o The pg_type row for the specific column.
+* Could be used to set stat builder / sample rows
+* based on domain type (when postgis will be implemented
+* that way).
+* Being this experimental we'll stick to a static stat_builder/sample_rows
+* value for now.
+Datum gserialized_analyze_nd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ VacAttrStats *stats = (VacAttrStats *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+ Form_pg_attribute attr = stats->attr;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "gserialized_analyze_nd called");
+ /* If the attstattarget column is negative, use the default value */
+ /* NB: it is okay to scribble on stats->attr since it's a copy */
+ if (attr->attstattarget < 0)
+ attr->attstattarget = default_statistics_target;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " attribute stat target: %d", attr->attstattarget);
+ /* Setup the minimum rows and the algorithm function */
+ stats->minrows = 300 * stats->attr->attstattarget;
+ stats->compute_stats = compute_gserialized_stats;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " minrows: %d", stats->minrows);
+ /* Indicate we are done successfully */
+* This function returns an estimate of the selectivity
+* of a search GBOX by looking at data in the ND_STATS
+* structure. The selectivity is a float from 0-1, that estimates
+* the proportion of the rows in the table that will be returned
+* as a result of the search box.
+* To get our estimate,
+* we need "only" sum up the values * the proportion of each cell
+* in the histogram that falls within the search box, then
+* divide by the number of features that generated the histogram.
+static float8
+estimate_selectivity(const GBOX *box, const ND_STATS *nd_stats, int mode)
+ int d; /* counter */
+ float8 selectivity;
+ ND_BOX nd_box;
+ ND_IBOX nd_ibox;
+ int at[ND_DIMS];
+ double cell_size[ND_DIMS];
+ double min[ND_DIMS];
+ double max[ND_DIMS];
+ double total_count = 0.0;
+ int ndims_max = Max(nd_stats->ndims, gbox_ndims(box));
+// int ndims_min = Min(nd_stats->ndims, gbox_ndims(box));
+ /* Calculate the overlap of the box on the histogram */
+ if ( ! nd_stats )
+ {
+ elog(NOTICE, " estimate_selectivity called with null input");
+ }
+ /* Initialize nd_box. */
+ nd_box_from_gbox(box, &nd_box);
+ /*
+ * To return 2D stats on an ND sample, we need to make the
+ * 2D box cover the full range of the other dimensions in the
+ * histogram.
+ */
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " mode: %d", mode);
+ if ( mode == 2 )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " in 2d mode, stripping the computation down to 2d");
+ ndims_max = 2;
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " nd_stats->extent: %s", nd_box_to_json(&(nd_stats->extent), nd_stats->ndims));
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " nd_box: %s", nd_box_to_json(&(nd_box), gbox_ndims(box)));
+ /*
+ * Search box completely misses histogram extent?
+ * We have to intersect in all N dimensions or else we have
+ * zero interaction under the &&& operator. It's important
+ * to short circuit in this case, as some of the tests below
+ * will return junk results when run on non-intersecting inputs.
+ */
+ if ( ! nd_box_intersects(&nd_box, &(nd_stats->extent), ndims_max) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " search box does not overlap histogram, returning 0");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ /* Search box completely contains histogram extent! */
+ if ( nd_box_contains(&nd_box, &(nd_stats->extent), ndims_max) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " search box contains histogram, returning 1");
+ return 1.0;
+ }
+ /* Calculate the overlap of the box on the histogram */
+ if ( ! nd_box_overlap(nd_stats, &nd_box, &nd_ibox) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " search box overlap with stats histogram failed");
+ }
+ /* Work out some measurements of the histogram */
+ for ( d = 0; d < nd_stats->ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ /* Cell size in each dim */
+ min[d] = nd_stats->extent.min[d];
+ max[d] = nd_stats->extent.max[d];
+ cell_size[d] = (max[d] - min[d]) / nd_stats->size[d];
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " cell_size[%d] : %.9g", d, cell_size[d]);
+ /* Initialize the counter */
+ at[d] = nd_ibox.min[d];
+ }
+ /* Move through all the overlap values and sum them */
+ do
+ {
+ float cell_count, ratio;
+ ND_BOX nd_cell;
+ /* We have to pro-rate partially overlapped cells. */
+ for ( d = 0; d < nd_stats->ndims; d++ )
+ {
+ nd_cell.min[d] = min[d] + (at[d]+0) * cell_size[d];
+ nd_cell.max[d] = min[d] + (at[d]+1) * cell_size[d];
+ }
+ ratio = nd_box_ratio(&nd_box, &nd_cell, nd_stats->ndims);
+ cell_count = nd_stats->value[nd_stats_value_index(nd_stats, at)];
+ /* Add the pro-rated count for this cell to the overall total */
+ total_count += cell_count * ratio;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " cell (%d,%d), cell value %.6f, ratio %.6f", at[0], at[1], cell_count, ratio);
+ }
+ while ( nd_increment(&nd_ibox, nd_stats->ndims, at) );
+ /* Scale by the number of features in our histogram to get the proportion */
+ selectivity = total_count / nd_stats->histogram_features;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " nd_stats->histogram_features = %f", nd_stats->histogram_features);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " nd_stats->histogram_cells = %f", nd_stats->histogram_cells);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " sum(overlapped histogram cells) = %f", total_count);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " selectivity = %f", selectivity);
+ /* Prevent rounding overflows */
+ if (selectivity > 1.0) selectivity = 1.0;
+ else if (selectivity < 0.0) selectivity = 0.0;
+ return selectivity;
+* Utility function to print the statistics information for a
+* given table/column in JSON. Used for debugging the selectivity code.
+Datum _postgis_gserialized_stats(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ ND_STATS *nd_stats;
+ char *str;
+ text *json;
+ int mode;
+ /* Check if we've been asked to not use 2d mode */
+ if ( ! PG_ARGISNULL(2) )
+ mode = text_p_get_mode(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2));
+ /* Retrieve the stats object */
+ nd_stats = pg_get_nd_stats_by_name(PG_GETARG_OID(0), PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1), mode);
+ str = nd_stats_to_json(nd_stats);
+ json = cstring2text(str);
+ pfree(str);
+ pfree(nd_stats);
+* Utility function to read the calculated selectivity for a given search
+* box and table/column. Used for debugging the selectivity code.
+Datum _postgis_gserialized_sel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ Oid table_oid = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
+ text *att_text = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
+ Datum geom_datum = PG_GETARG_DATUM(2);
+ GBOX gbox; /* search box read from gserialized datum */
+ float8 selectivity = 0;
+ ND_STATS *nd_stats;
+ int mode = 2; /* 2D mode by default */
+ /* Check if we've been asked to not use 2d mode */
+ if ( ! PG_ARGISNULL(3) )
+ mode = text_p_get_mode(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(3));
+ /* Retrieve the stats object */
+ nd_stats = pg_get_nd_stats_by_name(table_oid, att_text, mode);
+ if ( ! nd_stats )
+ elog(ERROR, "unable to load statistics! analyze?");
+ /* Calculate the gbox */
+ if ( ! gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p(geom_datum, &gbox) )
+ elog(ERROR, "unable to calculate bounding box from geometry");
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " %s", gbox_to_string(&gbox));
+ /* Do the estimation */
+ selectivity = estimate_selectivity(&gbox, nd_stats, mode);
+ pfree(nd_stats);
+ PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(selectivity);
+* Utility function to read the calculated join selectivity for a
+* pair of tables. Used for debugging the selectivity code.
+Datum _postgis_gserialized_joinsel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ Oid table_oid1 = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
+ text *att_text1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
+ Oid table_oid2 = PG_GETARG_OID(2);
+ text *att_text2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(3);
+ ND_STATS *nd_stats1, *nd_stats2;
+ float8 selectivity = 0;
+ int mode = 2; /* 2D mode by default */
+ /* Retrieve the stats object */
+ nd_stats1 = pg_get_nd_stats_by_name(table_oid1, att_text1, mode);
+ nd_stats2 = pg_get_nd_stats_by_name(table_oid2, att_text2, mode);
+ if ( ! ( nd_stats1 && nd_stats2 ) )
+ elog(ERROR, "unable to load statistics! analyze?");
+ /* Check if we've been asked to not use 2d mode */
+ if ( ! PG_ARGISNULL(4) )
+ {
+ text *modetxt = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(4);
+ char *modestr = text2cstring(modetxt);
+ if ( modestr[0] == 'N' )
+ mode = 0;
+ }
+ /* Do the estimation */
+ selectivity = estimate_join_selectivity(nd_stats1, nd_stats2);
+ pfree(nd_stats1);
+ pfree(nd_stats2);
+ PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(selectivity);
+* For (geometry && geometry)
+* we call into the 2-D mode.
+Datum gserialized_gist_sel_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ PG_RETURN_DATUM(DirectFunctionCall5(
+ gserialized_gist_sel,
+ Int32GetDatum(2) /* 2-D mode */
+ ));
+* For (geometry &&& geometry) and (geography && geography)
+* we call into the N-D mode.
+Datum gserialized_gist_sel_nd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ PG_RETURN_DATUM(DirectFunctionCall5(
+ gserialized_gist_sel,
+ Int32GetDatum(0) /* N-D mode */
+ ));
+ * This function should return an estimation of the number of
+ * rows returned by a query involving an overlap check
+ * ( it's the restrict function for the && operator )
+ *
+ * It can make use (if available) of the statistics collected
+ * by the geometry analyzer function.
+ *
+ * Note that the good work is done by estimate_selectivity() above.
+ * This function just tries to find the search_box, loads the statistics
+ * and invoke the work-horse.
+ *
+ */
+Datum gserialized_gist_sel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+ /* Oid operator_oid = PG_GETARG_OID(1); */
+ List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
+ /* int varRelid = PG_GETARG_INT32(3); */
+ int mode = PG_GETARG_INT32(4);
+ Oid relid;
+ ND_STATS *nd_stats;
+ Node *other;
+ Var *self;
+ GBOX search_box;
+ float8 selectivity = 0;
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "gserialized_gist_sel called");
+ /*
+ * TODO: This is a big one,
+ * All this statistics code *only* tries to generate a valid
+ * selectivity for && and &&&. That leaves all the other
+ * geometry operators with bad stats! The selectivity
+ * calculation should take account of the incoming operator
+ * type and do the right thing.
+ */
+ /* Fail if not a binary opclause (probably shouldn't happen) */
+ if (list_length(args) != 2)
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "gserialized_gist_sel: not a binary opclause");
+ }
+ /* Find the constant part */
+ other = (Node *) linitial(args);
+ if ( ! IsA(other, Const) )
+ {
+ self = (Var *)other;
+ other = (Node *) lsecond(args);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self = (Var *) lsecond(args);
+ }
+ if ( ! IsA(other, Const) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no constant arguments - returning a default selectivity");
+ }
+ /*
+ * We don't have a nice <const> && <var> or <var> && <const>
+ * situation here. <const> && <const> would probably get evaluated
+ * away by PgSQL earlier on. <func> && <const> is harder, and the
+ * case we get often is <const> && ST_Expand(<var>), which does
+ * actually have a subtly different selectivity than a bae
+ * <const> && <var> call. It's calculatable though, by expanding
+ * every cell in the histgram appropriately.
+ *
+ * Discussion: http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/1828
+ *
+ * To do? Do variable selectivity based on the <func> node.
+ */
+ if ( ! IsA(self, Var) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no bare variable argument ? - returning a moderate selectivity");
+ }
+ /* Convert the constant to a BOX */
+ if( ! gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p(((Const*)other)->constvalue, &search_box) )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "search box is EMPTY");
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " requested search box is: %s", gbox_to_string(&search_box));
+ /* Get pg_statistic row */
+ relid = getrelid(self->varno, root->parse->rtable);
+ nd_stats = pg_get_nd_stats(relid, self->varattno, mode);
+ if ( ! nd_stats )
+ {
+ POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " unable to load stats from syscache, not analyzed yet?");
+ }
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " got stats:\n%s", nd_stats_to_json(nd_stats));
+ /* Do the estimation! */
+ selectivity = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, nd_stats, mode);
+ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " returning computed value: %f", selectivity);
+ pfree(nd_stats);
+ PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(selectivity);
+ * Return the estimated extent of the table
+ * looking at gathered statistics (or NULL if
+ * no statistics have been gathered).
+ */
+Datum gserialized_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ char *nsp = NULL;
+ char *tbl = NULL;
+ text *col = NULL;
+ char *nsp_tbl = NULL;
+ Oid tbl_oid;
+ ND_STATS *nd_stats;
+ GBOX *gbox;
+ if ( PG_NARGS() == 3 )
+ {
+ nsp = text2cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+ tbl = text2cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+ col = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2);
+ nsp_tbl = palloc(strlen(nsp) + strlen(tbl) + 2);
+ sprintf(nsp_tbl, "%s.%s", nsp, tbl);
+ tbl_oid = DatumGetObjectId(DirectFunctionCall1(regclassin, CStringGetDatum(nsp_tbl)));
+ pfree(nsp_tbl);
+ }
+ else if ( PG_NARGS() == 2 )
+ {
+ tbl = text2cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+ col = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
+ tbl_oid = DatumGetObjectId(DirectFunctionCall1(regclassin, CStringGetDatum(tbl)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "estimated_extent() called with wrong number of arguments");
+ }
+ /* Estimated extent only returns 2D bounds, so use mode 2 */
+ nd_stats = pg_get_nd_stats_by_name(tbl_oid, col, 2);
+ /* Error out on no stats */
+ if ( ! nd_stats )
+ elog(ERROR, "stats for \"%s.%s\" do not exist", tbl, text2cstring(col));
+ /* Construct the box */
+ gbox = palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
+ FLAGS_SET_GEODETIC(gbox->flags, 0);
+ FLAGS_SET_Z(gbox->flags, 0);
+ FLAGS_SET_M(gbox->flags, 0);
+ gbox->xmin = nd_stats->extent.min[0];
+ gbox->xmax = nd_stats->extent.max[0];
+ gbox->ymin = nd_stats->extent.min[1];
+ gbox->ymax = nd_stats->extent.max[1];
+ pfree(nd_stats);