**DerivePointerAlignment** (``bool``)
If ``true``, analyze the formatted file for the most common
- alignment of ``&`` and ``\*``. ``PointerAlignment`` is then used only as
+ alignment of ``&`` and ``*``. ``PointerAlignment`` is then used only as
**DisableFormat** (``bool``)
Priority: 2
- Regex: '^(<|"(gtest|isl|json)/)'
Priority: 3
- - Regex: '.\*'
+ - Regex: '.*'
Priority: 1
**IncludeIsMainRegex** (``std::string``)
.. code-block:: c++
- int\* a;
+ int* a;
* ``PAS_Right`` (in configuration: ``Right``)
Align pointer to the right.
.. code-block:: c++
- int \*a;
+ int *a;
* ``PAS_Middle`` (in configuration: ``Middle``)
Align pointer in the middle.
.. code-block:: c++
- int \* a;
+ int * a;
return re.sub(pattern, '%s', text, flags=re.S) % replacement
def doxygen2rst(text):
- text = re.sub(r'([^/\*])\*', r'\1\\*', text)
text = re.sub(r'<tt>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/tt>', r'``\1``', text)
text = re.sub(r'\\c ([^ ,;\.]+)', r'``\1``', text)
text = re.sub(r'\\\w+ ', '', text)