Custom Attributes:
-Name | Description
-http_address | **Optional.** The host's address. Defaults to "$address".
-http_vhost | **Optional.** The virtual host that should be sent in the "Host" header.
-http_uri | **Optional.** The request URI.
-http_port | **Optional.** The TCP port. Defaults to 80 when not using SSL, 443 otherwise.
-http_ssl | **Optional.** Whether to use SSL. Defaults to false.
-http_auth_pair | **Optional.** Add 'username:password' authorization pair.
-http_warn_time | **Optional.** The warning threshold.
-http_critical_time | **Optional.** The critical threshold.
+Name | Description
+http_address | **Optional.** The host's address. Defaults to "$address".
+http_vhost | **Optional.** The virtual host that should be sent in the "Host" header.
+http_uri | **Optional.** The request URI.
+http_port | **Optional.** The TCP port. Defaults to 80 when not using SSL, 443 otherwise.
+http_ssl | **Optional.** Whether to use SSL. Defaults to false.
+http_auth_pair | **Optional.** Add 'username:password' authorization pair.
+http_ignore_body | **Optional.** Don't download the body, just the headers.
+http_expect_body_regex | **Optional.** A regular expression which the body must match against. Incompatible with http_ignore_body.
+http_warn_time | **Optional.** The warning threshold.
+http_critical_time | **Optional.** The critical threshold.
#### <a id="plugin-check-command-ftp"></a> ftp
value = "$http_auth_pair$"
description = "Username:password on sites with basic authentication"
+ "--no-body" = {
+ set_if = "$http_ignore_body$"
+ }
+ "-r" = "$http_expect_body_regex$"
"-w" = "$http_warn_time$"
"-c" = "$http_critical_time$"