--- /dev/null
+Test fileatime(),filemtime(),filectime() & touch() functions : basic functionality
+ Prototype: int fileatime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last accessed, or FALSE
+ in case of an error. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp.
+ Prototype: int filemtime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last modified, or FALSE
+ in case of an error.
+ Prototype: int filectime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last changed, or FALSE
+ in case of an error. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp.
+ Prototype: bool touch ( string $filename [, int $time [, int $atime]] );
+ Description: Attempts to set the access and modification times of the file
+ named in the filename parameter to the value given in time.
+echo "*** Testing the basic functionality with file ***\n";
+print( @date('Y:M:D:H:i:s', fileatime(__FILE__)) )."\n";
+print( @date('Y:M:D:H:i:s', filemtime(__FILE__)) )."\n";
+print( @date('Y:M:D:H:i:s', filectime(__FILE__)) )."\n";
+print( @date('Y:M:D:H:i:s', touch(dirname(__FILE__)."/005_basic.tmp")) )."\n";
+echo "*** Testing the basic functionality with dir ***\n";
+print( @date('Y:M:D:H:i:s', fileatime(".")) )."\n";
+print( @date('Y:M:D:H:i:s', filemtime(".")) )."\n";
+print( @date('Y:M:D:H:i:s', filectime(".")) )."\n";
+print( @date('Y:M:D:H:i:s', touch(dirname(__FILE__)."/005_basic")) )."\n";
+echo "\n*** Done ***\n";
+*** Testing the basic functionality with file ***
+*** Testing the basic functionality with dir ***
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fileatime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() functions: error conditions
+ Prototype: int fileatime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last accessed, or FALSE
+ in case of an error. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp.
+ Prototype: int filemtime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last modified, or FALSE
+ in case of an error.
+ Prototype: int filectime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last changed, or FALSE
+ in case of an error. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp.
+ Prototype: bool touch ( string $filename [, int $time [, int $atime]] );
+ Description: Attempts to set the access and modification times of the file
+ named in the filename parameter to the value given in time.
+echo "*** Testing error conditions ***\n";
+echo "\n-- Testing with Non-existing files --";
+/* Both invalid argumetns */
+var_dump( fileatime("/no/such/file/or/dir") );
+var_dump( filemtime("/no/such/file/or/dir") );
+var_dump( filectime("/no/such/file/or/dir") );
+var_dump( touch("/no/such/file/or/dir", 10) );
+/* Only one invalid argument */
+var_dump( fileatime(__FILE__, "string") );
+var_dump( filemtime(__FILE__, 100) );
+var_dump( filectime(__FILE__, TRUE) );
+var_dump( touch(__FILE__, 10, 100, 123) );
+echo "\n-- Testing No.of arguments less than expected --";
+var_dump( fileatime() );
+var_dump( filemtime() );
+var_dump( filectime() );
+var_dump( touch() );
+echo "\n-- Testing No.of arguments greater than expected --";
+/* Both invalid arguments */
+var_dump( fileatime("/no/such/file/or/dir", "string") );
+var_dump( filemtime("/no/such/file/or/dir", 100) );
+var_dump( filectime("/no/such/file/or/dir", TRUE) );
+var_dump( touch("/no/such/file/or/dir", 10, 100, 123) );
+/* Only one invalid argument */
+var_dump( fileatime(__FILE__, "string") );
+var_dump( filemtime(__FILE__, 100) );
+var_dump( filectime(__FILE__, TRUE) );
+var_dump( touch(__FILE__, 10, 100, 123) );
+echo "\n*** Done ***\n";
+*** Testing error conditions ***
+-- Testing with Non-existing files --
+Warning: fileatime(): stat failed for /no/such/file/or/dir in %s on line %d
+Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /no/such/file/or/dir in %s on line %d
+Warning: filectime(): stat failed for /no/such/file/or/dir in %s on line %d
+Warning: touch(): Unable to create file /no/such/file/or/dir because No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fileatime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for filemtime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for filectime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for touch() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing No.of arguments less than expected --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fileatime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for filemtime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for filectime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for touch() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing No.of arguments greater than expected --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fileatime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for filemtime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for filectime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for touch() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fileatime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for filemtime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for filectime() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for touch() in %s on line %d
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fileatime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() functions : usage variation
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
+ die('skip Do not run on Linux');
+ Prototype: int fileatime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last accessed, or FALSE
+ in case of an error. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp.
+ Prototype: int filemtime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last modified, or FALSE
+ in case of an error.
+ Prototype: int filectime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last changed, or FALSE
+ in case of an error. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp.
+ Prototype: bool touch ( string $filename [, int $time [, int $atime]] );
+ Description: Attempts to set the access and modification times of the file
+ named in the filename parameter to the value given in time.
+ Prototype: void stat_fn(string $filename);
+ Description: Prints access, modification and change times of a file
+function stat_fn( $filename ) {
+ echo "-- File access time is => ";
+ print( @date( 'Y:M:D:H:i:s', fileatime($filename) ) )."\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+ echo "-- File modification time is => ";
+ print( @date( 'Y:M:D:H:i:s', filemtime($filename) ) )."\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+ echo "-- inode change time is => ";
+ print( @date( 'Y:M:D:H:i:s', filectime($filename) ) )."\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+echo "*** Testing fileattime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() : usage variations ***\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+// create files
+$file_handle = fopen("$file_path/005_variation1.tmp", "w");
+$file_handle = fopen("$file_path/005_variation2.tmp", "w");
+$file_handle = fopen("$file_path/005_variation3.tmp", "w");
+// delete files
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, just after creating the file --\n";
+$file_name = "$file_path/005_variation1.tmp";
+$file_write_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+/* filectime + 2 */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after changing the file permission --\n";
+chmod($file_name, 0777);
+/* filemtime + 2 & filectime + 2 */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after writing into the file --\n";
+$file_write_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+fwrite($file_write_handle, b"Hello, world");
+/* fileatime + 2 */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after reading from the file --\n";
+$file_read_handle = fopen($file_name ,"r");
+fread($file_read_handle, 10);
+fclose( $file_read_handle);
+/* No change */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after making a copy of the file --\n";
+$file_copy = "$file_path/005_variation_copy.tmp";
+copy($file_name, $file_copy);
+/* fileatime + 2 */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after performing is_file() operation on the file --\n";
+echo "\n*** Testing touch() function with different time values ***\n";
+$file_name2 = $file_path."/005_variation_touch.tmp";
+$file_handle = fopen($file_name2, "w");
+/* Time is not mentioned */
+var_dump( touch($file_name2) ); //set to current system time
+/* set to access(creation time of the file) time */
+var_dump( touch($file_name2, @date(fileatime($file_name2))) );
+/* set to access time of $file_name2 */
+var_dump( touch($file_path."/005_variation_touch_fly.tmp", @date(fileatime($file_name2)), time()) );
+/* set to default value, with Invalid timestamps */
+var_dump( touch($file_name2, 10) );
+var_dump( touch($file_name2, 10, 20) );
+/* touch() after renaming the file */
+rename($file_name2, "$file_path/005_variation_touch_new.tmp");
+echo "Done\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+*** Testing fileattime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() : usage variations ***
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, just after creating the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after changing the file permission --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after writing into the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after reading from the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after making a copy of the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after performing is_file() operation on the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+*** Testing touch() function with different time values ***
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
--- /dev/null
+Test fileatime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() functions : usage variation
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip Do not run on Windows');
+ Prototype: int fileatime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last accessed, or FALSE
+ in case of an error. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp.
+ Prototype: int filemtime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last modified, or FALSE
+ in case of an error.
+ Prototype: int filectime ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the time the file was last changed, or FALSE
+ in case of an error. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp.
+ Prototype: bool touch ( string $filename [, int $time [, int $atime]] );
+ Description: Attempts to set the access and modification times of the file
+ named in the filename parameter to the value given in time.
+ Prototype: void stat_fn(string $filename);
+ Description: Prints access, modification and change times of a file
+function stat_fn( $filename ) {
+ echo "-- File access time is => ";
+ print( @date( 'Y:M:D:H:i:s', fileatime($filename) ) )."\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+ echo "-- File modification time is => ";
+ print( @date( 'Y:M:D:H:i:s', filemtime($filename) ) )."\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+ echo "-- inode change time is => ";
+ print( @date( 'Y:M:D:H:i:s', filectime($filename) ) )."\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+echo "*** Testing fileattime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() : usage variations ***\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+// create files
+$file_handle = fopen("$file_path/005_variation1.tmp", "w");
+$file_handle = fopen("$file_path/005_variation2.tmp", "w");
+$file_handle = fopen("$file_path/005_variation3.tmp", "w");
+// delete files
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, just after creating the file --\n";
+$file_name = "$file_path/005_variation1.tmp";
+$file_write_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+/* filectime + 2 */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after changing the file permission --\n";
+chmod($file_name, 0777);
+/* filemtime + 2 & filectime + 2 */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after writing into the file --\n";
+$file_write_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+fwrite($file_write_handle, "Hello, world");
+/* fileatime + 2 */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after reading from the file --\n";
+$file_read_handle = fopen($file_name ,"r");
+fread($file_read_handle, 10);
+fclose( $file_read_handle);
+/* No change */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after creating a softlink to the file --\n";
+symlink($file_name, "$file_path/005_variation_softlink.tmp");
+/* filectime + 2 */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after creating a hardlink to the file --\n";
+link($file_name, "$file_path/005_variation_hardlink.tmp");
+/* No change */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after making a copy of the file --\n";
+$file_copy = "$file_path/005_variation_copy.tmp";
+copy($file_name, $file_copy);
+/* fileatime + 2 */
+echo "\n-- Checking different times, after performing is_file() operation on the file --\n";
+echo "\n*** Testing touch() function with different time values ***\n";
+$file_name2 = $file_path."/005_variation_touch.tmp";
+$file_handle = fopen($file_name2, "w");
+/* Time is not mentioned */
+var_dump( touch($file_name2) ); //set to current system time
+/* set to access(creation time of the file) time */
+var_dump( touch($file_name2, @date(fileatime($file_name2))) );
+/* set to access time of $file_name2 */
+var_dump( touch($file_path."/005_variation_touch_fly.tmp", @date(fileatime($file_name2)), time()) );
+/* set to default value, with Invalid timestamps */
+var_dump( touch($file_name2, 10) );
+var_dump( touch($file_name2, 10, 20) );
+/* touch() after renaming the file */
+rename($file_name2, "$file_path/005_variation_touch_new.tmp");
+echo "Done\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+*** Testing fileattime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() : usage variations ***
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, just after creating the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after changing the file permission --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after writing into the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after reading from the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after creating a softlink to the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after creating a hardlink to the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after making a copy of the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- Checking different times, after performing is_file() operation on the file --
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+*** Testing touch() function with different time values ***
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File access time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- File modification time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
+-- inode change time is => %d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d
--- /dev/null
+Test fileperms() & chmod() functions: basic functionality
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip Not on Windows');
+elseif (get_current_user() == 'root') {
+ die( "skip Do not run with root permissions" );
+ Prototype: int fileperms ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the permissions on the file, or FALSE in case of an error
+ Prototype: bool chmod ( string $filename, int $mode );
+ Description: Attempts to change the mode of the file specified by
+ filename to that given in mode
+$path = dirname(__FILE__);
+echo "*** Testing fileperms(), chmod() with files and dirs ***\n";
+fopen($path."/perm.tmp", "w");
+var_dump( chmod($path."/perm.tmp", 0755 ) );
+printf("%o", fileperms($path."/perm.tmp") );
+echo "\n";
+var_dump( chmod( $path."/perm", 0777 ) );
+printf("%o", fileperms($path."/perm") );
+echo "\n";
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing fileperms(), chmod() with files and dirs ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fileperms(), chmod() functions: error conditions
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip Not on Windows');
+elseif (get_current_user() == 'root') {
+ die( "skip Do not run with root permissions" );
+ Prototype: int fileperms ( string $filename )
+ Description: Returns the permissions on the file, or FALSE in case of an error
+ Prototype: bool chmod ( string $filename, int $mode )
+ Description: Attempts to change the mode of the file specified by
+ filename to that given in mode
+echo "*** Testing error conditions for fileperms(), chmod() ***\n";
+/* With standard files and dirs */
+var_dump( chmod("/etc/passwd", 0777) );
+printf("%o", fileperms("/etc/passwd") );
+echo "\n";
+var_dump( chmod("/etc", 0777) );
+printf("%o", fileperms("/etc") );
+echo "\n";
+/* With non-existing file or dir */
+var_dump( chmod("/no/such/file/dir", 0777) );
+var_dump( fileperms("/no/such/file/dir") );
+echo "\n";
+/* With args less than expected */
+$fp = fopen(dirname(__FILE__)."/006_error.tmp", "w");
+var_dump( chmod(dirname(__FILE__)."/006_error.tmp") );
+var_dump( chmod("nofile") );
+var_dump( chmod() );
+var_dump( fileperms() );
+/* With args greater than expected */
+var_dump( chmod(dirname(__FILE__)."/006_error.tmp", 0755, TRUE) );
+var_dump( fileperms(dirname(__FILE__)."/006_error.tmp", 0777) );
+var_dump( fileperms("nofile", 0777) );
+echo "\n*** Done ***\n";
+unlink( dirname(__FILE__)."/006_error.tmp");
+*** Testing error conditions for fileperms(), chmod() ***
+Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in %s on line %d
+Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in %s on line %d
+Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: fileperms(): stat failed for /no/such/file/dir in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for chmod() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for chmod() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for chmod() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fileperms() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for chmod() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fileperms() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fileperms() in %s on line %d
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fileperms() & chmod() functions: usage variation
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip Not on Windows');
+elseif (get_current_user() == 'root') {
+ die( "skip Do not run with root permissions" );
+ Prototype: int fileperms ( string $filename );
+ Description: Returns the permissions on the file, or FALSE in case of an error
+ Prototype: bool chmod ( string $filename, int $mode );
+ Description: Attempts to change the mode of the file specified by
+ filename to that given in mode
+echo "*** Testing fileperms() & chmod() : usage variations ***\n";
+$file_name = dirname(__FILE__)."/006_variation.tmp";
+$file_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+$dir_name = dirname(__FILE__)."/006_variation";
+$count = 1;
+echo "-- Testing all permission from octal 0000 to octal 0777 on file and dir --\n";
+for($mode = 0000; $mode <= 0777; $mode++) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $count --\n";
+ var_dump( chmod($file_name, $mode) );
+ printf("%o", fileperms($file_name) );
+ echo "\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+ var_dump( chmod($dir_name, $mode) );
+ printf("%o", fileperms($dir_name) );
+ echo "\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+ $count++;
+echo "\n*** Testing fileperms(), chmod() with miscellaneous permissions ***\n";
+$perms_array = array(
+ /* testing sticky bit */
+ 07777,
+ 00000,
+ 01000,
+ 011111,
+ /* negative values as permission */
+ -0777, // permissions will be given as 2's complement form of -0777
+ -07777, // permissions will be given as 2's complement form of -07777
+ /* decimal values as permission */
+ 777, // permissions will be given as octal equivalent value of 777
+ 7777, // permissions will be given as octal equivalent value of 7777
+ -7777, // permissions are given as 2's complement of octal equivalent of 7777
+ /* hex value as permission */
+ 0x777, // permissions will be given as ocatal equivalent value of 0x777
+ 0x7777,
+ /* strings notation of permission, wont work properly */
+ "r+w",
+ "r+w+x",
+ "u+rwx",
+ "u+rwx, g+rw, o+wx"
+$count = 1;
+foreach($perms_array as $permission) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $count --\n";
+ var_dump( chmod($file_name, $permission) );
+ printf("%o", fileperms($file_name) );
+ echo "\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+ var_dump( chmod($dir_name, $permission) );
+ printf("%o", fileperms($dir_name) );
+ echo "\n";
+ clearstatcache();
+ $count++;
+echo "*** Done ***\n";
+*** Testing fileperms() & chmod() : usage variations ***
+-- Testing all permission from octal 0000 to octal 0777 on file and dir --
+-- Iteration 1 --
+-- Iteration 2 --
+-- Iteration 3 --
+-- Iteration 4 --
+-- Iteration 5 --
+-- Iteration 6 --
+-- Iteration 7 --
+-- Iteration 8 --
+-- Iteration 9 --
+-- Iteration 10 --
+-- Iteration 11 --
+-- Iteration 12 --
+-- Iteration 13 --
+-- Iteration 14 --
+-- Iteration 15 --
+-- Iteration 16 --
+-- Iteration 17 --
+-- Iteration 18 --
+-- Iteration 19 --
+-- Iteration 20 --
+-- Iteration 21 --
+-- Iteration 22 --
+-- Iteration 23 --
+-- Iteration 24 --
+-- Iteration 25 --
+-- Iteration 26 --
+-- Iteration 27 --
+-- Iteration 28 --
+-- Iteration 29 --
+-- Iteration 30 --
+-- Iteration 31 --
+-- Iteration 32 --
+-- Iteration 33 --
+-- Iteration 34 --
+-- Iteration 35 --
+-- Iteration 36 --
+-- Iteration 37 --
+-- Iteration 38 --
+-- Iteration 39 --
+-- Iteration 40 --
+-- Iteration 41 --
+-- Iteration 42 --
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+-- Iteration 44 --
+-- Iteration 45 --
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+-- Iteration 51 --
+-- Iteration 52 --
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+-- Iteration 60 --
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+-- Iteration 473 --
+-- Iteration 474 --
+-- Iteration 475 --
+-- Iteration 476 --
+-- Iteration 477 --
+-- Iteration 478 --
+-- Iteration 479 --
+-- Iteration 480 --
+-- Iteration 481 --
+-- Iteration 482 --
+-- Iteration 483 --
+-- Iteration 484 --
+-- Iteration 485 --
+-- Iteration 486 --
+-- Iteration 487 --
+-- Iteration 488 --
+-- Iteration 489 --
+-- Iteration 490 --
+-- Iteration 491 --
+-- Iteration 492 --
+-- Iteration 493 --
+-- Iteration 494 --
+-- Iteration 495 --
+-- Iteration 496 --
+-- Iteration 497 --
+-- Iteration 498 --
+-- Iteration 499 --
+-- Iteration 500 --
+-- Iteration 501 --
+-- Iteration 502 --
+-- Iteration 503 --
+-- Iteration 504 --
+-- Iteration 505 --
+-- Iteration 506 --
+-- Iteration 507 --
+-- Iteration 508 --
+-- Iteration 509 --
+-- Iteration 510 --
+-- Iteration 511 --
+-- Iteration 512 --
+*** Testing fileperms(), chmod() with miscellaneous permissions ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+-- Iteration 2 --
+-- Iteration 3 --
+-- Iteration 4 --
+-- Iteration 5 --
+-- Iteration 6 --
+-- Iteration 7 --
+-- Iteration 8 --
+-- Iteration 9 --
+-- Iteration 10 --
+-- Iteration 11 --
+-- Iteration 12 --
+-- Iteration 13 --
+-- Iteration 14 --
+-- Iteration 15 --
+*** Done ***
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test fopen(), fclose() & feof() functions: basic functionality
+ Prototype: resource fopen(string $filename, string $mode
+ [, bool $use_include_path [, resource $context]] );
+ Description: Opens file or URL.
+ Prototype: bool fclose ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Closes an open file pointer
+ Prototype: bool feof ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer
+echo "*** Testing basic operations of fopen() and fclose() functions ***\n";
+$modes = array(
+ "w",
+ "wb",
+ "wt",
+ "w+",
+ "w+b",
+ "w+t",
+ "r",
+ "rb",
+ "rt",
+ "r+",
+ "r+b",
+ "r+t",
+ "a",
+ "ab",
+ "at",
+ "a+",
+ "a+t",
+ "a+b"
+for( $i=0; $i<count($modes); $i++ ) {
+ echo "\n-- Iteration with mode '$modes[$i]' --\n";
+ $filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/007_basic.tmp";
+ // check fopen()
+ $handle = fopen($filename, $modes[$i]);
+ var_dump($handle );
+ var_dump( ftell($handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($handle) );
+ // check fclose()
+ var_dump( fclose($handle) );
+ var_dump( $handle );
+ // confirm the closure, using ftell() and feof(), expect, false
+ var_dump( ftell($handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($handle) );
+// remove the temp file
+$x_modes = array(
+ "x",
+ "xb",
+ "xt",
+ "x+",
+ "x+b",
+ "x+t"
+for( $i=0; $i<count($x_modes); $i++ ) {
+ echo "\n-- Iteration with mode '$x_modes[$i]' --\n";
+ $handle = fopen($filename, $x_modes[$i]);
+ var_dump($handle );
+ var_dump( ftell($handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($handle) );
+ // check fclose()
+ var_dump( fclose($handle) );
+ var_dump( $handle );
+ // confirm the closure, using ftell() and feof(), expect, false
+ var_dump( ftell($handle) );
+ var_dump( feof($handle) );
+ var_dump( $handle );
+ // remove the file
+ unlink( $filename );
+echo "\n*** Done ***\n";
+*** Testing basic operations of fopen() and fclose() functions ***
+-- Iteration with mode 'w' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'wb' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'wt' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'w+' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'w+b' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'w+t' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'r' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'rb' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'rt' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'r+' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'r+b' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'r+t' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'a' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'ab' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'at' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'a+' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'a+t' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'a+b' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration with mode 'x' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+-- Iteration with mode 'xb' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+-- Iteration with mode 'xt' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+-- Iteration with mode 'x+' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+-- Iteration with mode 'x+b' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+-- Iteration with mode 'x+t' --
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+Warning: ftell(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): %d is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+resource(%d) of type (Unknown)
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fopen, fclose() & feof() functions: error conditions
+ Prototype: resource fopen(string $filename, string $mode
+ [, bool $use_include_path [, resource $context]] );
+ Description: Opens file or URL.
+ Prototype: bool fclose ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Closes an open file pointer
+ Prototype: bool feof ( resource $handle )
+ Description: Returns TRUE if the file pointer is at EOF or an error occurs
+ (including socket timeout); otherwise returns FALSE.
+echo "*** Testing error conditions for fopen(), fclsoe() & feof() ***\n";
+/* Arguments less than minimum no.of args */
+// fopen ()
+var_dump(fopen(__FILE__)); // one valid argument
+var_dump(fopen()); // zero argument
+// fclose()
+$fp = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
+var_dump( fclose($fp) ); // closed handle
+var_dump( fclose(__FILE__) ); // invalid handle
+var_dump( fclose() ); // zero argument
+var_dump( feof($fp) ); // closed handle
+var_dump( feof(__FILE__) ); // invalid handle
+var_dump( feof() ); //zero argument
+/* Arguments greater than maximum no.of ags */
+var_dump(fopen(__FILE__, "r", TRUE, "www.example.com", 100));
+$fp = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
+var_dump( fclose($fp, "handle") );
+var_dump( feof($fp, "handle"));
+/* test invalid arguments : non-resources */
+echo "-- Testing fopen(), fclose() & feof() with invalid arguments --\n";
+$invalid_args = array (
+ "string",
+ 10,
+ 10.5,
+ true,
+ array(1,2,3),
+ new stdclass,
+ ""
+/* loop to test fclose with different invalid type of args */
+for($loop_counter = 1; $loop_counter <= count($invalid_args); $loop_counter++) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $loop_counter --\n";
+ var_dump( fopen($invalid_args[$loop_counter - 1], "r") );
+ var_dump( fclose($invalid_args[$loop_counter - 1]) );
+ var_dump( feof($invalid_args[$loop_counter - 1]) );
+*** Testing error conditions for fopen(), fclsoe() & feof() ***
+Warning: fopen() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
+Warning: fopen() expects at least 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d
+Warning: fclose(): 5 is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fclose() in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): 5 is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for feof() in %s on line %d
+Warning: fopen() expects at most 4 parameters, 5 given in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fclose() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for feof() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing fopen(), fclose() & feof() with invalid arguments --
+-- Iteration 1 --
+Warning: fopen(string): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 2 --
+Warning: fopen(10): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 3 --
+Warning: fopen(10.5): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 4 --
+Warning: fopen(1): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 5 --
+Warning: fopen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d
+Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 6 --
+Warning: fopen() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in %s on line %d
+Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 7 --
+Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 8 --
+Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test popen() and pclose function: basic functionality
+if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN' )
+ die("skip Not Valid for Linux");
+ * Prototype: resource popen ( string command, string mode )
+ * Description: Opens process file pointer.
+ * Prototype: int pclose ( resource handle );
+ * Description: Closes process file pointer.
+ */
+echo "*** Testing popen(): reading from the pipe ***\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$string = "Sample String";
+$file_handle = popen(" echo $string", "r");
+echo "*** Testing popen(): writing to the pipe ***\n";
+$arr = array("ggg", "ddd", "aaa", "sss");
+$file_handle = popen("sort", "w");
+$newline = "\n";
+foreach($arr as $str) {
+ fwrite($file_handle, $str);
+ fwrite($file_handle, $newline);
+echo "*** Testing popen() and pclose(): return type ***\n";
+$return_value_popen = popen("echo $string", "r");
+var_dump( is_resource($return_value_popen) );
+$return_value_pclose = pclose($return_value_popen);
+var_dump( is_int($return_value_pclose) );
+echo "\n--- Done ---";
+*** Testing popen(): reading from the pipe ***
+Sample String
+*** Testing popen(): writing to the pipe ***
+*** Testing popen() and pclose(): return type ***
+Sample String
+--- Done ---
--- /dev/null
+Test popen() and pclose function: basic functionality
+if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN' )
+ die("skip Not Valid for Windows");
+ * Prototype: resource popen ( string command, string mode )
+ * Description: Opens process file pointer.
+ *
+ * Prototype: int pclose ( resource handle );
+ * Description: Closes process file pointer.
+ */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+echo "*** Testing popen() and pclose() with different processes ***\n";
+echo "-- Testing popen(): reading from the pipe --\n";
+$dirpath = $file_path."/popen_basic";
+define('CMD', "ls $dirpath");
+$file_handle = popen(CMD, 'r');
+echo "-- Testing popen(): reading from a file using 'cat' command --\n";
+create_files($dirpath, 1, "text_with_new_line", 0755, 100, "w", "popen_basic", 1, "bytes");
+$filename = $dirpath."/popen_basic1.tmp";
+$command = "cat $filename";
+$file_handle = popen($command, "r");
+$return_value = fpassthru($file_handle);
+echo "\n";
+delete_files($dirpath, 1);
+echo "*** Testing popen(): writing to the pipe ***\n";
+$arr = array("ggg", "ddd", "aaa", "sss");
+$file_handle = popen("sort", "w");
+$counter = 0;
+$newline = "\n";
+foreach($arr as $str) {
+ fwrite($file_handle, $str);
+ fwrite($file_handle, $newline);
+echo "*** Testing for return type of popen() and pclose() functions ***\n";
+$string = "Test String";
+$return_value_popen = popen("echo $string", "r");
+var_dump( is_resource($return_value_popen) );
+$return_value_pclose = pclose($return_value_popen);
+var_dump( is_int($return_value_pclose) );
+echo "\n--- Done ---";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$dirpath = $file_path."/popen_basic";
+*** Testing popen() and pclose() with different processes ***
+-- Testing popen(): reading from the pipe --
+-- Testing popen(): reading from a file using 'cat' command --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of text
+line of text
+line of text
+*** Testing popen(): writing to the pipe ***
+*** Testing for return type of popen() and pclose() functions ***
+Test String
+--- Done ---
+*** Testing popen() and pclose() with different processes ***
+-- Testing popen(): reading from the pipe --
+-- Testing popen(): reading from a file using 'cat' command --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of text
+line of text
+line of text
+*** Testing popen(): writing to the pipe ***
+*** Testing for return type of popen() and pclose() functions ***
+Test String
+--- Done ---
--- /dev/null
+Test popen() and pclose function: error conditions
+if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN' )
+ die("skip Not Valid for Linux");
+ * Prototype: resource popen ( string command, string mode )
+ * Description: Opens process file pointer.
+ * Prototype: int pclose ( resource handle );
+ * Description: Closes process file pointer.
+ */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+echo "*** Testing for error conditions ***\n";
+var_dump( popen() ); // Zero Arguments
+var_dump( popen("abc.txt") ); // Single Argument
+var_dump( popen("abc.txt", "rw") ); // Invalid mode Argument
+var_dump( pclose() );
+$file_handle = fopen($file_path."/popen.tmp", "w");
+var_dump( pclose($file_handle, $file_handle) );
+var_dump( pclose(1) );
+echo "\n--- Done ---";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+*** Testing for error conditions ***
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for popen() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for popen() in %s on line %d
+resource(%d) of type (stream)
+'abc.txt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
+operable program or batch file.
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for pclose() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for pclose() in %s on line %d
+Warning: pclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+--- Done ---
--- /dev/null
+Test popen() and pclose function: error conditions
+if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN' )
+ die("skip Not Valid for Windows");
+ * Prototype: resource popen ( string command, string mode )
+ * Description: Opens process file pointer.
+ * Prototype: int pclose ( resource handle );
+ * Description: Closes process file pointer.
+ */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+echo "*** Testing for error conditions ***\n";
+var_dump( popen() ); // Zero Arguments
+var_dump( popen("abc.txt") ); // Single Argument
+var_dump( popen("abc.txt", "rw") ); // Invalid mode Argument
+var_dump( pclose() );
+$file_handle = fopen($file_path."/popen.tmp", "w");
+var_dump( pclose($file_handle, $file_handle) );
+var_dump( pclose(1) );
+echo "\n--- Done ---";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+*** Testing for error conditions ***
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for popen() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for popen() in %s on line %d
+Warning: popen(abc.txt,rw): Invalid argument in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for pclose() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for pclose() in %s on line %d
+Warning: pclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+--- Done ---
--- /dev/null
+Test readlink() and realpath functions: basic functionality
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: string readlink ( string $path );
+ Description: Returns the target of a symbolic link
+ Prototype: string realpath ( string $path );
+ Description: Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
+/* creating directories, symbolic links and files */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+mkdir("$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/", 0777, true);
+$file_handle1 = fopen("$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp", "w");
+$file_handle2 = fopen("$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp", "w");
+$file_handle3 = fopen("$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp", "w");
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp");
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp");
+echo "*** Testing readlink() and realpath(): with valid and invalid path ***\n";
+$linknames = array (
+ /* linknames resulting in valid paths */
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic//home/test//../test/./readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp",
+ // checking for binary safe
+ b"$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp",
+ /* linknames with invalid linkpath */
+ "$file_path///readlink_realpath_basic/home//..//././test//readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/../home/../test/../readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/..readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp/"
+$counter = 1;
+/* loop through $files to read the linkpath of
+ the link created from each $file in the above array */
+foreach($linknames as $link) {
+ echo "\n-- Iteration $counter --\n";
+ var_dump( readlink($link) );
+ var_dump( realpath($link) );
+ $counter++;
+echo "\n*** Testing realpath() on filenames ***\n";
+$filenames = array (
+ /* filenames resulting in valid paths */
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic//home/test//../test/./readlink_realpath_basic.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home//../././readlink_realpath_basic.tmp",
+ // checking for binary safe
+ b"$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp",
+ /* filenames with invalid path */
+ "$file_path///readlink_realpath_basic/home//..//././test//readlink_realpath_basic.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/home/../home/../test/../readlink_realpath_basic.tmp",
+ "$file_path/readlink_realpath_basic/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp/"
+$counter = 1;
+/* loop through $files to read the filepath of $file in the above array */
+foreach($filenames as $file) {
+ echo "\n-- Iteration $counter --\n";
+ var_dump( realpath($file) );
+ $counter++;
+echo "Done\n";
+$name_prefix = dirname(__FILE__)."/readlink_realpath_basic";
+*** Testing readlink() and realpath(): with valid and invalid path ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic_link.tmp"
+-- Iteration 5 --
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 6 --
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 7 --
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 8 --
+Warning: readlink(): Not a directory in %s on line %d
+*** Testing realpath() on filenames ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/test/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_basic/home/readlink_realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 6 --
+-- Iteration 7 --
+-- Iteration 8 --
--- /dev/null
+Test readlink() and realpath() functions: error conditions
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: string readlink ( string $path );
+ Description: Returns the target of a symbolic link
+ Prototype: string realpath ( string $path );
+ Description: Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
+echo "*** Testing readlink(): error conditions ***\n";
+var_dump( readlink() ); // args < expected
+var_dump( readlink(__FILE__, 2) ); // args > expected
+echo "\n*** Testing readlink() on a non-existent link ***\n";
+var_dump( readlink(dirname(__FILE__)."/readlink_error.tmp") );
+echo "\n*** Testing readlink() on existing file ***\n";
+var_dump( readlink(__FILE__) );
+echo "\n*** Testing readlink() on existing directory ***\n";
+var_dump( readlink(dirname(__FILE__)) );
+echo "*** Testing realpath(): error conditions ***\n";
+var_dump( realpath() ); // args < expected
+var_dump( realpath(1, 2) ); // args > expected
+echo "\n*** Testing realpath() on a non-existent file ***\n";
+var_dump( realpath(dirname(__FILE__)."/realpath_error.tmp") );
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing readlink(): error conditions ***
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for readlink() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for readlink() in %s on line %d
+*** Testing readlink() on a non-existent link ***
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+*** Testing readlink() on existing file ***
+Warning: readlink(): Invalid argument in %s on line %d
+*** Testing readlink() on existing directory ***
+Warning: readlink(): Invalid argument in %s on line %d
+*** Testing realpath(): error conditions ***
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for realpath() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for realpath() in %s on line %d
+*** Testing realpath() on a non-existent file ***
--- /dev/null
+Test readlink() and realpath() functions: usage variation
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: string readlink ( string $path );
+ Description: Returns the target of a symbolic link
+ Prototype: string realpath ( string $path );
+ Description: Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
+require dirname(__FILE__).'/file.inc';
+echo "*** Testing readlink() and realpath() : usage variations ***\n";
+$name_prefix = dirname(__FILE__);
+$filename = "$name_prefix/readlink_realpath_variation/home/tests/link/readlink_realpath_variation.tmp";
+mkdir("$name_prefix/readlink_realpath_variation/home/tests/link/", 0777, true);
+echo "\n*** Testing readlink() and realpath() with linkname stored inside a object ***\n";
+// create a temp file
+$file_handle = fopen($filename, "w");
+// creating object with members as linkname
+class object_temp {
+ public $linkname;
+ function object_temp($link) {
+ $this->linkname = $link;
+ }
+$obj1 = new object_temp("$name_prefix/readlink_realpath_variation/../././readlink_realpath_variation/home/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp");
+$obj2 = new object_temp("$name_prefix/readlink_realpath_variation/home/../..///readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp");
+echo "\n-- Testing readlink() and realpath() with softlink, linkname stored inside an object --\n";
+// creating the links
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $obj1->linkname) );
+var_dump( readlink($obj1->linkname) );
+var_dump( realpath($obj1->linkname) );
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $obj2->linkname) );
+var_dump( readlink($obj2->linkname) );
+var_dump( realpath($obj2->linkname) );
+// deleting the link
+echo "\n-- Testing readlink() and realpath() with hardlink, linkname stored inside an object --\n";
+// creating hard links
+var_dump( link($filename, $obj1->linkname) );
+var_dump( readlink($obj1->linkname) ); // invalid because readlink doesn't work with hardlink
+var_dump( realpath($obj1->linkname) );
+var_dump( link($filename, $obj2->linkname) );
+var_dump( readlink($obj2->linkname) ); // invalid because readlink doesn't work with hardlink
+var_dump( realpath($obj2->linkname) );
+// delete the links
+echo "\n*** Testing readlink() and realpath() with linkname stored in an array ***\n";
+$link_arr = array (
+ "$name_prefix////readlink_realpath_variation/home/tests/link/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp",
+ "$name_prefix/./readlink_realpath_variation/home/../home//tests//..//..//..//home//readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp/"
+echo "\n-- Testing readlink() and realpath() with softlink, linkname stored inside an array --\n";
+// creating the links
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $link_arr[0]) );
+var_dump( readlink($link_arr[0]) );
+var_dump( realpath($link_arr[0]) );
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $link_arr[1]) );
+var_dump( readlink($link_arr[1]) );
+var_dump( realpath($link_arr[1]) );
+// deleting the link
+echo "\n-- Testing readlink() and realpath() with hardlink, linkname stored inside an array --\n";
+// creating hard links
+var_dump( link($filename, $link_arr[0]) );
+var_dump( readlink($link_arr[0]) ); // invalid because readlink doesn't work with hardlink
+var_dump( realpath($link_arr[0]) );
+var_dump( link($filename, $link_arr[1]) );
+var_dump( readlink($link_arr[1]) ); // invalid because readlink doesn't work with hardlink
+var_dump( realpath($link_arr[1]) );
+// delete the links
+echo "\n*** Testing readlink() and realpath() with linkname as empty string, NULL and single space ***\n";
+$link_string = array (
+ /* linkname as spaces */
+ " ",
+ ' ',
+ /* empty linkname */
+ "",
+ '',
+ null
+ );
+for($loop_counter = 0; $loop_counter < count($link_string); $loop_counter++) {
+ echo "-- Iteration";
+ echo $loop_counter + 1;
+ echo " --\n";
+ var_dump( readlink($link_string[$loop_counter]) );
+ var_dump( realpath($link_string[$loop_counter]) );
+echo "Done\n";
+$name_prefix = dirname(__FILE__)."/readlink_realpath_variation";
+*** Testing readlink() and realpath() : usage variations ***
+*** Testing readlink() and realpath() with linkname stored inside a object ***
+-- Testing readlink() and realpath() with softlink, linkname stored inside an object --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_variation/home/tests/link/readlink_realpath_variation.tmp"
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_variation/home/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp"
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_variation/home/tests/link/readlink_realpath_variation.tmp"
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp"
+-- Testing readlink() and realpath() with hardlink, linkname stored inside an object --
+Warning: readlink(): Invalid argument in %s on line %d
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_variation/home/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp"
+Warning: readlink(): Invalid argument in %s on line %d
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp"
+*** Testing readlink() and realpath() with linkname stored in an array ***
+-- Testing readlink() and realpath() with softlink, linkname stored inside an array --
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_variation/home/tests/link/readlink_realpath_variation.tmp"
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_variation/home/tests/link/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp"
+Warning: symlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+string(%d) "%s/home/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp"
+Warning: unlink(%s/./readlink_realpath_variation/home/../home//tests//..//..//..//home//readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp/): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+-- Testing readlink() and realpath() with hardlink, linkname stored inside an array --
+Warning: readlink(): Invalid argument in %s on line %d
+string(%d) "%s/readlink_realpath_variation/home/tests/link/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp"
+Warning: link(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+string(%d) "%s/home/readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp"
+Warning: unlink(%s/./readlink_realpath_variation/home/../home//tests//..//..//..//home//readlink_realpath_variation_link.tmp/): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+*** Testing readlink() and realpath() with linkname as empty string, NULL and single space ***
+-- Iteration1 --
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration2 --
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration3 --
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+string(%d) "%s"
+-- Iteration4 --
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+string(%d) "%s"
+-- Iteration5 --
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+string(%d) "%s"
+-- Iteration6 --
+Warning: readlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+string(%d) "%s"
--- /dev/null
+Test realpath() function: basic functionality
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
+ die('skip only on Windows');
+/* Prototype: string realpath ( string $path );
+ Description: Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
+echo "\n*** Testing basic functions of realpath() with files ***\n";
+/* creating directories and files */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+mkdir("$file_path/realpath_basic/home/test/", 0777, true);
+$file_handle1 = fopen("$file_path/realpath_basic/home/test/realpath_basic.tmp", "w");
+$file_handle2 = fopen("$file_path/realpath_basic/home/realpath_basic.tmp", "w");
+$file_handle3 = fopen("$file_path/realpath_basic/realpath_basic.tmp", "w");
+echo "\n*** Testing realpath() on filenames ***\n";
+$filenames = array (
+ /* filenames resulting in valid paths */
+ "$file_path/realpath_basic/home/realpath_basic.tmp",
+ "$file_path/realpath_basic/realpath_basic.tmp/",
+ "$file_path/realpath_basic//home/test//../test/./realpath_basic.tmp",
+ "$file_path/realpath_basic/home//../././realpath_basic.tmp//",
+ /* filenames with invalid path */
+ // checking for binary safe
+ "$file_path/realpath_basicx000/home/realpath_basic.tmp",
+ "$file_path///realpath_basic/home//..//././test//realpath_basic.tmp",
+ "$file_path/realpath_basic/home/../home/../test/..realpath_basic.tmp"
+$counter = 1;
+/* loop through $files to read the filepath of $file in the above array */
+foreach($filenames as $file) {
+ echo "\n-- Iteration $counter --\n";
+ var_dump( realpath($file) );
+ $counter++;
+echo "Done\n";
+$name_prefix = dirname(__FILE__)."/realpath_basic";
+*** Testing basic functions of realpath() with files ***
+*** Testing realpath() on filenames ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(%d) "%s\realpath_basic\home\realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(%d) "%s\realpath_basic\realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(%d) "%s\realpath_basic\home\test\realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(%d) "%s\realpath_basic\realpath_basic.tmp"
+-- Iteration 5 --
+-- Iteration 6 --
+-- Iteration 7 --
--- /dev/null
+Test realpath() function: error conditions
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
+ die('skip only on Windows');
+/* Prototype: string realpath ( string $path );
+ Description: Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
+echo "*** Testing realpath() for error conditions ***\n";
+var_dump( realpath() ); // args < expected
+var_dump( realpath(1, 2) ); // args > expected
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing realpath() for error conditions ***
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for realpath() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for realpath() in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test realpath() function: usage variation
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
+ die('skip only on Windows');
+/* Prototype: string realpath ( string $path );
+ Description: Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
+require dirname(__FILE__).'/file.inc';
+echo "*** Testing realpath(): usage variations ***\n";
+$name_prefix = dirname(__FILE__);
+$filename = "$name_prefix/realpath_variation/home/tests/realpath_variation.tmp";
+mkdir("$name_prefix/realpath_variation/home/tests/", 0777, true);
+echo "\n*** Testing realpath() with filename stored inside a object ***\n";
+// create a temp file
+$file_handle = fopen($filename, "w");
+// creating object with members as filename
+class object_temp {
+ public $filename;
+ function object_temp($file) {
+ $this->filename = $file;
+ }
+$obj1 = new object_temp("$name_prefix/realpath_variation/../././realpath_variation/home/tests/realpath_variation.tmp");
+$obj2 = new object_temp("$name_prefix/realpath_variation/home/..///realpath_variation.tmp");
+var_dump( realpath($obj1->filename) );
+var_dump( realpath($obj2->filename) );
+echo "\n*** Testing realpath() with filename stored in an array ***\n";
+$file_arr = array (
+ "$name_prefix////realpath_variation/home/tests/realpath_variation.tmp",
+ "$name_prefix/./realpath_variation/home/../home//tests//..//..//..//home//realpath_variation.tmp/"
+var_dump( realpath($file_arr[0]) );
+var_dump( realpath($file_arr[1]) );
+echo "\n*** Testing realpath() with filename as empty string, NULL and single space ***\n";
+$file_string = array (
+ /* filename as spaces */
+ " ",
+ ' ',
+ /* empty filename */
+ "",
+ '',
+ null
+ );
+for($loop_counter = 0; $loop_counter < count($file_string); $loop_counter++) {
+ echo "-- Iteration";
+ echo $loop_counter + 1;
+ echo " --\n";
+ var_dump( realpath($file_string[$loop_counter]) );
+echo "Done\n";
+$name_prefix = dirname(__FILE__)."/realpath_variation";
+*** Testing realpath(): usage variations ***
+*** Testing realpath() with filename stored inside a object ***
+string(%d) "%s\realpath_variation\home\tests\realpath_variation.tmp"
+*** Testing realpath() with filename stored in an array ***
+string(%d) "%s\realpath_variation\home\tests\realpath_variation.tmp"
+*** Testing realpath() with filename as empty string, NULL and single space ***
+-- Iteration1 --
+-- Iteration2 --
+-- Iteration3 --
+string(%d) "%s"
+-- Iteration4 --
+string(%d) "%s"
+-- Iteration5 --
+string(%d) "%s"
+-- Iteration6 --
+string(%d) "%s"