Problem: Quickfix buffer shows up in list, can't get buffer number.
Solution: Make the quickfix buffer unlisted when the quickfix window is
closed. get the quickfix buffer number with getqflist().
(Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #4113)
-*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Feb 22
+*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Mar 02
confirm({msg} [, {choices} [, {default} [, {type}]]])
- Confirm() offers the user a dialog, from which a choice can be
+ confirm() offers the user a dialog, from which a choice can be
made. It returns the number of the choice. For the first
choice this is 1.
Note: confirm() is only supported when compiled with dialog
all "README" files in the current directory and below: >
:echo expand("**/README")
- Expand() can also be used to expand variables and environment
+ expand() can also be used to expand variables and environment
variables that are only known in a shell. But this can be
slow, because a shell may be used to do the expansion. See
If the optional {what} dictionary argument is supplied, then
returns the items listed in {what} as a dictionary. Refer to
|getqflist()| for the supported items in {what}.
- If {what} contains 'filewinid', then returns the id of the
- window used to display files from the location list. This
- field is applicable only when called from a location list
- window. See |location-list-file-window| for more details.
+ In addition to the items supported by |getqflist()| in {what},
+ the following item is supported by |getloclist()|:
+ filewinid id of the window used to display files
+ from the location list. This field is
+ applicable only when called from a
+ location list window. See
+ |location-list-file-window| for more
+ details.
getmatches() *getmatches()*
Returns a |List| with all matches previously defined by
nr get information for this quickfix list; zero
means the current quickfix list and "$" means
the last quickfix list
+ qfbufnr number of the buffer displayed in the quickfix
+ window. Returns 0 if the quickfix buffer is
+ not present. See |quickfix-buffer|.
size number of entries in the quickfix list
title get the list title |quickfix-title|
winid get the quickfix |window-ID|
items quickfix list entries. If not present, set to
an empty list.
nr quickfix list number. If not present, set to 0
+ qfbufnr number of the buffer displayed in the quickfix
+ window. If not present, set to 0.
size number of entries in the quickfix list. If not
present, set to 0.
title quickfix list title text. If not present, set
commands are skipped.
When {pattern} is omitted all errors are caught.
Examples: >
- :catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/ " catch interrupts (CTRL-C)
- :catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E/ " catch all Vim errors
- :catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:/ " catch errors and interrupts
- :catch /^Vim(write):/ " catch all errors in :write
- :catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E123/ " catch error E123
- :catch /my-exception/ " catch user exception
- :catch /.*/ " catch everything
- :catch " same as /.*/
+ :catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/ " catch interrupts (CTRL-C)
+ :catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E/ " catch all Vim errors
+ :catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:/ " catch errors and interrupts
+ :catch /^Vim(write):/ " catch all errors in :write
+ :catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E123:/ " catch error E123
+ :catch /my-exception/ " catch user exception
+ :catch /.*/ " catch everything
+ :catch " same as /.*/
Another character can be used instead of / around the
{pattern}, so long as it does not have a special
second quickfix window. If [height] is given the
existing window will be resized to it.
+ *quickfix-buffer*
The window will contain a special buffer, with
'buftype' equal to "quickfix". Don't change this!
The window will have the w:quickfix_title variable set
status line if the value of 'statusline' is adjusted
properly. Whenever this buffer is modified by a
quickfix command or function, the |b:changedtick|
- variable is incremented.
+ variable is incremented. You can get the number of
+ this buffer using the getqflist() and getloclist()
+ functions by passing the 'qfbufnr' item. For a
+ location list, this buffer is wiped out when the
+ location list is removed.
*:lop* *:lopen*
:lop[en] [height] Open a window to show the location list for the
" get the quickfix list window id
:echo getqflist({'winid' : 0}).winid
+ " get the quickfix list window buffer number
+ :echo getqflist({'qfbufnr' : 0}).qfbufnr
" get the context of the current location list
:echo getloclist(0, {'context' : 0}).context
" get the location list window id of the third window
:echo getloclist(3, {'winid' : 0}).winid
+ " get the location list window buffer number of the third window
+ :echo getloclist(3, {'qfbufnr' : 0}).qfbufnr
" get the file window id of a location list window (winnr: 4)
:echo getloclist(4, {'filewinid' : 0}).filewinid
return 0;
+ * Returns the number of the buffer displayed in the quickfix/location list
+ * window. If there is no buffer associated with the list, then returns 0.
+ */
+ static int
+qf_getprop_qfbufnr(qf_info_T *qi, dict_T *retdict)
+ return dict_add_number(retdict, "qfbufnr",
+ (qi == NULL) ? 0 : qi->qf_bufnr);
* Convert the keys in 'what' to quickfix list property flags.
if (loclist && dict_find(what, (char_u *)"filewinid", -1) != NULL)
+ if (dict_find(what, (char_u *)"qfbufnr", -1) != NULL)
return flags;
status = dict_add_number(retdict, "changedtick", 0);
if ((status == OK) && locstack && (flags & QF_GETLIST_FILEWINID))
status = dict_add_number(retdict, "filewinid", 0);
+ if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_QFBUFNR))
+ status = qf_getprop_qfbufnr(qi, retdict);
return status;
status = dict_add_number(retdict, "changedtick", qfl->qf_changedtick);
if ((status == OK) && (wp != NULL) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_FILEWINID))
status = qf_getprop_filewinid(wp, qi, retdict);
+ if ((status == OK) && (flags & QF_GETLIST_QFBUFNR))
+ status = qf_getprop_qfbufnr(qi, retdict);
return status;
call assert_equal(0, g:Xgetlist({'changedtick' : 0}).changedtick)
if a:cchar == 'c'
call assert_equal({'context' : '', 'id' : 0, 'idx' : 0,
- \ 'items' : [], 'nr' : 0, 'size' : 0,
+ \ 'items' : [], 'nr' : 0, 'size' : 0, 'qfbufnr' : 0,
\ 'title' : '', 'winid' : 0, 'changedtick': 0},
\ g:Xgetlist({'all' : 0}))
call assert_equal({'context' : '', 'id' : 0, 'idx' : 0,
\ 'items' : [], 'nr' : 0, 'size' : 0, 'title' : '',
- \ 'winid' : 0, 'changedtick': 0, 'filewinid' : 0},
+ \ 'winid' : 0, 'changedtick': 0, 'filewinid' : 0,
+ \ 'qfbufnr' : 0},
\ g:Xgetlist({'all' : 0}))
" Quickfix window with empty stack
silent! Xopen
let qfwinid = (a:cchar == 'c') ? win_getid() : 0
+ let qfbufnr = (a:cchar == 'c') ? bufnr('') : 0
call assert_equal(qfwinid, g:Xgetlist({'winid' : 0}).winid)
if a:cchar == 'c'
call assert_equal({'context' : '', 'id' : 0, 'idx' : 0, 'items' : [],
\ 'nr' : 0, 'size' : 0, 'title' : '', 'winid' : 0,
+ \ 'qfbufnr' : qfbufnr,
\ 'changedtick' : 0}, g:Xgetlist({'id' : qfid, 'all' : 0}))
call assert_equal({'context' : '', 'id' : 0, 'idx' : 0, 'items' : [],
\ 'nr' : 0, 'size' : 0, 'title' : '', 'winid' : 0,
- \ 'changedtick' : 0, 'filewinid' : 0},
+ \ 'changedtick' : 0, 'filewinid' : 0, 'qfbufnr' : 0},
\ g:Xgetlist({'id' : qfid, 'all' : 0}))
if a:cchar == 'c'
call assert_equal({'context' : '', 'id' : 0, 'idx' : 0, 'items' : [],
\ 'nr' : 0, 'size' : 0, 'title' : '', 'winid' : 0,
- \ 'changedtick' : 0}, g:Xgetlist({'nr' : 5, 'all' : 0}))
+ \ 'changedtick' : 0, 'qfbufnr' : qfbufnr},
+ \ g:Xgetlist({'nr' : 5, 'all' : 0}))
call assert_equal({'context' : '', 'id' : 0, 'idx' : 0, 'items' : [],
\ 'nr' : 0, 'size' : 0, 'title' : '', 'winid' : 0,
- \ 'changedtick' : 0, 'filewinid' : 0},
+ \ 'changedtick' : 0, 'filewinid' : 0, 'qfbufnr' : 0},
\ g:Xgetlist({'nr' : 5, 'all' : 0}))
" Even after the quickfix window is closed, the buffer should be loaded
call assert_true(bufloaded(qfbnum))
+ call assert_true(qfbnum, g:Xgetlist({'qfbufnr' : 0}).qfbufnr)
" Buffer should be reused when opening the window again
call assert_equal(qfbnum, bufnr(''))
" When the location list window is closed, the buffer name should not
" change to 'Quickfix List'
- call assert_match(qfbnum . ' h- "\[Location List]"', execute('ls'))
+ call assert_match(qfbnum . 'u h- "\[Location List]"', execute('ls!'))
call assert_true(bufloaded(qfbnum))
" After deleting a location list buffer using ":bdelete", opening the
" removed
call setloclist(0, [], 'f')
call assert_false(bufexists(qfbnum))
+ call assert_equal(0, getloclist(0, {'qfbufnr' : 0}).qfbufnr)
" When the location list is freed with the location list window open, the
" location list buffer should not be lost. It should be reused when the
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1015,
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
- /* Avoid trouble with scrollbars that are going to be deleted in
- * win_free(). */
+ // Avoid trouble with scrollbars that are going to be deleted in
+ // win_free().
if (gui.in_use)
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
- /* Free independent synblock before the buffer is freed. */
+ // Free independent synblock before the buffer is freed.
if (win->w_buffer != NULL)
+ // When the quickfix/location list window is closed, unlist the buffer.
+ if (win->w_buffer != NULL && bt_quickfix(win->w_buffer))
+ win->w_buffer->b_p_bl = FALSE;
* Close the link to the buffer.