Unless you use some sort of integrated development environment, you will end up
*typing* Windows commands into what is variously referred to as a "DOS window"
or "Command prompt window". Usually you can create such a window from your
-Start menu; under Windows 7 the menu selection is :menuselection:`Start -->
-Programs --> Accessories --> Command Prompt`. You should be able to recognize
+search bar by searching for ``cmd``. You should be able to recognize
when you have started such a window because you will see a Windows "command
prompt", which usually looks like this:
program. So, how do you arrange for the interpreter to handle your Python?
First, you need to make sure that your command window recognises the word
-"python" as an instruction to start the interpreter. If you have opened a
-command window, you should try entering the command ``python`` and hitting
+"py" as an instruction to start the interpreter. If you have opened a
+command window, you should try entering the command ``py`` and hitting
.. code-block:: doscon
- C:\Users\YourName> python
+ C:\Users\YourName> py
You should then see something like:
.. code-block:: pycon
- Python 3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 10:55:48) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
+ Python 3.6.4 (v3.6.4:d48eceb, Dec 19 2017, 06:04:45) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Many people use the interactive mode as a convenient yet highly programmable
-calculator. When you want to end your interactive Python session, hold the :kbd:`Ctrl`
-key down while you enter a :kbd:`Z`, then hit the ":kbd:`Enter`" key to get back to your
-Windows command prompt.
+calculator. When you want to end your interactive Python session,
+call the :func:`exit` function or hold the :kbd:`Ctrl` key down
+while you enter a :kbd:`Z`, then hit the ":kbd:`Enter`" key to get
+back to your Windows command prompt.
You may also find that you have a Start-menu entry such as :menuselection:`Start
---> Programs --> Python 3.3 --> Python (command line)` that results in you
+--> Programs --> Python 3.x --> Python (command line)` that results in you
seeing the ``>>>`` prompt in a new window. If so, the window will disappear
-after you enter the :kbd:`Ctrl-Z` character; Windows is running a single "python"
+after you call the :func:`exit` function or enter the :kbd:`Ctrl-Z`
+character; Windows is running a single "python"
command in the window, and closes it when you terminate the interpreter.
-If the ``python`` command, instead of displaying the interpreter prompt ``>>>``,
-gives you a message like::
+Now that we know the ``py`` command is recognized, you can give your
+Python script to it. You'll have to give either an absolute or a
+relative path to the Python script. Let's say your Python script is
+located in your desktop and is named ``hello.py``, and your command
+prompt is nicely opened in your home directory so you're seeing something
+similar to::
- 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
+ C:\Users\YourName>
+So now you'll ask the ``py`` command to give your script to Python by
+typing ``py`` followed by your script path::
- Bad command or filename
-then you need to make sure that your computer knows where to find the Python
-interpreter. To do this you will have to modify a setting called PATH, which is
-a list of directories where Windows will look for programs.
-You should arrange for Python's installation directory to be added to the PATH
-of every command window as it starts. If you installed Python fairly recently
-then the command ::
- dir C:\py*
-will probably tell you where it is installed; the usual location is something
-like ``C:\Python33``. Otherwise you will be reduced to a search of your whole
-disk ... use :menuselection:`Tools --> Find` or hit the :guilabel:`Search`
-button and look for "python.exe". Supposing you discover that Python is
-installed in the ``C:\Python33`` directory (the default at the time of writing),
-you should make sure that entering the command ::
- c:\Python33\python
-starts up the interpreter as above (and don't forget you'll need a ":kbd:`Ctrl-Z`" and
-an ":kbd:`Enter`" to get out of it). Once you have verified the directory, you can
-add it to the system path to make it easier to start Python by just running
-the ``python`` command. This is currently an option in the installer as of
-CPython 3.3.
-More information about environment variables can be found on the
-:ref:`Using Python on Windows <setting-envvars>` page.
+ C:\Users\YourName> py Desktop\hello.py
+ hello
How do I make Python scripts executable?
Simply rename the downloaded file to have the .TGZ extension, and WinZip will be
able to handle it. (If your copy of WinZip doesn't, get a newer one from
faq/programming,,::,for x in sequence[::-1]:
faq/programming,,:reduce,"print((lambda Ru,Ro,Iu,Io,IM,Sx,Sy:reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda y,"
faq/programming,,:reduce,"Sx=Sx,Sy=Sy:reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x,xc=Ru,yc=yc,Ru=Ru,Ro=Ro,"
-faq/windows,,:bd8afb90ebf2,"Python 3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 10:55:48) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32"
+faq/windows,,:d48eceb,"Python 3.6.4 (v3.6.4:d48eceb, Dec 19 2017, 06:04:45) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32"
howto/curses,,:black,"colors when it activates color mode. They are: 0:black, 1:red,"
howto/curses,,:red,"colors when it activates color mode. They are: 0:black, 1:red,"
howto/curses,,:green,"2:green, 3:yellow, 4:blue, 5:magenta, 6:cyan, and 7:white. The"