<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Graphviz FAQ 2008-06-06</TITLE>
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-<H1>Graphviz FAQ 2008-06-06</H1>
+<H1>Graphviz FAQ 2009-09-10</H1>
<A HREF="mailto:gviz-bugs@research.att.com">The Graphviz Project</A>
<A name=Q16 HREF=#Q16>
<B>Q16</A>. How can I get custom shapes or images in my graph?</B>
Please see the
<A HREF="http://www.graphviz.org/Documentation/html/shapehowto.html">
front end), because they don't share any universal back end structure.
We're thinking about it.
-<A name=Q17>
-<B>Q. Sometimes in dotty, right mouse click shows the global menu
+<A name=Q16 HREF=#Q16b>
+<B>Q16b</A>. Why don't my custom GIF images appears? What is the meaning of <tt>Warning: No loadimage plugin for "gif:cairo"</tt>?</B>
+Cairo based renderers can't import GIF. Use PNG. (Possibly, install
+Imagemagick and run "convert shape.gif shape.png". Or try <tt>-Tgif:gd</tt>.)
+<A name=Q17 HREF=#Q17>
+<B>Q17. Sometimes in dotty, right mouse click shows the global menu
but none of the items can be selected.</B>