.. cmember:: iternextfunc PyTypeObject.tp_iternext
- An optional pointer to a function that returns the next item in an iterator, or
- raises :exc:`StopIteration` when the iterator is exhausted. Its presence
- normally signals that the instances of this type are iterators (although classic
- instances always have this function, even if they don't define a :meth:`next`
- method).
+ An optional pointer to a function that returns the next item in an iterator.
+ When the iterator is exhausted, it must return *NULL*; a :exc:`StopIteration`
+ exception may or may not be set. When another error occurs, it must return
+ *NULL* too. Its presence normally signals that the instances of this type
+ are iterators (although classic instances always have this function, even if
+ they don't define a :meth:`next` method).
Iterator types should also define the :attr:`tp_iter` function, and that
function should return the iterator instance itself (not a new iterator