- Improved OpenSSL extension: (Pierre)
. Added support for all supported algorithms in openssl_verify
- . Fixed bug #28382 (openssl_x509_parse() extensions support)
- . Fixed bug #38261 (openssl_x509_parse() leaks with invalid cert)
- . Fixed bug #38255 (openssl possible leaks while passing keys)
+ . Implement #36732 (req/x509 extensions support for openssl_csr_new and
+ openssl_csr_sign) (ben at psc dot edu, Pierre)
+ . Implement #28382 (openssl_x509_parse() extensions support)
+- Fixed leaks in openssl_csr_sign and openssl_csr_new (Pierre)
- Fixed phpinfo() cutoff of variables at \0. (Ilia)
- Fixed a bug in the filter extension that prevented magic_quotes_gpc from
being applied when RAW filter is used. (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #38261 (openssl_x509_parse() leaks with invalid cert) (Pierre)
+- Fixed bug #38255 (openssl possible leaks while passing keys) (Pierre)
- Fixed bug #38253 (PDO produces segfault with default fetch mode). (Tony)
- Fixed bug #38236 (Binary data gets corrupted on multipart/formdata POST).