--- /dev/null
+\def\mytitle{What is MultiMarkdown?}
+\def\subtitle{And why should you care?}
+\def\myauthor{Fletcher T. Penney}
+\def\affiliation{http:\slash \slash fletcherpenney.net\slash multimarkdown\slash }
+\def\mycopyright{2009-2011 Fletcher T. Penney. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. http:\slash \slash creativecommons.org\slash licenses\slash by-sa\slash 2.5\slash }
+\frametitle{MultiMarkdown is a derivative of Markdown }
+\href{http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/}{Markdown}\footnote{\href{http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/}{http:\slash \slash daringfireball.net\slash projects\slash markdown\slash }} is a program and a
+syntax by John Gruber that allows you to easily convert plain text into HTML
+suitable for using on a web page.
+\frametitle{The old way was complicated }
+<p>In order to create valid
+<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML">HTML</a>, you
+need properly coded syntax that can be cumbersome for
+“non-programmers” to write. Sometimes, you
+just want to easily make certain words <strong>bold
+</strong>, and certain words <em>italicized</em> without
+having to remember the syntax. Additionally, for example,
+creating lists:</p>
+<li>should be easy</li>
+<li>should not involve programming</li>
+\frametitle{The new way is easier }
+In order to create valid [HTML], you need properly
+coded syntax that can be cumbersome for
+"non-programmers" to write. Sometimes, you just want
+to easily make certain words **bold**, and certain
+words *italicized* without having to remember the
+syntax. Additionally, for example, creating lists:
+* should be easy
+* should not involve programming
+[HTML]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML
+\frametitle{Markdown is designed for people }
+The overriding design goal for Markdown's formatting syntax is to make it as
+readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be
+publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it's been marked up
+with tags or formatting instructions. While Markdown's syntax has been
+influenced by several existing text-to-HTML filters, the single biggest source
+of inspiration for Markdown's syntax is the format of plain text email.
+\frametitle{But Markdown wasn't complete }
+I, and others, loved the spirit and elegance of Markdown, but felt it was
+still missing a few features that each of us considered were essential.
+Several variations on Markdown arose to meet the needs of these other
+\frametitle{MultiMarkdown adds several new features }
+\item{} footnotes
+\item{} tables
+\item{} citations and bibliography
+\item{} image attributes
+\item{} metadata
+\item{} internal cross-references
+\item{} math support
+\item{} glossary entries
+\item{} definition lists
+\item{} and more{\ldots}
+\frametitle{MMD also adds something else{\ldots} }
+\item{} Outside of the actual syntax, MMD supports multiple output formats,
+including HTML, \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX}{LaTeX}\footnote{\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX}{http:\slash \slash en.wikipedia.org\slash wiki\slash LaTeX}},
+\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument}{OpenDocument}\footnote{\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument}{http:\slash \slash en.wikipedia.org\slash wiki\slash OpenDocument}}, and
+\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPML}{OPML}\footnote{\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPML}{http:\slash \slash en.wikipedia.org\slash wiki\slash OPML}}
+\item{} This allows you to use the same markup language (MultiMarkdown) to create a
+high quality pdf (article, book, or presentation like this one) without any
+additional programming.
+\item{} Most importantly, you don't have to know how this works, or even what
+the LaTeX commands mean --- just have the software installed.
+\frametitle{So, one text file becomes multiple final documents }
+\caption{Example MultiMarkdown output formats}
+\frametitle{The goal is to separate content from formatting }
+By focusing on the text content of your document, you can focus on the
+creative, the scientific, the \emph{human}. Let your computer do what it is good at
+--- the fairly boring job of making sure that margins are correct, that
+paragraphs are properly separated, your footnotes are in order, and that your
+tables line up --- regardless of the final format you want your document to
+\frametitle{MultiMarkdown and Mathematics }
+Built into MultiMarkdown is support for mathematical equations. You write
+using LaTeX syntax. When you output to HTML, you can use
+\href{http://www.mathjax.org/}{MathJax}\footnote{\href{http://www.mathjax.org/}{http:\slash \slash www.mathjax.org\slash }} to properly display the math. If you output
+to LaTeX, it is display automatically. There is not currently an approach to
+display math using OpenDocument
+\\[ {e}^{i\pi }+1=0 \\]
+\[ {e}^{i\pi }+1=0 \]
+\frametitle{Images are just as easy }
+\frametitle{Images are just as easy }
+\caption{Nautilus Star}
+\frametitle{Support for a bibliography is also included }
+\item{} MultiMarkdown has support for \href{http://www.bibtex.org/}{BibTeX}\footnote{\href{http://www.bibtex.org/}{http:\slash \slash www.bibtex.org\slash }}, or
+for just including your own citations, so that you can back up your
+arguments.~\citep[p. 42]{fake}
+\item{} The citation above links to the corresponding entry in the bibliography.
+\frametitle{Installation is easy }
+\item{} Download the MultiMarkdown software --- there are installers for Mac OS X
+and Windows, and instructions for compiling in Linux.
+\item{} If you want to use LaTeX, install a version appropriate for your operating
+\item{} OpenDocument output doesn't require any special software, but will require
+an application capable of opening the document --- LibreOffice,
+OpenOffice.org (with the proper plug-in installed), etc.
+\frametitle{How do I create a MultiMarkdown document? }
+\item{} A MultiMarkdown is simply a text document that is written in the
+MultiMarkdown syntax. You can use any text editor or application you like.
+If your editor supports fonts, italics, etc. then be sure to save as a plain
+text file (not a .doc, RTF, or other ``rich'' format).
+\item{} Some applications include built-in support for MultiMarkdown in various
+ways. There's a \href{http://fletcher.github.com/markdown.tmbundle/}{bundle}\footnote{\href{http://fletcher.github.com/markdown.tmbundle/}{http:\slash \slash fletcher.github.com\slash markdown.tmbundle\slash }} for \href{http://macromates.com/}{TextMate}\footnote{\href{http://macromates.com/}{http:\slash \slash macromates.com\slash }}, and \href{http://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.html}{Scrivener}\footnote{\href{http://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.html}{http:\slash \slash www.literatureandlatte.com\slash scrivener.html}} includes
+MultiMarkdown support.
+\frametitle{Why should I mess with this LaTeX stuff? }
+MultiMarkdown's support for LaTeX is designed to automatically do the ``right''
+thing in most situations for most people. But if you want to dig in and learn
+more, you can customize MMD to create highly tailored documents that suit your
+specific needs. If you want high quality typography, LaTeX is the way to go.
+If you already know what LaTeX is, then MultiMarkdown allows you to create
+documents without learning all of the complicated LaTeX commands and markup.
+\frametitle{How do I create a fancy PDF? }
+If you're using LaTeX, and have the proper software installed it's easy:
+\item{} Type \texttt{mmd2tex filename.txt}
+\item{} Use \texttt{pdflatex}, \texttt{xelatex}, or your preferred tool to compile the LaTeX
+file into a pdf.
+\item{} There is no step 3
+\frametitle{Where to learn more }
+\item{} \href{http://fletcherpenney.net/multimarkdown/}{http:\slash \slash fletcherpenney.net\slash multimarkdown\slash }
+\item{} \href{http://groups.google.com/group/multimarkdown/}{http:\slash \slash groups.google.com\slash group\slash multimarkdown\slash }
+\item{} \href{http://fletcher.github.com/MultiMarkdown-Gallery/}{http:\slash \slash fletcher.github.com\slash MultiMarkdown-Gallery\slash }
+\frametitle{By the way{\ldots} }
+This presentation was, of course, written in MultiMarkdown and processed by
+typing \texttt{mmd2tex what\_is\_mmd.txt}.
+It uses the \texttt{beamer} XSLT file, and the \texttt{keynote-gradient} beamer theme.
+John Gruber. Daring Fireball: Markdown. [Cited January 2006]. Available from \href{http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/}{http:\slash \slash daringfireball.net\slash projects\slash markdown\slash }.
+John Doe. \emph{A Totally Fake Book}. Vanity Press, 2006.