except KeyError:
raise OSError("resource not found")
if parse == "xml":
- from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML
- return XML(data)
+ data = ET.XML(data)
return data
def xinclude():
-@unittest.skip('Unstable due to module monkeypatching')
class XincludeTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def _my_loader(self, href, parse):
+ # Used to avoid a test-dependency problem where the default loader
+ # of ElementInclude uses the pyET parser for cET tests.
+ if parse == 'xml':
+ with open(href, 'rb') as f:
+ return ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ else:
+ return None
def test_xinclude_default(self):
from xml.etree import ElementInclude
doc = xinclude_loader('default.xml')
- ElementInclude.include(doc)
+ ElementInclude.include(doc, self._my_loader)
s = serialize(doc)
self.assertEqual(s.strip(), '''<document>
- support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
+ try:
+ support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
+ # XXX the C module should give the same warnings as the Python module
+ with CleanContext(quiet=(module is not pyET)):
+ support.run_doctest(sys.modules[__name__], verbosity=True)
+ finally:
+ # don't interfere with subsequent tests
+ ET = pyET = None
- # XXX the C module should give the same warnings as the Python module
- with CleanContext(quiet=(module is not pyET)):
- support.run_doctest(sys.modules[__name__], verbosity=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':