static StringEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 getAvailableLocales(UErrorCode &status);
- /**
- * Returns the 'functionally equivalent' locale with respect to plural rules.
- * Calling PluralRules.forLocale with the functionally equivalent locale, and with
- * the provided locale, returns rules that behave the same. <br/>
- * All locales with the same functionally equivalent locale have plural rules that
- * behave the same. This is not exaustive; there may be other locales whose plural
- * rules behave the same that do not have the same equivalent locale.
- *
- * @param locale the locale to check
- * @param isAvailable if not NULL the boolean will be set to TRUE if locale is directly
- * defined (without fallback) as having plural rules.
- * @param status The error code.
- * @return the functionally-equivalent locale
- * @internal
- */
- static Locale getFunctionalEquivalent(const Locale &locale, UBool *isAvailable,
- UErrorCode &status);
* Returns whether or not there are overrides.
* @param locale the locale to check.