returnitem = heap[0]
item = heap.pop()
pos = 0
- while True:
- child2pos = (pos + 1) * 2
- child1pos = child2pos - 1
- if child2pos < endpos:
- child1 = heap[child1pos]
- child2 = heap[child2pos]
- if item <= child1 and item <= child2:
- break
- if child1 < child2:
- heap[pos] = child1
- pos = child1pos
- continue
- heap[pos] = child2
- pos = child2pos
- continue
- if child1pos < endpos:
- child1 = heap[child1pos]
- if child1 < item:
- heap[pos] = child1
- pos = child1pos
- break
+ # Sift item into position, down from the root, moving the smaller
+ # child up, until finding pos such that item <= pos's children.
+ childpos = 2*pos + 1 # leftmost child position
+ while childpos < endpos:
+ # Set childpos and child to reflect smaller child.
+ child = heap[childpos]
+ rightpos = childpos + 1
+ if rightpos < endpos:
+ rightchild = heap[rightpos]
+ if rightchild < child:
+ childpos = rightpos
+ child = rightchild
+ # If item is no larger than smaller child, we're done, else
+ # move the smaller child up.
+ if item <= child:
+ break
+ heap[pos] = child
+ pos = childpos
+ childpos = 2*pos + 1
heap[pos] = item
return returnitem