tr_peerIoWriteUint32( msgs->io, msgs->outMessages, pieceIndex );
static void
sendFastHave( tr_peermsgs * msgs, int all )
updateInterest( msgs );
static void
sendFastReject( tr_peermsgs * msgs,
char * buf;
int len;
int pex;
- const char * v = TR_NAME " " USERAGENT_PREFIX;
- const int port = tr_getPublicPort( msgs->handle );
struct evbuffer * outbuf;
if( msgs->clientSentLtepHandshake )
pex = 1;
tr_bencInitDict( &val, 4 );
- tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( &val, "e" ), 1 );
- m = tr_bencDictAdd( &val, "m" );
- tr_bencInit( m, TYPE_DICT );
- if( pex ) {
- tr_bencDictReserve( m, 1 );
- tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( m, "ut_pex" ), TR_LTEP_PEX );
- }
- if( port > 0 )
- tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( &val, "p" ), port );
- tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencDictAdd( &val, "v" ), v, 0, 1 );
+ tr_bencDictAddInt( &val, "e", msgs->handle->encryptionMode != TR_PLAINTEXT_PREFERRED );
+ tr_bencDictAddInt( &val, "p", tr_getPublicPort( msgs->handle ) );
+ tr_bencDictAddStr( &val, "v", TR_NAME " " USERAGENT_PREFIX );
+ m = tr_bencDictAddDict( &val, "m", 1 );
+ if( pex )
+ tr_bencDictAddInt( m, "ut_pex", TR_LTEP_PEX );
buf = tr_bencSave( &val, &len );
tr_peerIoWriteUint32( msgs->io, outbuf, 2*sizeof(uint8_t) + len );
tr_peerIoWriteBuf( msgs->io, outbuf );
-#if 0
- dbgmsg( msgs, "here is the ltep handshake we sent:" );
- tr_bencPrint( &val );
- dbgmsg( msgs, "here is the ltep handshake we read [%s]:", tr_bencSave( &val, NULL ) );
+ dbgmsg( msgs, "here is the ltep handshake we sent [%*.*s]", len, len, buf );
/* cleanup */
tr_bencFree( &val );
-#if 0
- dbgmsg( msgs, "here is the ltep handshake we read:" );
- tr_bencPrint( &val );
- dbgmsg( msgs, "here is the ltep handshake we read [%s]:", tr_bencSave( &val, NULL ) );
+ dbgmsg( msgs, "here is the ltep handshake we got [%*.*s]", len, len, tmp );
/* does the peer prefer encrypted connections? */
if(( sub = tr_bencDictFindType( &val, "e", TYPE_INT )))
m->clientWillAskFor = REQUEST_LIST_INIT;
*setme = tr_publisherSubscribe( m->publisher, func, userData );
+ sendBitfield( m );
if ( tr_peerIoSupportsLTEP( m->io ) )
sendLtepHandshake( m );
- /* bitfield/have-all/have-none must preceed other non-handshake messages... */
- if ( !tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT( m->io ) )
- sendBitfield( m );
- else {
- /* This peer is fastpeer-enabled, send it have-all or have-none if appropriate */
- float completion = tr_cpPercentComplete( m->torrent->completion );
- if ( completion == 0.0f ) {
- sendFastHave( m, 0 );
- } else if ( completion == 1.0f ) {
- sendFastHave( m, 1 );
- } else {
- sendBitfield( m );
- }
- }
tr_peerIoSetTimeoutSecs( m->io, 150 ); /* timeout after N seconds of inactivity */
tr_peerIoSetIOFuncs( m->io, canRead, didWrite, gotError, m );