func Test_terminal_getwinpos()
+ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
+ return
+ endif
" split, go to the bottom-right window
wincmd j
let xpos = str2nr(substitute(line, '\[\(\d\+\), \d\+\]', '\1', ''))
let ypos = str2nr(substitute(line, '\[\d\+, \(\d\+\)\]', '\1', ''))
- " getwinpos() in the MS-Windows console returns the screen position of the
- " emulated console.
- if has('win32')
- call assert_inrange(0, 4000, xpos)
- call assert_inrange(0, 2000, ypos)
- else
- " Position must be bigger than the getwinpos() result of Vim itself.
- let [xroot, yroot] = getwinpos()
- call assert_inrange(xroot + 2, xroot + 1000, xpos)
- call assert_inrange(yroot + 2, yroot + 1000, ypos)
- endif
+ " Position must be bigger than the getwinpos() result of Vim itself.
+ let [xroot, yroot] = getwinpos()
+ call assert_inrange(xroot + 2, xroot + 1000, xpos)
+ call assert_inrange(yroot + 2, yroot + 1000, ypos)
call term_wait(buf)
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":q\<CR>")