+++ /dev/null
-diff -Naur libdvdread.orig/src/dvd_input.c libdvdread/src/dvd_input.c
---- libdvdread.orig/src/dvd_input.c 2009-01-08 14:57:10.000000000 -0800
-+++ libdvdread/src/dvd_input.c 2009-04-24 09:02:34.000000000 -0700
-@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
- /* dlopening libdvdcss */
- #ifdef __APPLE__
-- #define CSS_LIB "libdvdcss.2.dylib"
-+ #define CSS_LIB "/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/libdvdcss.2.dylib"
- #elif defined(WIN32)
- #define CSS_LIB "libdvdcss.dll"
- #elif defined(__OS2__)
-Build Guide for HandBrake svn2591 on Mac OS X
+Build Guide for HandBrake svn3349 on Mac OS X
Table of Contents
* click Build or Build and Go
+When using Build and Go, xcode launches the application under the gdb
+debugger. gdb will encounter a trap when starting the program. This
+trap is harmless and you should just 'continue'. For the curious, the
+trap occurs because we add some values to the environment with setenv,
+then do a brain transplant with execv. Restarting the application with
+execv triggers the trap.
The first build (on an empty `build' directory) will take a bit of
time. You may use the Build Results window to observe progress. The
most time-consuming part of the build is when the external build system
Environment (variables) dump as seen when Xcode forks `make'.
Mac OS X only.
+A note about gdb: We perform an extra execv when starting the
+application. This triggers a trap in gdb. It is harmless. You should
+just 'continue' from the trap.
Appendix A Project Repository Details
root: svn://svn.handbrake.fr/HandBrake
branch: trunk
uuid: b64f7644-9d1e-0410-96f1-a4d463321fa5
- rev: 2591
- date: 2009-06-21 13:15:04 -0400
+ rev: 3349
+ date: 2010-06-02 09:49:18 -0700
type: developer
@c %**-------------------------------------------------------------------------
@include building/chapter.via.xcode.texi
@include building/chapter.troubleshooting.texi
+A note about gdb: We perform an extra execv when starting the application. This triggers a trap in gdb. It is harmless. You should just 'continue' from the trap.
@include building/appendix.repo.texi
@item click @b{Build} or @b{Build and Go}
@end itemize
+When using Build and Go, xcode launches the application under the gdb debugger. gdb will encounter a trap when starting the program. This trap is harmless and you should just 'continue'. For the curious, the trap occurs because we add some values to the environment with setenv, then do a brain transplant with execv. Restarting the application with execv triggers the trap.
The first build (on an empty @file{build} directory) will take a bit of time. You may use the Build Results window to observe progress. The most time-consuming part of the build is when the external build system (essentially the @b{terminal} method) is triggered by Xcode and a substantial amount of log transcript ensues. Much of that transcript are warnings and errors that are part of the normal build process for 3rd-party contributed modules so in general you need not do anything. However, if Xcode itself reports the build failed, then you must take corrective action.
Unfortunately, due to limitations of Xcode we do not have hooks in place to offer finer-grained control over per-module make actions for the (external) build system. Thus, you will have to use @b{terminal} to accomplish those tasks. Just @command{cd} into the build directory which is associated with your active configuration and perform any necessary @command{make} commands. @b{Be careful not to issue commands from the terminal simultaneously with Xcode tasks} as that will confuse both Xcode and make and likely corrupt your build directory.
Homepage: <http://handbrake.fr/>.
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
+#include <dlfcn.h>
#import "Controller.h"
#import "HBOutputPanelController.h"
#import "HBPreferencesController.h"
if( [detector isVideoDVD] )
- int hb_arch;
-#if defined( __LP64__ )
- /* we are 64 bit */
- hb_arch = 64;
- /* we are 32 bit */
- hb_arch = 32;
// The chosen path was actually on a DVD, so use the raw block
// device path instead.
path = [detector devicePath];
[self writeToActivityLog: "trying to open a physical dvd at: %s", [scanPath UTF8String]];
/* lets check for vlc here to make sure we have a dylib available to use for decrypting */
- NSString *vlcPath = @"/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/libdvdcss.2.dylib";
- NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
- if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:vlcPath] == 0)
- {
- /*vlc not found in /Applications so we set the bool to cancel scanning to 1 */
+ void *dvdcss = dlopen("libdvdcss.2.dylib", RTLD_LAZY);
+ if (dvdcss == NULL)
+ {
+ /*compatible vlc not found, so we set the bool to cancel scanning to 1 */
cancelScanDecrypt = 1;
[self writeToActivityLog: "VLC app not found for decrypting physical dvd"];
int status;
- status = NSRunAlertPanel(@"HandBrake could not find VLC or your VLC is out of date.",@"Please download and install VLC media player in your /Applications folder if you wish to read encrypted DVDs.", @"Get VLC", @"Cancel Scan", @"Attempt Scan Anyway");
+ status = NSRunAlertPanel(@"HandBrake could not find VLC or your VLC is incompatible (Note: 32 bit vlc is not compatible with 64 bit HandBrake and vice-versa).",@"Please download and install VLC media player if you wish to read encrypted DVDs.", @"Get VLC", @"Cancel Scan", @"Attempt Scan Anyway");
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
if (status == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
/* VLC was found in /Applications so all is well, we can carry on using vlc's libdvdcss.dylib for decrypting if needed */
[self writeToActivityLog: "VLC app found for decrypting physical dvd"];
vlcFound = 1;
+ dlclose(dvdcss);
- /* test for architecture of the vlc app */
- NSArray *vlc_architecturesArray = [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/Applications/VLC.app"] executableArchitectures];
- BOOL vlcIntel32bit = NO;
- BOOL vlcIntel64bit = NO;
- BOOL vlcPPC32bit = NO;
- BOOL vlcPPC64bit = NO;
- /* check the available architectures for vlc and note accordingly */
- NSEnumerator *enumerator = [vlc_architecturesArray objectEnumerator];
- id tempObject;
- while (tempObject = [enumerator nextObject])
- {
- if ([tempObject intValue] == NSBundleExecutableArchitectureI386)
- {
- vlcIntel32bit = YES;
- }
- if ([tempObject intValue] == NSBundleExecutableArchitectureX86_64)
- {
- vlcIntel64bit = YES;
- }
- if ([tempObject intValue] == NSBundleExecutableArchitecturePPC)
- {
- vlcPPC32bit = YES;
- }
- if ([tempObject intValue] == NSBundleExecutableArchitecturePPC64)
- {
- vlcPPC64bit = YES;
- }
- }
- /* Write vlc architecture findings to activity window */
- if (vlcIntel32bit)
- {
- [self writeToActivityLog: " 32-Bit VLC app found for decrypting physical dvd"];
- }
- if (vlcIntel64bit)
- {
- [self writeToActivityLog: " 64-Bit VLC app found for decrypting physical dvd"];
- }
- if (vlcFound && hb_arch == 64 && !vlcIntel64bit && cancelScanDecrypt != 1)
- {
- /* we are 64 bit */
- /* Appropriate VLC not found, so cancel */
- cancelScanDecrypt = 1;
- [self writeToActivityLog: "This version of HandBrake is 64 bit, 64 bit version of vlc not found, scan cancelled"];
- /*On Screen Notification*/
- int status;
- NSBeep();
- status = NSRunAlertPanel(@"This version of HandBrake is 64 bit, VLC found but not 64 bit!",@"", @"Cancel Scan", @"Attempt Scan Anyway", @"Get 64 bit VLC", nil);
- [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
- if (status == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
- {
- /* User chose to cancel the scan */
- [self writeToActivityLog: "cannot open physical dvd VLC found but not 64 bit, scan cancelled"];
- cancelScanDecrypt = 1;
- }
- else if (status == NSAlertAlternateReturn)
- {
- [self writeToActivityLog: "user overrode 64-bit warning trying to open physical dvd without proper decryption"];
- cancelScanDecrypt = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* User chose to go download vlc (as they rightfully should) so we send them to the vlc site */
- [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html"]];
- }
- }
- else if (vlcFound && hb_arch == 32 && !vlcIntel32bit && cancelScanDecrypt != 1)
- {
- /* we are 32 bit */
- /* Appropriate VLC not found, so cancel */
- cancelScanDecrypt = 1;
- [self writeToActivityLog: "This version of HandBrake is 32 bit, 32 bit version of vlc not found, scan cancelled"];
- /*On Screen Notification*/
- int status;
- NSBeep();
- status = NSRunAlertPanel(@"This version of HandBrake is 32 bit, VLC found but not 32 bit!",@"", @"Cancel Scan", @"Attempt Scan Anyway", @"Get 32 bit VLC", nil);
- [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
- if (status == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
- {
- /* User chose to cancel the scan */
- [self writeToActivityLog: "cannot open physical dvd VLC found but not 32 bit, scan cancelled"];
- cancelScanDecrypt = 1;
- }
- else if (status == NSAlertAlternateReturn)
- {
- [self writeToActivityLog: "user overrode 32-bit warning trying to open physical dvd without proper decryption"];
- cancelScanDecrypt = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* User chose to go download vlc (as they rightfully should) so we send them to the vlc site */
- [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html"]];
- }
- }
if (cancelScanDecrypt == 0)
[self writeToActivityLog: "trying to open a physical dvd at: %s", [scanPath UTF8String]];
/* lets check for vlc here to make sure we have a dylib available to use for decrypting */
- NSString *vlcPath = @"/Applications/VLC.app";
- NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
- if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:vlcPath] == 0)
- {
+ void *dvdcss = dlopen("libdvdcss.2.dylib", RTLD_LAZY);
+ if (dvdcss == NULL)
+ {
/*vlc not found in /Applications so we set the bool to cancel scanning to 1 */
cancelScanDecrypt = 1;
[self writeToActivityLog: "VLC app not found for decrypting physical dvd"];
/* VLC was found in /Applications so all is well, we can carry on using vlc's libdvdcss.dylib for decrypting if needed */
+ dlclose(dvdcss);
[self writeToActivityLog: "VLC app found for decrypting physical dvd"];
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
#import "hb.h"
void SigHandler( int signal )
int mm_support();
+char * str_printf(const char *fmt, ...)
+ /* Guess we need no more than 100 bytes. */
+ int len;
+ va_list ap;
+ int size = 100;
+ char *tmp, *str = NULL;
+ str = (char*)malloc(size);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ /* Try to print in the allocated space. */
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ len = vsnprintf(str, size, fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ /* If that worked, return the string. */
+ if (len > -1 && len < size) {
+ return str;
+ }
+ /* Else try again with more space. */
+ if (len > -1) /* glibc 2.1 */
+ size = len+1; /* precisely what is needed */
+ else /* glibc 2.0 */
+ size *= 2; /* twice the old size */
+ tmp = (char*)realloc(str, size);
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ return str;
+ }
+ str = tmp;
+ }
+#define EXTRA_VLC_DYLD_PATH "/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib"
+#define DEFAULT_DYLD_PATH "/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib"
int main( int argc, const char ** argv )
+ char *dylib_path;
+ int no_exec = 0;
+ // Check for flag that prevents exec bomb. It
+ // incidentally can be used to prevent adding
+ // our modifications to the dyld env vars.
+ if ( argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[1], "-n", 2) == 0 )
+ no_exec = 1;
+ if ( !no_exec )
+ {
+ dylib_path = getenv("DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH");
+ if ( dylib_path == NULL ||
+ strstr( dylib_path, "/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib" ) == NULL )
+ {
+ char *path = NULL;
+ char *home;
+ int result = -1;
+ home = getenv("HOME");
+ if ( dylib_path == NULL )
+ {
+ // Set the system default of $HOME/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib
+ // And add our extra path
+ if ( home != NULL )
+ {
+ path = str_printf("%s/lib:%s:%s:%s%s", home,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ path = str_printf("%s:%s", DEFAULT_DYLD_PATH, EXTRA_VLC_DYLD_PATH);
+ }
+ if ( path != NULL )
+ result = setenv("DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH", path, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // add our extra path
+ if ( home != NULL )
+ {
+ path = str_printf("%s:%s:%s%s", dylib_path, EXTRA_VLC_DYLD_PATH,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ path = str_printf("%s:%s", dylib_path, EXTRA_VLC_DYLD_PATH);
+ }
+ if ( path != NULL )
+ result = setenv("DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH", path, 1);
+ }
+ if ( result == 0 )
+ {
+ const char ** new_argv;
+ int i;
+ new_argv = (const char**)malloc( (argc + 2) * sizeof(char*) );
+ new_argv[0] = argv[0];
+ new_argv[1] = "-n";
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ new_argv[i+1] = argv[i];
+ new_argv[i+1] = NULL;
+ execv(new_argv[0], (char* const*)new_argv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
mm_flags = mm_support();
signal( SIGINT, SigHandler );