inline const char * getName() const;
- * Returns the programmatic name of the entire locale as getName would return,
+ * Returns the programmatic name of the entire locale as getName() would return,
* but without keywords.
* @return A pointer to "name".
* @see getName
int32_t getKeywordValue(const char* keywordName, char *buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity, UErrorCode &status) const;
- * Sets the value for a keyword.
+ * Sets or removes the value for a keyword.
+ *
+ * For removing all keywords, use getBaseName(),
+ * and construct a new Locale if it differs from getName().
* @param keywordName name of the keyword to be set. Case insensitive.
* @param keywordValue value of the keyword to be set. If 0-length or
- * Gets the full name for the specified locale.
+ * Gets the full name for the specified locale, like uloc_getName(),
+ * but without keywords.
+ *
* Note: This has the effect of 'canonicalizing' the string to
* a certain extent. Upper and lower case are set as needed,
* and if the components were in 'POSIX' format they are changed to
* ICU format. It does NOT map aliased names in any way.
* See the top of this header file.
+ *
* This API strips off the keyword part, so "de_DE\@collation=phonebook"
* will become "de_DE".
* This API supports preflighting.
- * Set the value of the specified keyword.
+ * Sets or removes the value of the specified keyword.
+ *
+ * For removing all keywords, use uloc_getBaseName().
+ *
* NOTE: Unlike almost every other ICU function which takes a
* buffer, this function will NOT truncate the output text. If a
* BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is received, it means that the original
* buffer is untouched. This is done to prevent incorrect or possibly
* even malformed locales from being generated and used.
- *
+ *
* @param keywordName name of the keyword to be set. Case insensitive.
* @param keywordValue value of the keyword to be set. If 0-length or
* NULL, will result in the keyword being removed. No error is given if