if (!m || !m->account)
return -1;
+ struct ImapMailboxData *mdata;
struct ImapAccountData *adata = m->account->adata;
+ if (!m->mdata)
+ {
+ struct Url url;
+ char tmp[PATH_MAX];
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(tmp, m->path, sizeof(tmp));
+ url_parse(&url, tmp);
+ mdata = imap_mdata_new(adata, url.path);
+ m->mdata = mdata;
+ m->free_mdata = imap_mdata_free;
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(mailbox, mdata->name, mailboxlen);
+ }
+ else
+ mdata = m->mdata;
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(mailbox, mdata->name, mailboxlen);
if (imap_login(adata) < 0)
return -1;
- struct ImapMailboxData *mdata = m->mdata;
- mutt_str_strfcpy(mailbox, mdata->name, mailboxlen);
return 0;
// NOTE(sileht): The goal is to use ImapMbox and imap_parse_path() only here
// So we can remove it at this end.
- if (!a->adata || !m->mdata)
+ if (!a->adata)
struct ConnAccount *conn_account = mutt_mem_calloc(1, sizeof(struct ConnAccount));
char mailbox[LONG_STRING];
- if (!m->mdata)
- {
- struct ImapMailboxData *mdata = imap_mdata_new(a->adata, mailbox);
- if (!mdata)
- return -1;
- m->mdata = mdata;
- m->free_mdata = imap_mdata_free;
- }
m->account = a;
struct MailboxNode *np = mutt_mem_calloc(1, sizeof(*np));
mdata->real_name = mutt_str_strdup(name);
imap_fix_path(adata, name, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (!*buf)
+ if (buf[0] == '\0')
mutt_str_strfcpy(buf, "INBOX", sizeof(buf));
mdata->name = mutt_str_strdup(buf);