backport of fix to slashem-Bugs-566538 from <Someone>. money2mon
only makes sense if called with a non-zero amount.
naming either of the wielded weapons unintentionally ends two-weapon combat
Various nemesis monsters must resist stoning so their death messages make sense
don't call DEBUG impossible in rn2 when a level 0 monster tries to cast a spell
+GOLDOBJ: don't call money2mon with 0 zero when killed by shopkeeper
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
if (loss > umoney || !loss || roomno == eshkp->shoproom) {
eshkp->robbed -= umoney;
if (eshkp->robbed < 0L) eshkp->robbed = 0L;
- money2mon(shkp, umoney);
+ if (umoney > 0) money2mon(shkp, umoney);
flags.botl = 1;
pline("%s %s all your possessions.",