return SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(Loc);
+/// Get the presumed location of a diagnostic message. This computes the
+/// presumed location for the top of any macro backtrace when present.
+static PresumedLoc getDiagnosticPresumedLoc(const SourceManager &SM,
+ SourceLocation Loc) {
+ // This is a condensed form of the algorithm used by EmitCaretDiagnostic to
+ // walk to the top of the macro call stack.
+ while (Loc.isMacroID()) {
+ Loc = skipToMacroArgExpansion(SM, Loc);
+ Loc = getImmediateMacroCallerLoc(SM, Loc);
+ }
+ return SM.getPresumedLoc(Loc);
+/// \brief Print the diagonstic level to a raw_ostream.
+/// Handles colorizing the level and formatting.
+static void printDiagnosticLevel(raw_ostream &OS,
+ DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
+ bool ShowColors) {
+ if (ShowColors) {
+ // Print diagnostic category in bold and color
+ switch (Level) {
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Ignored:
+ llvm_unreachable("Invalid diagnostic type");
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Note: OS.changeColor(noteColor, true); break;
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Warning: OS.changeColor(warningColor, true); break;
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Error: OS.changeColor(errorColor, true); break;
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal: OS.changeColor(fatalColor, true); break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (Level) {
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Ignored: llvm_unreachable("Invalid diagnostic type");
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Note: OS << "note: "; break;
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Warning: OS << "warning: "; break;
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Error: OS << "error: "; break;
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal: OS << "fatal error: "; break;
+ }
+ if (ShowColors)
+ OS.resetColor();
+/// \brief Skip over whitespace in the string, starting at the given
+/// index.
+/// \returns The index of the first non-whitespace character that is
+/// greater than or equal to Idx or, if no such character exists,
+/// returns the end of the string.
+static unsigned skipWhitespace(unsigned Idx, StringRef Str, unsigned Length) {
+ while (Idx < Length && isspace(Str[Idx]))
+ ++Idx;
+ return Idx;
+/// \brief If the given character is the start of some kind of
+/// balanced punctuation (e.g., quotes or parentheses), return the
+/// character that will terminate the punctuation.
+/// \returns The ending punctuation character, if any, or the NULL
+/// character if the input character does not start any punctuation.
+static inline char findMatchingPunctuation(char c) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case '\'': return '\'';
+ case '`': return '\'';
+ case '"': return '"';
+ case '(': return ')';
+ case '[': return ']';
+ case '{': return '}';
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/// \brief Find the end of the word starting at the given offset
+/// within a string.
+/// \returns the index pointing one character past the end of the
+/// word.
+static unsigned findEndOfWord(unsigned Start, StringRef Str,
+ unsigned Length, unsigned Column,
+ unsigned Columns) {
+ assert(Start < Str.size() && "Invalid start position!");
+ unsigned End = Start + 1;
+ // If we are already at the end of the string, take that as the word.
+ if (End == Str.size())
+ return End;
+ // Determine if the start of the string is actually opening
+ // punctuation, e.g., a quote or parentheses.
+ char EndPunct = findMatchingPunctuation(Str[Start]);
+ if (!EndPunct) {
+ // This is a normal word. Just find the first space character.
+ while (End < Length && !isspace(Str[End]))
+ ++End;
+ return End;
+ }
+ // We have the start of a balanced punctuation sequence (quotes,
+ // parentheses, etc.). Determine the full sequence is.
+ llvm::SmallString<16> PunctuationEndStack;
+ PunctuationEndStack.push_back(EndPunct);
+ while (End < Length && !PunctuationEndStack.empty()) {
+ if (Str[End] == PunctuationEndStack.back())
+ PunctuationEndStack.pop_back();
+ else if (char SubEndPunct = findMatchingPunctuation(Str[End]))
+ PunctuationEndStack.push_back(SubEndPunct);
+ ++End;
+ }
+ // Find the first space character after the punctuation ended.
+ while (End < Length && !isspace(Str[End]))
+ ++End;
+ unsigned PunctWordLength = End - Start;
+ if (// If the word fits on this line
+ Column + PunctWordLength <= Columns ||
+ // ... or the word is "short enough" to take up the next line
+ // without too much ugly white space
+ PunctWordLength < Columns/3)
+ return End; // Take the whole thing as a single "word".
+ // The whole quoted/parenthesized string is too long to print as a
+ // single "word". Instead, find the "word" that starts just after
+ // the punctuation and use that end-point instead. This will recurse
+ // until it finds something small enough to consider a word.
+ return findEndOfWord(Start + 1, Str, Length, Column + 1, Columns);
+/// \brief Print the given string to a stream, word-wrapping it to
+/// some number of columns in the process.
+/// \param OS the stream to which the word-wrapping string will be
+/// emitted.
+/// \param Str the string to word-wrap and output.
+/// \param Columns the number of columns to word-wrap to.
+/// \param Column the column number at which the first character of \p
+/// Str will be printed. This will be non-zero when part of the first
+/// line has already been printed.
+/// \param Indentation the number of spaces to indent any lines beyond
+/// the first line.
+/// \returns true if word-wrapping was required, or false if the
+/// string fit on the first line.
+static bool printWordWrapped(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Str,
+ unsigned Columns,
+ unsigned Column = 0,
+ unsigned Indentation = WordWrapIndentation) {
+ const unsigned Length = std::min(Str.find('\n'), Str.size());
+ // The string used to indent each line.
+ llvm::SmallString<16> IndentStr;
+ IndentStr.assign(Indentation, ' ');
+ bool Wrapped = false;
+ for (unsigned WordStart = 0, WordEnd; WordStart < Length;
+ WordStart = WordEnd) {
+ // Find the beginning of the next word.
+ WordStart = skipWhitespace(WordStart, Str, Length);
+ if (WordStart == Length)
+ break;
+ // Find the end of this word.
+ WordEnd = findEndOfWord(WordStart, Str, Length, Column, Columns);
+ // Does this word fit on the current line?
+ unsigned WordLength = WordEnd - WordStart;
+ if (Column + WordLength < Columns) {
+ // This word fits on the current line; print it there.
+ if (WordStart) {
+ OS << ' ';
+ Column += 1;
+ }
+ OS << Str.substr(WordStart, WordLength);
+ Column += WordLength;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // This word does not fit on the current line, so wrap to the next
+ // line.
+ OS << '\n';
+ OS.write(&IndentStr[0], Indentation);
+ OS << Str.substr(WordStart, WordLength);
+ Column = Indentation + WordLength;
+ Wrapped = true;
+ }
+ // Append any remaning text from the message with its existing formatting.
+ OS << Str.substr(Length);
+ return Wrapped;
+static void printDiagnosticMessage(raw_ostream &OS,
+ DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
+ StringRef Message,
+ unsigned CurrentColumn, unsigned Columns,
+ bool ShowColors) {
+ if (ShowColors) {
+ // Print warnings, errors and fatal errors in bold, no color
+ switch (Level) {
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Warning: OS.changeColor(savedColor, true); break;
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Error: OS.changeColor(savedColor, true); break;
+ case DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal: OS.changeColor(savedColor, true); break;
+ default: break; //don't bold notes
+ }
+ }
+ if (Columns)
+ printWordWrapped(OS, Message, Columns, CurrentColumn);
+ else
+ OS << Message;
+ if (ShowColors)
+ OS.resetColor();
+ OS << '\n';
namespace {
/// \brief Class to encapsulate the logic for formatting and printing a textual
: Printer(Printer), OS(OS), SM(SM), LangOpts(LangOpts), DiagOpts(DiagOpts) {
+ void Emit(SourceLocation Loc, DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
+ StringRef Message, ArrayRef<CharSourceRange> Ranges,
+ ArrayRef<FixItHint> FixItHints,
+ FullSourceLoc LastLoc = FullSourceLoc(),
+ bool LastCaretDiagnosticWasNote = false) {
+ PresumedLoc PLoc = getDiagnosticPresumedLoc(SM, Loc);
+ // First, if this diagnostic is not in the main file, print out the
+ // "included from" lines.
+ Printer.PrintIncludeStack(Level, PLoc.getIncludeLoc(), SM);
+ uint64_t StartOfLocationInfo = OS.tell();
+ // Next emit the location of this particular diagnostic.
+ Printer.EmitDiagnosticLoc(Loc, PLoc, Level, Ranges, SM);
+ if (DiagOpts.ShowColors)
+ OS.resetColor();
+ printDiagnosticLevel(OS, Level, DiagOpts.ShowColors);
+ printDiagnosticMessage(OS, Level, Message,
+ OS.tell() - StartOfLocationInfo,
+ DiagOpts.MessageLength, DiagOpts.ShowColors);
+ // If caret diagnostics are enabled and we have location, we want to
+ // emit the caret. However, we only do this if the location moved
+ // from the last diagnostic, if the last diagnostic was a note that
+ // was part of a different warning or error diagnostic, or if the
+ // diagnostic has ranges. We don't want to emit the same caret
+ // multiple times if one loc has multiple diagnostics.
+ if (DiagOpts.ShowCarets &&
+ (Loc != LastLoc || !Ranges.empty() || !FixItHints.empty() ||
+ (LastCaretDiagnosticWasNote && Level != DiagnosticsEngine::Note))) {
+ // Get the ranges into a local array we can hack on.
+ SmallVector<CharSourceRange, 20> MutableRanges(Ranges.begin(),
+ Ranges.end());
+ for (ArrayRef<FixItHint>::const_iterator I = FixItHints.begin(),
+ E = FixItHints.end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ if (I->RemoveRange.isValid())
+ MutableRanges.push_back(I->RemoveRange);
+ unsigned MacroDepth = 0;
+ EmitCaret(Loc, MutableRanges, FixItHints, MacroDepth);
+ }
+ }
/// \brief Emit the caret and underlining text.
/// Walks up the macro expansion stack printing the code snippet, caret,
} // end namespace
-/// Get the presumed location of a diagnostic message. This computes the
-/// presumed location for the top of any macro backtrace when present.
-static PresumedLoc getDiagnosticPresumedLoc(const SourceManager &SM,
- SourceLocation Loc) {
- // This is a condensed form of the algorithm used by EmitCaretDiagnostic to
- // walk to the top of the macro call stack.
- while (Loc.isMacroID()) {
- Loc = skipToMacroArgExpansion(SM, Loc);
- Loc = getImmediateMacroCallerLoc(SM, Loc);
- }
- return SM.getPresumedLoc(Loc);
/// \brief Print out the file/line/column information and include trace.
/// This method handlen the emission of the diagnostic location information.
OS << ' ';
-/// \brief Print the diagonstic level to a raw_ostream.
-/// Handles colorizing the level and formatting.
-static void printDiagnosticLevel(raw_ostream &OS,
- DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
- bool ShowColors) {
- if (ShowColors) {
- // Print diagnostic category in bold and color
- switch (Level) {
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Ignored:
- llvm_unreachable("Invalid diagnostic type");
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Note: OS.changeColor(noteColor, true); break;
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Warning: OS.changeColor(warningColor, true); break;
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Error: OS.changeColor(errorColor, true); break;
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal: OS.changeColor(fatalColor, true); break;
- }
- }
- switch (Level) {
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Ignored: llvm_unreachable("Invalid diagnostic type");
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Note: OS << "note: "; break;
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Warning: OS << "warning: "; break;
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Error: OS << "error: "; break;
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal: OS << "fatal error: "; break;
- }
- if (ShowColors)
- OS.resetColor();
/// \brief Print the diagnostic name to a raw_ostream.
/// This prints the diagnostic name to a raw_ostream if it has one. It formats
OS << ']';
-/// \brief Skip over whitespace in the string, starting at the given
-/// index.
-/// \returns The index of the first non-whitespace character that is
-/// greater than or equal to Idx or, if no such character exists,
-/// returns the end of the string.
-static unsigned skipWhitespace(unsigned Idx, StringRef Str, unsigned Length) {
- while (Idx < Length && isspace(Str[Idx]))
- ++Idx;
- return Idx;
-/// \brief If the given character is the start of some kind of
-/// balanced punctuation (e.g., quotes or parentheses), return the
-/// character that will terminate the punctuation.
-/// \returns The ending punctuation character, if any, or the NULL
-/// character if the input character does not start any punctuation.
-static inline char findMatchingPunctuation(char c) {
- switch (c) {
- case '\'': return '\'';
- case '`': return '\'';
- case '"': return '"';
- case '(': return ')';
- case '[': return ']';
- case '{': return '}';
- default: break;
- }
- return 0;
-/// \brief Find the end of the word starting at the given offset
-/// within a string.
-/// \returns the index pointing one character past the end of the
-/// word.
-static unsigned findEndOfWord(unsigned Start, StringRef Str,
- unsigned Length, unsigned Column,
- unsigned Columns) {
- assert(Start < Str.size() && "Invalid start position!");
- unsigned End = Start + 1;
- // If we are already at the end of the string, take that as the word.
- if (End == Str.size())
- return End;
- // Determine if the start of the string is actually opening
- // punctuation, e.g., a quote or parentheses.
- char EndPunct = findMatchingPunctuation(Str[Start]);
- if (!EndPunct) {
- // This is a normal word. Just find the first space character.
- while (End < Length && !isspace(Str[End]))
- ++End;
- return End;
- }
- // We have the start of a balanced punctuation sequence (quotes,
- // parentheses, etc.). Determine the full sequence is.
- llvm::SmallString<16> PunctuationEndStack;
- PunctuationEndStack.push_back(EndPunct);
- while (End < Length && !PunctuationEndStack.empty()) {
- if (Str[End] == PunctuationEndStack.back())
- PunctuationEndStack.pop_back();
- else if (char SubEndPunct = findMatchingPunctuation(Str[End]))
- PunctuationEndStack.push_back(SubEndPunct);
- ++End;
- }
- // Find the first space character after the punctuation ended.
- while (End < Length && !isspace(Str[End]))
- ++End;
- unsigned PunctWordLength = End - Start;
- if (// If the word fits on this line
- Column + PunctWordLength <= Columns ||
- // ... or the word is "short enough" to take up the next line
- // without too much ugly white space
- PunctWordLength < Columns/3)
- return End; // Take the whole thing as a single "word".
- // The whole quoted/parenthesized string is too long to print as a
- // single "word". Instead, find the "word" that starts just after
- // the punctuation and use that end-point instead. This will recurse
- // until it finds something small enough to consider a word.
- return findEndOfWord(Start + 1, Str, Length, Column + 1, Columns);
-/// \brief Print the given string to a stream, word-wrapping it to
-/// some number of columns in the process.
-/// \param OS the stream to which the word-wrapping string will be
-/// emitted.
-/// \param Str the string to word-wrap and output.
-/// \param Columns the number of columns to word-wrap to.
-/// \param Column the column number at which the first character of \p
-/// Str will be printed. This will be non-zero when part of the first
-/// line has already been printed.
-/// \param Indentation the number of spaces to indent any lines beyond
-/// the first line.
-/// \returns true if word-wrapping was required, or false if the
-/// string fit on the first line.
-static bool printWordWrapped(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Str,
- unsigned Columns,
- unsigned Column = 0,
- unsigned Indentation = WordWrapIndentation) {
- const unsigned Length = std::min(Str.find('\n'), Str.size());
- // The string used to indent each line.
- llvm::SmallString<16> IndentStr;
- IndentStr.assign(Indentation, ' ');
- bool Wrapped = false;
- for (unsigned WordStart = 0, WordEnd; WordStart < Length;
- WordStart = WordEnd) {
- // Find the beginning of the next word.
- WordStart = skipWhitespace(WordStart, Str, Length);
- if (WordStart == Length)
- break;
- // Find the end of this word.
- WordEnd = findEndOfWord(WordStart, Str, Length, Column, Columns);
- // Does this word fit on the current line?
- unsigned WordLength = WordEnd - WordStart;
- if (Column + WordLength < Columns) {
- // This word fits on the current line; print it there.
- if (WordStart) {
- OS << ' ';
- Column += 1;
- }
- OS << Str.substr(WordStart, WordLength);
- Column += WordLength;
- continue;
- }
- // This word does not fit on the current line, so wrap to the next
- // line.
- OS << '\n';
- OS.write(&IndentStr[0], Indentation);
- OS << Str.substr(WordStart, WordLength);
- Column = Indentation + WordLength;
- Wrapped = true;
- }
- // Append any remaning text from the message with its existing formatting.
- OS << Str.substr(Length);
- return Wrapped;
-static void printDiagnosticMessage(raw_ostream &OS,
- DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
- StringRef Message,
- unsigned CurrentColumn, unsigned Columns,
- bool ShowColors) {
- if (ShowColors) {
- // Print warnings, errors and fatal errors in bold, no color
- switch (Level) {
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Warning: OS.changeColor(savedColor, true); break;
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Error: OS.changeColor(savedColor, true); break;
- case DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal: OS.changeColor(savedColor, true); break;
- default: break; //don't bold notes
- }
- }
- if (Columns)
- printWordWrapped(OS, Message, Columns, CurrentColumn);
- else
- OS << Message;
- if (ShowColors)
- OS.resetColor();
- OS << '\n';
void TextDiagnosticPrinter::HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
const Diagnostic &Info) {
// Default implementation (Warnings/errors count).
printDiagnosticName(DiagMessageStream, Info);
printDiagnosticOptions(DiagMessageStream, Level, Info, *DiagOpts);
// Keeps track of the the starting position of the location
// information (e.g., "foo.c:10:4:") that precedes the error
// message. We use this information to determine how long the
const SourceManager &SM = Info.getSourceManager();
TextDiagnostic TextDiag(*this, OS, SM, *LangOpts, *DiagOpts);
- PresumedLoc PLoc = getDiagnosticPresumedLoc(SM, Info.getLocation());
- // First, if this diagnostic is not in the main file, print out the
- // "included from" lines.
- PrintIncludeStack(Level, PLoc.getIncludeLoc(), SM);
- StartOfLocationInfo = OS.tell();
+ TextDiag.Emit(Info.getLocation(), Level, DiagMessageStream.str(),
+ Info.getRanges(),
+ llvm::makeArrayRef(Info.getFixItHints(),
+ Info.getNumFixItHints()),
+ LastLoc, LastCaretDiagnosticWasNote);
- // Next emit the location of this particular diagnostic.
- EmitDiagnosticLoc(Info.getLocation(), PLoc, Level, Info.getRanges(), SM);
- if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)
- OS.resetColor();
- printDiagnosticLevel(OS, Level, DiagOpts->ShowColors);
- printDiagnosticMessage(OS, Level, DiagMessageStream.str(),
- OS.tell() - StartOfLocationInfo,
- DiagOpts->MessageLength, DiagOpts->ShowColors);
- // If caret diagnostics are enabled and we have location, we want to
- // emit the caret. However, we only do this if the location moved
- // from the last diagnostic, if the last diagnostic was a note that
- // was part of a different warning or error diagnostic, or if the
- // diagnostic has ranges. We don't want to emit the same caret
- // multiple times if one loc has multiple diagnostics.
- if (DiagOpts->ShowCarets &&
- ((LastLoc != Info.getLocation()) || Info.getNumRanges() ||
- (LastCaretDiagnosticWasNote && Level != DiagnosticsEngine::Note) ||
- Info.getNumFixItHints())) {
- // Cache the LastLoc, it allows us to omit duplicate source/caret spewage.
- LastLoc = FullSourceLoc(Info.getLocation(), Info.getSourceManager());
- LastCaretDiagnosticWasNote = (Level == DiagnosticsEngine::Note);
- // Get the ranges into a local array we can hack on.
- SmallVector<CharSourceRange, 20> Ranges;
- Ranges.reserve(Info.getNumRanges());
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Info.getNumRanges(); i != e; ++i)
- Ranges.push_back(Info.getRange(i));
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Info.getNumFixItHints(); i != e; ++i) {
- const FixItHint &Hint = Info.getFixItHint(i);
- if (Hint.RemoveRange.isValid())
- Ranges.push_back(Hint.RemoveRange);
- }
- unsigned MacroDepth = 0;
- TextDiag.EmitCaret(LastLoc, Ranges,
- llvm::makeArrayRef(Info.getFixItHints(),
- Info.getNumFixItHints()),
- MacroDepth);
- }
+ // Cache the LastLoc, it allows us to omit duplicate source/caret spewage.
+ LastLoc = FullSourceLoc(Info.getLocation(), Info.getSourceManager());
+ LastCaretDiagnosticWasNote = (Level == DiagnosticsEngine::Note);