- Phpdbg
. Fixed bug #70614 (incorrect exit code in -rr mode with Exceptions). (Bob)
+- Standard:
+ . Fixed bug #70641 (Compile fails for ext/standard/random.c).
+ (Scott Arciszewski)
01 Oct 2015, PHP 7.0.0 RC 4
- Core:
- SQLite3:
. Fixed bug #70571 (Memory leak in sqlite3_do_callback). (Adam)
+- SPL:
. Fixed bug #70573 (Cloning SplPriorityQueue leads to memory leaks). (Dmitry)
different sort order of elements that compare as equal.
. Removed dl() function on fpm-fcgi.
. setcookie() with an empty cookie name now issues a WARNING and doesn't send an empty set-cookie header line anymore.
+ . Closure::call() and Closure::bindTo() do no longer accept foreign scopes for Closures of functions and methods
+ generated via ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getClosure().