namespace ID3v2 {
+ /*!
+ * This is an implementation of ID3v2 unique file identifier frames. This
+ * frame is used to identify the file in an arbitrary database identified
+ * by the owner field.
+ */
+ //! An implementation of ID3v2 unique identifier frames
class UniqueFileIdentifierFrame : public ID3v2::Frame
friend class FrameFactory;
+ /*!
+ * Creates a uniqe file identifier frame based on \a data.
+ */
UniqueFileIdentifierFrame(const ByteVector &data);
+ /*!
+ * Creates a unique file identifier frame with the owner \a owner and
+ * the identification \a id.
+ */
UniqueFileIdentifierFrame(const String &owner, const ByteVector &id);
+ /*!
+ * Returns the owner for the frame; essentially this is the key for
+ * determining which identification scheme this key belongs to. This
+ * will usually either be an email address or URL for the person or tool
+ * used to create the unique identifier.
+ *
+ * \see setOwner()
+ */
String owner() const;
+ /*!
+ * Returns the unique identifier. Though sometimes this is a text string
+ * it also may be binary data and as much should be assumed when handling
+ * it.
+ */
ByteVector identifier() const;
+ /*!
+ * Sets the owner of the identification scheme to \a s.
+ *
+ * \see owner()
+ */
void setOwner(const String &s);
+ /*!
+ * Sets the unique file identifier to \a v.
+ *
+ * \see identifier()
+ */
void setIdentifier(const ByteVector &v);
virtual String toString() const;