Problem: Startup test fails.
Solution: Avoid an error for verbose expansion. Fix that the "0verbose"
command modifier doesn't work.
unlet b:current_syntax
- let s = expand("<amatch>")
+ 0verbose let s = expand("<amatch>")
if s == "ON"
" :set syntax=ON
if &filetype == ""
" Set up the connection between FileType and Syntax autocommands.
" This makes the syntax automatically set when the file type is detected.
+" Avoid an error when 'verbose' is set and <amatch> expansion fails.
augroup syntaxset
- au! FileType * exe "set syntax=" . expand("<amatch>")
+ au! FileType * 0verbose exe "set syntax=" . expand("<amatch>")
augroup END
if (!checkforcmd_noparen(&p, "verbose", 4))
if (vim_isdigit(*eap->cmd))
+ {
cmod->cmod_verbose = atoi((char *)eap->cmd);
+ if (cmod->cmod_verbose == 0)
+ cmod->cmod_verbose = -1;
+ }
cmod->cmod_verbose = 1;
eap->cmd = p;
cmod->cmod_did_sandbox = TRUE;
- if (cmod->cmod_verbose > 0)
+ if (cmod->cmod_verbose != 0)
if (cmod->cmod_verbose_save == 0)
cmod->cmod_verbose_save = p_verbose + 1;
- p_verbose = cmod->cmod_verbose;
+ p_verbose = cmod->cmod_verbose < 0 ? 0 : cmod->cmod_verbose;
if ((cmod->cmod_flags & (CMOD_SILENT | CMOD_UNSILENT))
* "<cfile>" to path name under the cursor
* "<sfile>" to sourced file name
* "<stack>" to call stack
+ * "<script>" to current script name
* "<slnum>" to sourced file line number
* "<afile>" to file name for autocommand
* "<abuf>" to buffer number for autocommand
regmatch_T cmod_filter_regmatch; // set by :filter /pat/
int cmod_filter_force; // set for :filter!
- int cmod_verbose; // non-zero to set 'verbose'
+ int cmod_verbose; // non-zero to set 'verbose', -1 is
+ // used for zero override
// values for undo_cmdmod()
char_u *cmod_save_ei; // saved value of 'eventignore'
" Test for the :verbose command
func Test_verbose_cmd()
- call assert_equal([' verbose=1'], split(execute('verbose set vbs'), "\n"))
+ set verbose=3
+ call assert_match(' verbose=1\n\s*Last set from ', execute('verbose set vbs'), "\n")
call assert_equal([' verbose=0'], split(execute('0verbose set vbs'), "\n"))
- let l = execute("4verbose set verbose | set verbose")
- call assert_equal([' verbose=4', ' verbose=0'], split(l, "\n"))
+ set verbose=0
+ call assert_match(' verbose=4\n\s*Last set from .*\n verbose=0',
+ \ execute("4verbose set verbose | set verbose"))
" Test for the :delete command and the related abbreviated commands
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 4741,