some blindness cures ignored u.ucreamed
some instances of stun or confusion timers were being overridden rather than
incremented when new stun or confusion damage was suffered
+female gnome who gains level can grow up into male-only gnome lord; give an
+ an alternate message instead of prohibiting the promotion
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
struct monst *mtmp, *victim;
int oldtype, newtype, max_increase, cur_increase, lev_limit, hp_threshold;
+ unsigned fem;
struct permonst *ptr = mtmp->data;
/* monster died after killing enemy but before calling this function */
else if (lev_limit > 49)
lev_limit = (ptr->mlevel > 49 ? 50 : 49);
+ /* new form might force gender change */
+ fem = is_male(ptr) ? 0 : is_female(ptr) ? 1 : mtmp->female;
if ((int) ++mtmp->m_lev >= mons[newtype].mlevel && newtype != oldtype) {
ptr = &mons[newtype];
if (mvitals[newtype].mvflags & G_GENOD) { /* allow G_EXTINCT */
return (struct permonst *) 0;
} else if (canspotmon(mtmp)) {
+ char buf[BUFSZ];
+ /* 3.6.1:
+ * Temporary (?) hack to fix growing into opposite gender.
+ */
+ Sprintf(buf, "%s%s",
+ /* deal with female gnome becoming a gnome lord */
+ (mtmp->female && !fem) ? "male "
+ /* or a male gnome becoming a gnome lady
+ (can't happen with 3.6.0 mons[], but perhaps
+ slightly less sexist if prepared for it...) */
+ : (fem && !mtmp->female) ? "female " : "",
+ ptr->mname);
pline("%s %s %s.", Monnam(mtmp),
- humanoid(ptr) ? "becomes" : "grows up into",
- an(ptr->mname));
+ (fem != mtmp->female) ? "changes into"
+ : humanoid(ptr) ? "becomes"
+ : "grows up into",
+ an(buf));
set_mon_data(mtmp, ptr, 1); /* preserve intrinsics */
newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my); /* color may change */
lev_limit = (int) mtmp->m_lev; /* never undo increment */
+ mtmp->female = fem; /* gender might be changing */
/* sanity checks */
if ((int) mtmp->m_lev > lev_limit) {
mtmp->m_lev--; /* undo increment */