Windows Platform Specific Changlog.<br />\r
- <h3>Major Changes</h3>\r
+ <h2>Changes since Snapshot 1 - SVN2592</h2>\r
+ \r
+ <h4>Major Changes</h4>\r
+ - Added support for Sparkle for Windows.<br />\r
+ - Import MacGUI presets.<br />\r
+ - External SRT supported added.<br />\r
+ \r
+ <h4>Minor Improvements / Changes</h4>\r
+ - Some UI layout changes / improvements<br />\r
+ - Added new options: preferred language, "Dub Foreign language audio" and "Use Foreign language audio and Subtitles"<br />\r
+ - Remove M4v from format dropdown and add new option "Use iPod/iTunes friendly (.m4v) file extension for MP4<br />\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ <h4>Fixed</h4>\r
+ - Re-written the Picture Settings Panel code so it should now work alot better.<br />\r
+ - Issue where the GUI would error if the encode was stoped too quickly.<br />\r
+ - Numerous other fixes including: Quality slider resetting to 0 and other settings lost when a title change occurs.<br />\r
+ - Fixes some scaling / quality issues with QuickTime preview. Also added a possible fix for QT not working on 64bit systems.<br />\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ <h2>Changes since 0.9.3</h2>\r
+ <h4>Major Changes</h4>\r
- Video Preview window using QuickTime or VLC. (5 to 60 second preview clips) <br />\r
- Re-designed audio tab. Now uses a List and allows for >4 audio channels.<br />\r
- Improved control over how logs are stored. Logs are now kept in the Application data folder for each user. <br />\r
- The Main window and the Queue "Start/Stop" buttons are now linked. Start on the main window starts the Queue. They are no longer separate.<br />\r
- <h3>Minor Improvements / Changes</h3>\r
+ <h4>Minor Improvements / Changes</h4>\r
- Resizable queue Window<br />\r
- Scanning a source no longer uses a separate popup window. Scanning simply disables the main window, and displays the status much like the MacGUI<br />\r
- Queue recovery now uses an XML file.<br />\r
- CLI status can now be displayed in-GUI instead of the CLI readout. (Experimental)<br />\r
- Misc Typo's<br />\r
- <h3>Fixed</h3>\r
+ <h4>Fixed</h4>\r
- Source and Destination fields unpopulated on queue in certain conditions.<br />\r
- Several bugs in the way x264 widgets are handled with custom x264 strings.<br />\r
- Fixed a null pointer exception after scan if all presets had been deleted.<br />\r
case "Lock System":\r
+ case "Growl Notification":\r
+ GrowlCommunicator.Notify();\r
+ break;\r
case "Quit HandBrake":\r
--- /dev/null
+using System;\r
+using System.Collections.Generic;\r
+using System.Text;\r
+using Growl.Connector;\r
+using Growl.CoreLibrary;\r
+namespace Handbrake.Functions\r
+ /// <summary>\r
+ /// Provides all functionality for communicating with Growl for Windows.\r
+ /// </summary>\r
+ /// <remarks>\r
+ /// This class is implemented as a static class because:\r
+ /// 1. It allows nearly all of the Growl-related code to be in one place\r
+ /// 2. It prevents the main form, queue handler, and any other part of Handbrake from having to declare\r
+ /// or track any new instance variables\r
+ /// </remarks>\r
+ public static class GrowlCommunicator\r
+ {\r
+ /// <summary>\r
+ /// The <see cref="GrowlConnector"/> that actually talks to Growl\r
+ /// </summary>\r
+ private static GrowlConnector growl;\r
+ /// <summary>\r
+ /// The Handbrake application instance that is registered with Growl\r
+ /// </summary>\r
+ private static Application application;\r
+ /// <summary>\r
+ /// Notification shown upon completion of encoding\r
+ /// </summary>\r
+ public static NotificationType EncodingComplete;\r
+ /// <summary>\r
+ /// Checks to see if Growl is currently running on the local machine.\r
+ /// </summary>\r
+ /// <returns>\r
+ /// <c>true</c> if Growl is running;\r
+ /// <c>false</c> otherwise\r
+ /// </returns>\r
+ public static bool IsRunning()\r
+ {\r
+ Initialize();\r
+ return growl.IsGrowlRunning();\r
+ }\r
+ /// <summary>\r
+ /// Registers Handbrake with the local Growl instance\r
+ /// </summary>\r
+ /// <remarks>\r
+ /// This should usually be called at application start-up\r
+ /// </remarks>\r
+ public static void Register()\r
+ {\r
+ Initialize();\r
+ growl.Register(application, new NotificationType[] { EncodingComplete });\r
+ }\r
+ /// <summary>\r
+ /// Sends a notification to Growl. (Since Handbrake currently only supports one type of notification with\r
+ /// static text, this is a shortcut method).\r
+ /// </summary>\r
+ public static void Notify()\r
+ {\r
+ string title = "Encoding Complete";\r
+ string text = "Put down that cocktail...\nyour Handbrake encode is done.";\r
+ Notification notification = new Notification(application.Name, EncodingComplete.Name, String.Empty, title, text);\r
+ growl.Notify(notification);\r
+ }\r
+ /// <summary>\r
+ /// Sends a notification to Growl. (This is the more generic version that could be used in the future if \r
+ /// more notification types are implemented)\r
+ /// </summary>\r
+ /// <param name="notificationType">The <see cref="NotificationType">type</see> of notification to send</param>\r
+ /// <param name="title">The notification title</param>\r
+ /// <param name="text">The notification text</param>\r
+ /// <param name="imageUrl">The notification image as a url</param>\r
+ public static void Notify(NotificationType notificationType, string title, string text, string imageUrl)\r
+ {\r
+ Notification notification = new Notification(application.Name, notificationType.Name, String.Empty, title, text);\r
+ notification.Icon = imageUrl;\r
+ growl.Notify(notification);\r
+ }\r
+ /// <summary>\r
+ /// Initializes the GrowlCommunicator\r
+ /// </summary>\r
+ private static void Initialize()\r
+ {\r
+ if (growl == null)\r
+ {\r
+ growl = new GrowlConnector();\r
+ growl.EncryptionAlgorithm = Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithmType.PlainText;\r
+ application = new Application("Handbrake");\r
+ application.Icon = global::Handbrake.Properties.Resources.logo64;\r
+ EncodingComplete = new NotificationType("Encoding Complete");\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ <Reference Include="Growl.Connector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=980c2339411be384, processorArchitecture=x86">\r
+ <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>\r
+ <HintPath>libraries\Growl.Connector.dll</HintPath>\r
+ <Private>True</Private>\r
+ </Reference>\r
+ <Reference Include="Growl.CoreLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=13e59d82e007b064, processorArchitecture=x86">\r
+ <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>\r
+ <HintPath>libraries\Growl.CoreLibrary.dll</HintPath>\r
+ <Private>True</Private>\r
+ </Reference>\r
<Reference Include="PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=x86" />\r
<Reference Include="PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL" />\r
<Reference Include="System" />\r
<Compile Include="frmUpdater.designer.cs">\r
+ <Compile Include="Functions\GrowlCommunicator.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="Functions\PresetLoader.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="Functions\QueryGenerator.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="Functions\Main.cs" />\r
Match bitrate = Regex.Match(audio_track, @"([0-9]*)bps");\r
string subformat = m.Groups[4].Value.Trim().Contains("iso639") ? null : m.Groups[4].Value;\r
+ string samplerateVal = samplerate.Success ? samplerate.Groups[0].Value.Replace("Hz", "").Trim() : "0";\r
+ string bitrateVal = bitrate.Success ? bitrate.Groups[0].Value.Replace("bps", "").Trim() : "0";\r
if (track.Success)\r
m_language = track.Groups[2].Value,\r
m_format = m.Groups[3].Value,\r
m_subFormat = subformat,\r
- m_frequency = int.Parse(samplerate.Groups[0].Value.Replace("Hz","").Trim()),\r
- m_bitrate = int.Parse(bitrate.Groups[0].Value.Replace("bps","").Trim()),\r
+ m_frequency = int.Parse(samplerateVal),\r
+ m_bitrate = int.Parse(bitrateVal),\r
m_iso639_2 = iso639_2.Value.Replace("iso639-2: ", "").Replace(")", "")\r
return thisTrack; \r
if (Properties.Settings.Default.tooltipEnable)\r
ToolTip.Active = true;\r
+ // Register with Growl (if not using Growl for the encoding completion action, this wont hurt anything)\r
+ GrowlCommunicator.Register();\r
//Finished Loading\r
lblStatus.Text = "Loading Complete!";\r
- using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dvdInfoPath))\r
+ using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("scanlog.txt"))\r
thisDVD = DVD.Parse(sr);\r
"Lock system",\r
"Log off",\r
+ "Growl Notification",\r
"Quit HandBrake"});\r
this.drp_completeOption.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(106, 119);\r
this.drp_completeOption.Name = "drp_completeOption";\r
<metadata name="ToolTip.TrayLocation" type="System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a">\r
<value>132, 18</value>\r
- <metadata name="ToolTip.TrayLocation" type="System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a">\r
- <value>132, 18</value>\r
- </metadata>\r
<metadata name="pathFinder.TrayLocation" type="System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a">\r
<value>17, 17</value>\r