## `root-nx-trust`
* Boolean
-* Default: no
-* Available since: 3.7.0
+* Default: no (<= 4.0.0), yes
If set, an NXDOMAIN from the root-servers will serve as a blanket NXDOMAIN for the entire TLD
the query belonged to. The effect of this is far fewer queries to the root-servers.
::arg().setSwitch( "disable-packetcache", "Disable packetcache" )= "no";
::arg().set("edns-subnet-whitelist", "List of netmasks and domains that we should enable EDNS subnet for")="";
::arg().setSwitch( "pdns-distributes-queries", "If PowerDNS itself should distribute queries over threads")="";
- ::arg().setSwitch( "root-nx-trust", "If set, believe that an NXDOMAIN from the root means the TLD does not exist")="no";
+ ::arg().setSwitch( "root-nx-trust", "If set, believe that an NXDOMAIN from the root means the TLD does not exist")="";
::arg().setSwitch( "any-to-tcp","Answer ANY queries with tc=1, shunting to TCP" )="no";
::arg().setSwitch( "lowercase-outgoing","Force outgoing questions to lowercase")="no";
::arg().set("udp-truncation-threshold", "Maximum UDP response size before we truncate")="1680";