static size_t Insp_bufrd; // bytes actually in Insp_buf
static char *Insp_selname; // the selected label, if anybody cares
static char *Insp_selfmts; // the selected path/command, ditto
+static char *Insp_findstr; // the current active target for find/next
+static int Insp_findlen; // the above's strlen()
// Our 'make status line' macro
} // end: insp_do_pipe
+ /*
+ * This guy is a *Helper* function serving the following two masters:
+ * insp_find_str() - find the next Insp_findstr match
+ * insp_make_row() - highlight any Insp_findstr matches in-view
+ * If Insp_findstr is found in the designated row (after 'col'), he
+ * returns the offest from the row start, otherwise he returns a huge
+ * integer so traditional fencepost usage can be employed. */
+static inline int insp_find_ofs (int col, int row) {
+ #define begFS (int)(fnd - Insp_p[row])
+ char *p, *fnd = NULL;
+ if (Insp_findstr) {
+ // skip this row, if there's no chance of a match
+ if (memchr(Insp_p[row], Insp_findstr[0], INSP_RLEN(row))) {
+ for ( ; col < INSP_RLEN(row); col++) {
+ if (!*(p = Insp_p[row] + col)) // skip any empty strings
+ continue;
+ if ((fnd = STRSTR(p, Insp_findstr))) // with binary data, each
+ break; // row may have '\0'. so
+ col += strlen(p); // our scans must be done
+ } // in chunks, and we must
+ if (fnd && fnd < Insp_p[row + 1]) // guard against overrun!
+ return begFS;
+ }
+ }
+ return INT_MAX;
+ #undef begFS
+} // end: insp_find_ofs
* This guy supports the inspect 'L' and '&' search provisions
- * and returns the row and *optimal* col for viewing any match
+ * and returns the row and *optimal* column for viewing any match
* ( we'll always opt for left column justification since any )
- * ( preceeding control chars would consume an unknown amount ) */
-static void insp_find (int ch, int *col, int *row) {
+ * ( preceding ctrl chars appropriate an unpredictable amount ) */
+static void insp_find_str (int ch, int *col, int *row) {
#define reDUX (found) ? N_txt(WORD_another_txt) : ""
static char str[SCREENMAX];
static int found;
if (ch == 'L' || ch == '/') {
strcpy(str, linein(N_txt(GET_find_str_txt)));
+ Insp_findstr = str;
+ Insp_findlen = strlen(str);
+ if (!Insp_findlen) Insp_findstr = NULL;
found = 0;
if (str[0]) {
- int i, xx, yy;
+ int xx, yy;
for (xx = *col, yy = *row; yy < Insp_nl; ) {
- // let's skip this entire row, if there's no chance of a match
- if (memchr(Insp_p[yy], str[0], INSP_RLEN(yy))) {
- char *p, *fnd = NULL;
- for (i = xx; i < INSP_RLEN(yy); i++) {
- if (!*(p = Insp_p[yy] + i)) // skip any empty strings
- continue;
- if ((fnd = STRSTR(p, str))) // with binary data, each
- break; // row may have '\0'. so
- i += strlen(p); // our scans must be done
- } // in chunks, and we must
- if (fnd && fnd < Insp_p[yy + 1]) { // guard against overrun!
- found = 1;
- if (xx == *col) { ++xx; continue; } // matched where we were!
- *row = yy; // ( tried to fool top? )
- *col = (int)(fnd - Insp_p[yy]);
- return;
+ xx = insp_find_ofs(xx, yy);
+ if (xx < INSP_RLEN(yy)) {
+ found = 1;
+ if (xx == *col) { // matched where we were!
+ ++xx; // ( was the user maybe )
+ continue; // ( trying to fool us? )
+ *col = xx;
+ *row = yy;
+ return;
xx = 0;
show_msg(fmtmk(N_fmt(FIND_no_find_fmt), reDUX, str));
#undef reDUX
-} // end: insp_find
+} // end: insp_find_str
- * This guy is an insp_view_this() *Helper* function responsible
- * for positioning us in both the x/y axes within the current glob
- * and displaying a page worth of damages. Along the way, he makes
- * sure that any control characters and/or unprintable characters
- * use a less-like approach which distinguishes between two forms
- * of representation: ^C and <FF>.
- *
- * He also creates a customized status line based on the maximum
- * number of digits for the current selection's position so it will
- * hopefully serve to inform, not distract by being jumpy. */
-static inline void insp_show_pg (int col, int row, int max) {
+ * This guy is a *Helper* function responsible for positioning a
+ * single row in the current 'X axis', then displaying the results.
+ * Along the way, he makes sure control characters and/or unprintable
+ * characters display in a less-like fashion:
+ * '^A' for control chars
+ * '<BC>' for other unprintable stuff
+ * Those will be highlighted with the current windows's capclr_msg,
+ * while visible search matches display with capclr_hdr for emphasis.
+ * ( we hide ugly plumbing in macros to concentrate on the algorithm ) */
+static inline void insp_make_row (int col, int row) {
+ #define maxSZ ( Screen_cols - (to + 1) )
#define capNO { if (hicap) { putp(Caps_off); hicap = 0; } }
+ #define mkFND { PUTT("%s%.*s%s", Curwin->capclr_hdr, maxSZ, Insp_findstr, Caps_off); \
+ fr += Insp_findlen -1; to += Insp_findlen; hicap = 0; }
+ #define mkCTL { int x = maxSZ; const char *p = fmtmk("^%c", uch + '@'); \
+ PUTT("%s%.*s", (!hicap) ? Curwin->capclr_msg : "", x, p); to += 2; hicap = 1; }
+ #define mkUNP { int x = maxSZ; const char *p = fmtmk("<%02X>", uch); \
+ PUTT("%s%.*s", (!hicap) ? Curwin->capclr_msg : "", x, p); to += 4; hicap = 1; }
#define mkCTL { if ((to += 2) <= Screen_cols) \
PUTT("%s^%c", (!hicap) ? Curwin->capclr_msg : "", uch + '@'); hicap = 1; }
#define mkUNP { if ((to += 4) <= Screen_cols) \
PUTT("%s<%02X>", (!hicap) ? Curwin->capclr_msg : "", uch); hicap = 1; }
- #define mkSTD { capNO; putchar(uch); to++; }
+ #define mkSTD { capNO; if (++to <= Screen_cols) putchar(uch); }
+ char tline[SCREENMAX];
+ int fr, to, ofs;
+ int hicap = 0;
+ capNO;
+ if (col < INSP_RLEN(row))
+ memcpy(tline, Insp_p[row] + col, sizeof(tline));
+ else tline[0] = '\n';
+ for (fr = 0, to = 0, ofs = 0; to < Screen_cols -1; fr++) {
+ if (!ofs)
+ ofs = insp_find_ofs(col + fr, row);
+ if (col + fr < ofs) {
+ unsigned char uch = tline[fr];
+ if (uch == '\n') break; // a no show (he,he)
+ if (uch > 126) mkUNP // show as: '<AB>'
+ else if (uch < 32) mkCTL // show as: '^C'
+ else mkSTD // a show off (he,he)
+ } else { mkFND // a big show (he,he)
+ ofs = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ capNO;
+ putp(Cap_clr_eol);
+ #undef maxSZ
+ #undef capNO
+ #undef mkFND
+ #undef mkCTL
+ #undef mkUNP
+ #undef mkSTD
+} // end: insp_make_row
+ /*
+ * This guy is an insp_view_choice() *Helper* function who displays
+ * a page worth of of the user's damages. He also creates a status
+ * line based on maximum digits for the current selection's lines and
+ * hozizontal position (so it serves to inform, not distract, by
+ * otherwise being jumpy). */
+static inline void insp_show_pgs (int col, int row, int max) {
char buf[SMLBUFSIZ];
int r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", Insp_nl);
int c = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", col +Screen_cols);
int l = row +1, ls = Insp_nl;;
- int hicap = 0;
- if (!Insp_bufrd) l = ls = 0; // for a more honest representation
+ if (!Insp_bufrd)
+ l = ls = 0;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), N_fmt(YINSP_status_fmt)
, Insp_selname
, r, l, r, ls
INSP_MKSL(0, buf);
for ( ; max && row < Insp_nl; row++) {
- char tline[SCREENMAX];
- int fr, to, len;
- capNO;
- len = INSP_RLEN(row);
- if (col < len)
- memcpy(tline, Insp_p[row] + col, sizeof(tline));
- else tline[0] = '\n';
- for (fr = 0, to = 0; fr < len && to < Screen_cols; fr++) {
- unsigned char uch = tline[fr];
- if (uch == '\n') break; // a no show (he,he)
- if (uch > 126) mkUNP // show as '<AB>'
- else if (uch < 32) mkCTL // show as '^C'
- else mkSTD // a show off (he,he)
- }
- capNO;
- putp(Cap_clr_eol);
+ insp_make_row(col, row);
- if (max) putp(Cap_nl_clreos);
- #undef capNO
- #undef mkCTL
- #undef mkUNP
- #undef mkSTD
-} // end: insp_show_pg
+ if (max)
+ putp(Cap_nl_clreos);
+} // end: insp_show_pgs
* This guy is responsible for displaying the Insp_buf contents and
* managing all scrolling/locate requests until the user gives up. */
-static int insp_view_this (char *hdr) {
+static int insp_view_choice (char *hdr) {
#ifdef INSP_SLIDE_1
#define hzAMT 1
show_special(1, fmtmk(N_unq(INSP_hdrview_fmt), hdr));
- insp_show_pg(curcol, curlin, maxLN);
+ insp_show_pgs(curcol, curlin, maxLN);
/* fflush(stdin) didn't do the trick, so we'll just dip a little deeper
lest repeated <Enter> keys produce immediate re-selection in caller */
case 'L': case '&': case '/': case 'n':
- insp_find(key, &curcol, &curlin);
+ insp_find_str(key, &curcol, &curlin);
case '=':
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", Insp_selfmts);
+ #undef hzAMT
#undef maxLN
-} // end: insp_view_this
+} // end: insp_view_choice
* 1) validating the passed pid (required, but not always used)
* 2) presenting/establishing the target selection
* 3) arranging to fill Insp_buf (via the[?].func)
- * 4) invoking insp_view_this() for viewing/scrolling/searching
+ * 4) invoking insp_view_choice for viewing/scrolling/searching
* 5) cleaning up the dynamically acquired memory afterwards */
static void inspection_utility (int pid) {
#define mkSEL(dst) { for (i = 0; i <; i++)[i].caps = "~1"; \
Insp_selname =[sel].name;
Insp_selfmts =[sel].fmts;[sel].func([sel].fmts, pid);
- key = insp_view_this(head);
+ key = insp_view_choice(head);