return false;
+ bool isCpp11AttributeSpecifier(const FormatToken &Tok) {
+ if (!Style.isCpp() || !Tok.startsSequence(tok::l_square, tok::l_square))
+ return false;
+ const FormatToken *AttrTok = Tok.Next->Next;
+ if (!AttrTok)
+ return false;
+ // C++17 '[[using ns: foo, bar(baz, blech)]]'
+ // We assume nobody will name an ObjC variable 'using'.
+ if (AttrTok->startsSequence(tok::kw_using, tok::identifier, tok::colon))
+ return true;
+ if (AttrTok->isNot(tok::identifier))
+ return false;
+ while (AttrTok && !AttrTok->startsSequence(tok::r_square, tok::r_square)) {
+ // ObjC message send. We assume nobody will use : in a C++11 attribute
+ // specifier parameter, although this is technically valid:
+ // [[foo(:)]]
+ if (AttrTok->is(tok::colon) ||
+ AttrTok->startsSequence(tok::identifier, tok::identifier))
+ return false;
+ if (AttrTok->is(tok::ellipsis))
+ return true;
+ AttrTok = AttrTok->Next;
+ }
+ return AttrTok && AttrTok->startsSequence(tok::r_square, tok::r_square);
+ }
bool parseSquare() {
if (!CurrentToken)
return false;
// A '[' could be an index subscript (after an identifier or after
// ')' or ']'), it could be the start of an Objective-C method
- // expression, or it could the start of an Objective-C array literal.
+ // expression, it could the start of an Objective-C array literal,
+ // or it could be a C++ attribute specifier [[foo::bar]].
FormatToken *Left = CurrentToken->Previous;
Left->ParentBracket = Contexts.back().ContextKind;
FormatToken *Parent = Left->getPreviousNonComment();
(Contexts.back().CanBeExpression || Contexts.back().IsExpression ||
+ bool IsCpp11AttributeSpecifier = isCpp11AttributeSpecifier(*Left) ||
+ Contexts.back().InCpp11AttributeSpecifier;
bool StartsObjCMethodExpr =
- !CppArrayTemplates && Style.isCpp() &&
+ !CppArrayTemplates && Style.isCpp() && !IsCpp11AttributeSpecifier &&
Contexts.back().CanBeExpression && Left->isNot(TT_LambdaLSquare) &&
CurrentToken->isNot(tok::l_brace) &&
(!Parent ||
} else if (Left->is(TT_Unknown)) {
if (StartsObjCMethodExpr) {
Left->Type = TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
+ } else if (IsCpp11AttributeSpecifier) {
+ Left->Type = TT_AttributeSquare;
} else if (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript && Parent &&
Contexts.back().ContextKind == tok::l_brace &&
Parent->isOneOf(tok::l_brace, tok::comma)) {
Contexts.back().IsExpression = false;
Contexts.back().ColonIsObjCMethodExpr = StartsObjCMethodExpr;
+ Contexts.back().InCpp11AttributeSpecifier = IsCpp11AttributeSpecifier;
while (CurrentToken) {
if (CurrentToken->is(tok::r_square)) {
- if (CurrentToken->Next && CurrentToken->Next->is(tok::l_paren) &&
- Left->is(TT_ObjCMethodExpr)) {
+ if (IsCpp11AttributeSpecifier)
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_AttributeSquare;
+ else if (CurrentToken->Next && CurrentToken->Next->is(tok::l_paren) &&
+ Left->is(TT_ObjCMethodExpr)) {
// An ObjC method call is rarely followed by an open parenthesis.
// FIXME: Do we incorrectly label ":" with this?
StartsObjCMethodExpr = false;
if (CurrentToken->isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_brace))
return false;
if (CurrentToken->is(tok::colon)) {
- if (Left->isOneOf(TT_ArraySubscriptLSquare,
- TT_DesignatedInitializerLSquare)) {
+ if (IsCpp11AttributeSpecifier &&
+ CurrentToken->endsSequence(tok::colon, tok::identifier,
+ tok::kw_using)) {
+ // Remember that this is a [[using ns: foo]] C++ attribute, so we
+ // don't add a space before the colon (unlike other colons).
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_AttributeColon;
+ } else if (Left->isOneOf(TT_ArraySubscriptLSquare,
+ TT_DesignatedInitializerLSquare)) {
Left->Type = TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
StartsObjCMethodExpr = true;
// ParameterCount might have been set to 1 before expression was
bool InInheritanceList = false;
bool CaretFound = false;
bool IsForEachMacro = false;
+ bool InCpp11AttributeSpecifier = false;
/// \brief Puts a new \c Context onto the stack \c Contexts for the lifetime
return 35;
if (!Right.isOneOf(TT_ObjCMethodExpr, TT_LambdaLSquare,
- TT_DesignatedInitializerLSquare))
+ TT_DesignatedInitializerLSquare, TT_AttributeSquare))
return 500;
Style)) ||
(Style.SpacesInSquareBrackets &&
- TT_StructuredBindingLSquare)));
+ TT_StructuredBindingLSquare)) ||
+ Right.MatchingParen->is(TT_AttributeParen));
if ( &&
!Right.isOneOf(TT_ObjCMethodExpr, TT_LambdaLSquare,
- TT_StructuredBindingLSquare) &&
+ TT_StructuredBindingLSquare, TT_AttributeSquare) &&
!Left.isOneOf(tok::numeric_constant, TT_DictLiteral))
return false;
if ( &&
if (
return !Left.TokenText.endswith("=*/");
if ( {
- if ( &&
+ if (( && ||
+ ( &&
return true;
return Line.Type == LT_ObjCDecl || ||
(Style.SpaceBeforeParens != FormatStyle::SBPO_Never &&
return false;
if (
return Style.SpacesInContainerLiterals;
+ if (
+ return false;
return true;
if (
return !Right.isOneOf(tok::l_brace, tok::semi, tok::equal, tok::l_paren,
tok::less, tok::coloncolon);
- if (
+ if ( ||
+ ( &&
return true;
if ( &&
(Style.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators == FormatStyle::BOS_None ||
Left.getPrecedence() == prec::Assignment))
return true;
+ if (( && ||
+ ( &&
+ return false;
return Left.isOneOf(tok::comma, tok::coloncolon, tok::semi, tok::l_brace,
tok::kw_class, tok::kw_struct, tok::comment) ||
Right.isMemberAccess() ||
+TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsSquareAttributes) {
+ verifyFormat("SomeType s [[unused]] (InitValue);");
+ verifyFormat("SomeType s [[gnu::unused]] (InitValue);");
+ verifyFormat("SomeType s [[using gnu: unused]] (InitValue);");
+ verifyFormat("[[gsl::suppress(\"clang-tidy-check-name\")]] void f() {}");
+ verifyFormat("void f() [[deprecated(\"so sorry\")]];");
+ verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+ " [[unused]] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(int i);");
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsEllipsis) {
verifyFormat("int printf(const char *fmt, ...);");
verifyFormat("template <class... Ts> void Foo(Ts... ts) { Foo(ts...); }");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, guessLanguage("foo", "@interface Foo\n@end\n"));
-TEST_F(FormatTest, GuessLanguageWithForIn) {
- EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp,
- guessLanguage("foo.h", "for (Foo *x = 0; x != in; x++) {}"));
+TEST_F(FormatTest, GuessLanguageWithCpp11AttributeSpecifiers) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[noreturn]];"));
- guessLanguage("foo.h", "for (Foo *x in bar) {}"));
- EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC,
- guessLanguage("foo.h", "for (Foo *x in [bar baz]) {}"));
- EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC,
- guessLanguage("foo.h", "for (Foo *x in [bar baz:blech]) {}"));
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "array[[calculator getIndex]];"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp,
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[noreturn, deprecated(\"so sorry\")]];"));
- FormatStyle::LK_ObjC,
- guessLanguage("foo.h", "for (Foo *x in [bar baz:blech, 1, 2, 3, 0]) {}"));
+ FormatStyle::LK_Cpp,
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[noreturn, deprecated(\"gone, sorry\")]];"));
- guessLanguage("foo.h", "for (Foo *x in [bar baz:^{[uh oh];}]) {}"));
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[noreturn foo] bar];"));
- guessLanguage("foo.h", "Foo *x; for (x = 0; x != in; x++) {}"));
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[clang::fallthrough]];"));
- guessLanguage("foo.h", "Foo *x; for (x in y) {}"));
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[clang:fallthrough] foo];"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp,
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[gsl::suppress(\"type\")]];"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp,
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[using clang: fallthrough]];"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC,
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[abusing clang:fallthrough] bar];"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp,
+ guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[using gsl: suppress(\"type\")]];"));
- guessLanguage(
- "foo.h",
- "for (const Foo<Bar>& baz = in.value(); !baz.at_end(); ++baz) {}"));
+ guessLanguage("foo.h",
+ "[[clang::callable_when(\"unconsumed\", \"unknown\")]]"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, guessLanguage("foo.h", "[[foo::bar, ...]]"));
} // end namespace