" Tests for editing the command line.
func Test_complete_tab()
call writefile(['testfile'], 'Xtestfile')
call feedkeys(":e Xtest\t\r", "tx")
delcommand Foo
+func Test_cmdline_complete_user_names()
+ if has('unix') && executable('whoami')
+ let whoami = systemlist('whoami')[0]
+ let first_letter = whoami[0]
+ if len(first_letter) > 0
+ " Trying completion of :e ~x where x is the first letter of
+ " the user name should complete to at least the user name.
+ call feedkeys(':e ~' . first_letter . "\<c-a>\<c-B>\"\<cr>", 'tx')
+ call assert_match('^"e \~.*\<' . whoami . '\>', @:)
+ endif
+ endif
+ if has('win32')
+ " Just in case: check that the system has an Administrator account.
+ let names = system('net user')
+ if names =~ 'Administrator'
+ " Trying completion of :e ~A should complete to Administrator.
+ call feedkeys(':e ~A' . "\<c-a>\<c-B>\"\<cr>", 'tx')
+ call assert_match('^"e \~Administrator', @:)
+ endif
+ endif
+funct Test_cmdline_complete_languages()
+ let lang = substitute(execute('language messages'), '.*"\(.*\)"$', '\1', '')
+ call feedkeys(":language \<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx')
+ call assert_match('^"language .*\<ctype\>.*\<messages\>.*\<time\>', @:)
+ if has('unix')
+ " TODO: these tests don't work on Windows. lang appears to be 'C'
+ " but C does not appear in the completion. Why?
+ call assert_match('^"language .*\<' . lang . '\>', @:)
+ call feedkeys(":language messages \<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx')
+ call assert_match('^"language .*\<' . lang . '\>', @:)
+ call feedkeys(":language ctype \<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx')
+ call assert_match('^"language .*\<' . lang . '\>', @:)
+ call feedkeys(":language time \<c-a>\<c-b>\"\<cr>", 'tx')
+ call assert_match('^"language .*\<' . lang . '\>', @:)
+ endif
func Test_cmdline_write_alternatefile()
call setline('.', ['one', 'two'])