call delete('Xviminfo')
+func Test_search_Ctrl_L_combining()
+ " Make sure, that Ctrl-L works correctly with combining characters.
+ " It uses an artificial example of an 'a' with 4 combining chars:
+ " 'a' U+0061 Dec:97 LATIN SMALL LETTER A a /\%u61\Z "\u0061"
+ " ' ̀' U+0300 Dec:768 COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT ̀ /\%u300\Z "\u0300"
+ " ' ́' U+0301 Dec:769 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT ́ /\%u301\Z "\u0301"
+ " ' ̇' U+0307 Dec:775 COMBINING DOT ABOVE ̇ /\%u307\Z "\u0307"
+ " ' ̣' U+0323 Dec:803 COMBINING DOT BELOW ̣ /\%u323 "\u0323"
+ " Those should also appear on the commandline
+ if !has('multi_byte') || !exists('+incsearch')
+ return
+ endif
+ call Cmdline3_prep()
+ 1
+ let bufcontent = ['', 'Miạ̀́̇m']
+ call append('$', bufcontent)
+ call feedkeys("/Mi\<c-l>\<c-l>\<cr>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal(5, line('.'))
+ call assert_equal(bufcontent[1], @/)
+ call Incsearch_cleanup()