subdirectory. Based on the internal implementations or the files in the
examples subdirectory there are also some .php files to experiment with.
-The .inc files are not included automatically because the are sooner or
+The .inc files are not included automatically because they are sooner or
later integrated into the extension. That means that you either need to
put the code of examples/autoload into your autoprepend file or that you
have to point your ini setting auto_prepend_file to this file.
+Below is a list of interfaces/classes already availabel natively through
+the SPL extension grouped by category. For more information refer to the
+docuement spl.php.
1) Iterators
SPL offers some advanced iterator algorithms:
class RecursiveIteratorIterator implements Iterator
abstract class FilterIterator implements Iterator
class ParentIterator extends FilterIterator implements RecursiveIterator
+interface SeekableIterator implements Iterator
+class LimitIterator implements Iterator
+class CachingIterator implements Iterator
+class CachingRecursiveIterator extends CachingIterator implements RecursiveIterator
2) Directories
-SPL offers two advanced directory classes.
+SPL offers two advanced directory classes:
class DirectoryIterator implements Iterator
class RecursiveDirectoryIterator extends DirectoryIterator implements RecursiveIterator
3) XML
-SPL offers an advanced XML handling class.
+SPL offers an advanced XML handling class:
class SimpleXMLIterator extends simplexml_element extends recursiveiterator
4) Array Overloading
-SPL offers advanced Array overloading.
+SPL offers advanced Array overloading:
class ArrayObject implements IteratorAggregate
class ArrayIterator implements Iterator