/* destructors ---------------------- */
-/* {{{ _php_ibase_free_xsqlda() */
-/* not actual destructor ... */
+/* {{{ _php_ibase_free_xsqlda() (not actual destructor)
+ */
static void _php_ibase_free_xsqlda(XSQLDA *sqlda)
int i;
-/* {{{ _php_ibase_close_link() */
+/* {{{ _php_ibase_close_link()
+ */
static void _php_ibase_close_link(zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)
ibase_db_link *link = (ibase_db_link *)rsrc->ptr;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ _php_ibase_close_plink() */
+/* {{{ _php_ibase_close_plink()
+ */
static void _php_ibase_close_plink(zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)
ibase_db_link *link = (ibase_db_link *)rsrc->ptr;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ _php_ibase_free_result() */
+/* {{{ _php_ibase_free_result()
+ */
static void _php_ibase_free_result(zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)
ibase_result *ib_result = (ibase_result *)rsrc->ptr;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_connect(string database [, string username] [, string password] [, string charset] [, int buffers] [, int dialect] [, string role])
+/* {{{ proto resource ibase_connect(string database [, string username [, string password [, string charset [, int buffers [, int dialect [, string role]]]]]])
Open a connection to an InterBase database */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_pconnect(string database [, string username] [, string password] [, string charset] [, int buffers] [, int dialect] [, string role])
+/* {{{ proto resource ibase_pconnect(string database [, string username [, string password [, string charset [, int buffers [, int dialect [, string role]]]]]])
Open a persistent connection to an InterBase database */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_close([int link_identifier])
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_close([resource link_identifier])
Close an InterBase connection */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_trans([int trans_args [, int link_identifier]])
+/* {{{ proto resource ibase_trans([int trans_args [, resource link_identifier]])
Start transaction */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_commit([int link_identifier, ] int trans_number)
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_commit([resource link_identifier [, int trans_number]])
Commit transaction */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_rollback([int link_identifier, ] int trans_number)
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_rollback([resource link_identifier [, int trans_number]])
Roolback transaction */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_query([int link_identifier, ] string query [, int bind_args])
+/* {{{ proto resource ibase_query([resource link_identifier [, string query [, int bind_args]]])
Execute a query */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array ibase_fetch_row(int result [, int blob_flag])
+/* {{{ proto array ibase_fetch_row(resource result [, int blob_flag])
Fetch a row from the results of a query */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array ibase_fetch_assoc(int result [, int blob_flag])
+/* {{{ proto array ibase_fetch_assoc(resource result [, int blob_flag])
Fetch a row from the results of a query */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto object ibase_fetch_object(int result [, int blob_flag])
+/* {{{ proto object ibase_fetch_object(resource result [, int blob_flag])
Fetch a object from the results of a query */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_free_result(int result)
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_free_result(resource result)
Free the memory used by a result */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_prepare([int link_identifier, ] string query)
+/* {{{ proto resource ibase_prepare([resource link_identifier, ] string query)
Prepare a query for later execution */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_execute(int query [, int bind_args [, int ...]])
+/* {{{ proto resource ibase_execute(resource query [, int bind_args [, int ...]])
Execute a previously prepared query */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_free_query(int query)
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_free_query(resource query)
Free memory used by a query */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_num_fields(int result)
+/* {{{ proto int ibase_num_fields(resource result)
Get the number of fields in result */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array ibase_field_info(int result, int field_number)
+/* {{{ proto array ibase_field_info(resource result, int field_number)
Get information about a field */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_create([int link_identifier])
+/* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_create([resource link_identifier])
Create blob for adding data */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_add(int blob_id, string data)
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_blob_add(int blob_id, string data)
Add data into created blob */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_close(int blob_id)
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_blob_close(int blob_id)
Close blob */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_cancel(int blob_id)
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_blob_cancel(int blob_id)
Cancel creating blob */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_echo(string blob_id_str)
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_blob_echo(string blob_id_str)
Output blob contents to browser */
/*to handle reading and writing to windows sockets*/
-/* {{{ proto string ibase_blob_import([link_identifier, ] int file_id)
+/* {{{ proto string ibase_blob_import([resource link_identifier, ] int file_id)
Create blob, copy file in it, and close it */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_add_user(string server, string dba_user_name, string dba_password, string user_name, string password [, string first_name] [, string middle_name] [, string last_name])
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_add_user(string server, string dba_user_name, string dba_password, string user_name, string password [, string first_name [, string middle_name [, string last_name]]])
Add an user to security database (only for IB6 or later) */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_modify_user(string server, string dba_user_name, string dba_password, string user_name, string password [, string first_name] [, string middle_name] [, string last_name])
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_modify_user(string server, string dba_user_name, string dba_password, string user_name, string password [, string first_name [, string middle_name [, string last_name]]])
Modify an user in security database (only for IB6 or later) */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int ibase_delete_user(string server, string dba_user_name, string dba_password, string username)
+/* {{{ proto bool ibase_delete_user(string server, string dba_user_name, string dba_password, string username)
Delete an user from security database (only for IB6 or later) */