AcceptMutex directive now takes an optional lockfile
location parameter, ala SSLMutex. [Jim Jagielski]
- *) Fix address-in-use startup failure caused by corruption of the list of
- listen sockets in some configurations with multiple generic Listen
- directives. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_authn_dbd: Export any additional columns queried in the SQL select
into the environment with the name AUTHENTICATE_<COLUMN>. This brings
mod_authn_dbd behaviour in line with mod_authnz_ldap. [Graham Leggett]
Changes with Apache 2.2.4
+ *) Fix address-in-use startup failure caused by corruption of the list of
+ listen sockets in some configurations with multiple generic Listen
+ directives. [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_proxy_balancer: Set the new environment variable BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED
if a worker with a route different from the one supplied by the client
had been chosen or if the client supplied no routing information for