-gladedir = $(datadir)/gtktopview/glade
-fontsdir = $(datadir)/gtktopview/fonts
-icondir = $(datadir)/gtktopview/icons
+guidir = $(pkgdatadir)/gui
+icondir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons
- -DGTKTOPVIEW_GLADE=\""$(gladedir)/gtktopview.glade"\" \
- -DGTKTOPVIEW_FONT=\""$(fontsdir)/arial.tga"\" \
- -DGTKTOPVIEW_ICONSDIR=\""$(iconsdir)"\" \
+ -DSMYRNA_GLADE=\""$(guidir)/smyrna.glade"\" \
+ -DSMYRNA_FONT=\""$(guidir)/arial.tga"\" \
+ -DSMYRNA_ICONSDIR=\""$(iconsdir)"\" \
-I$(top_srcdir) \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/cgraph \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/cdt \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/filter \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/utilities \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/xdot \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/GUI \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/topfish \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/gui \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/common \
-noinst_HEADERS = draw.h glTemplate.h materials.h support.h topview.h trackball.h tvnodes.h viewport.h
-bin_PROGRAMS = gtktopview
+noinst_HEADERS = draw.h glTemplate.h hier.h materials.h support.h topview.h \
+ trackball.h tvnodes.h viewport.h smyrnadefs.h
+bin_PROGRAMS = smyrna
-gtktopview_SOURCES = topview.c viewport.c draw.c glTemplate.c main.c support.c template.c trackball.c tvnodes.c
+smyrna_SOURCES = draw.c glTemplate.c hier.c main.c support.c template.c \
+ topview.c trackball.c tvnodes.c viewport.c
-gtktopview_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/cgraph/libcgraph_C.la \
+smyrna_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/cgraph/libcgraph_C.la \
$(top_builddir)/lib/cdt/libcdt_C.la \
$(top_builddir)/lib/utilities/libutilities_C.la \
$(top_builddir)/lib/xdot/libxdot_C.la \
+ $(top_builddir)/lib/topfish/libtopfish_C.la \
$(top_builddir)/lib/filter/libfilter_C.la \
- $(top_builddir)/lib/GUI/libGUI_C.la \
+ $(top_builddir)/lib/gui/libgui_C.la \
$(top_builddir)/lib/common/libcommon_C.la \
--- /dev/null
+#include "windows.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "cgraph.h"
+#include <GL/gl.h>
+#include <GL/glu.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkgl.h>
+#include "glCompset.h"
+#define IS_TEST_MODE_ON 0
+#define MAX_ZOOM -1.000033
+#define MIN_ZOOM -89.00000
+#define ZOOM_STEP 5
+#define DEG2RAD G_PI/180
+#define Z_FORWARD_PLANE -0.00201
+#define Z_BACK_PLANE -0.00199
+#define NODE_ZOOM_LIMIT -25.3
+#define NODE_CIRCLE_LIMIT -7.3
+typedef struct{
+ float R;
+ float G;
+ float B;
+ float A; //Alpha
+} RGBColor;
+typedef struct {
+ GtkButton** gtkhostbtn;
+ int gtkhostbtncount;
+ GtkColorButton** gtkhostcolor;
+ int hostactive[50]; //temporary static, convert to dynamic,realloc
+ char** hostregex;
+} topviewdata;
+typedef struct{
+ Agnode_t* Node;
+ /*original coordinates*/
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
+ /*coordinates to draw*/
+ float distorted_x;
+ float distorted_y;
+ float distorted_z;
+ float zoom_factor;
+ int in_fish_eye; //boolean value if to apply fisheye
+ RGBColor Color;
+ RGBColor GroupColor;
+ int GroupIndex; //default -1;
+ int update_required;
+ char* Label;
+ char* Label2;
+ int degree;
+ float node_alpha;
+ int valid;
+typedef struct{
+ Agnode_t* Tnode; //Tail node
+ Agnode_t* Hnode; //Tail node
+ Agedge_t *Edge; //edge itself
+ GLfloat x1;
+ GLfloat y1;
+ GLfloat z1;
+ GLfloat x2;
+ GLfloat y2;
+ GLfloat z2;
+ topview_node* Node1;
+ topview_node* Node2;
+ RGBColor Color;
+ int update_required;
+typedef struct {
+ topview_node* Nodes;
+ topview_edge* Edges;
+ int Nodecount;
+ int Edgecount;
+ int limits[4];
+ glCompSet* topviewmenu; //for novice user open gl menu
+ topviewdata* TopviewData;
+} topview;
+ COL_NAME = 0,
+} ;
+typedef struct _mouse_attr
+ int mouse_down;
+ int mouse_mode;
+ int mouse_X;
+ int mouse_Y;
+typedef struct _attribute
+ char Type;
+ char* Name;
+ char* Default;
+ char ApplyTo[4];
+ char Engine[5];
+ char** ComboValues;
+ int ComboValuesCount;
+ GtkWidget* attrWidget;
+//bind this to cgraph g
+typedef struct _custom_graph_data
+ Agrec_t h;
+ char* GraphName;
+ char* GraphFileName;
+ int AlwaysShow; //active or not draw it
+ int TopView; //default 0, 1 for topview data, dots and lines
+ int Locked;
+ int Engine; //enum GVEngine{DOT,NEATO,TWOPI,CIRCO,FDP};
+ //graph's location, change these to move the whole graph
+ int Modified; //if graph has been modified after loading
+ float offsetx;
+ float offsety;
+ float offsetz;
+ Agraph_t** selectedGraphs; //clusters , subgraphs indeed
+ Agnode_t** selectedNodes;
+ Agedge_t** selectedEdges;
+ int selectedGraphsCount;
+ int selectedNodesCount;
+ int selectedEdgesCount;
+} custom_graph_data;
+enum GEunit{GEpixels,GEinches,GEmm};
+typedef struct _custom_object_data //has to be attached to every Node, Edge, Graph and cluster
+ Agrec_t h;
+ int ID;
+ char* ObjName;
+ int ObjType;
+ int Layer;
+ int Visible;
+ int Locked;
+ int Highlighted;
+ int Selected;
+ int Preselected;
+ int NumDataCount;
+ float* NumData;
+ int StrDataCount;
+ char** StrData;
+ int selectionflag;
+ int param; //generic purpose param
+ int TVRef; //Topview reference
+typedef struct _selection
+ int Active; //0 there is no selection need to be applied
+ char Type; //0 single selection , 1 rectangle , 2 rectangleX
+ float X,Y,W,H; //selection boundries
+ int Anti; //subtract selections if 1
+ int AlreadySelected; //for single selections to avoid selecting more than one object
+ RGBColor SelectionColor;
+typedef struct _magnifier
+ float x,y;
+ float kts; //zoom X
+ float GLwidth,GLheight;
+ int width,height; //how big is the magnifier referenced from windows
+ int active;
+} magnifier;
+typedef struct _fisheye_magnifier
+ float x,y;//center coords of active circle
+ float distortion_factor; //distortion factor ,default 1
+ int R; //radius of the magnifier referenced from windows
+ int active;
+ int fisheye_distortion_fac;
+} fisheye_magnifier;
+typedef struct _ViewInfo
+ /*view variables*/
+ float panx;
+ float pany;
+ float panz;
+ float prevpanx;
+ float prevpany;
+ float prevpanz;
+ float zoom;
+ /*clipping coordinates, to avoid unnecesarry rendering*/
+ float clipX1,clipX2,clipY1,clipY2,clipZ1,clipZ2;
+ /*background color*/
+ RGBColor bgColor;
+ /*default pen color*/
+ RGBColor penColor;
+ /*default fill color*/
+ RGBColor fillColor;
+ /*selection color, selected items appear in this color*/
+ RGBColor selectColor;
+ /*grid color*/
+ RGBColor gridColor; //grid color
+ /*default line width*/
+ float LineWidth;
+ /*grid is drawn if this variable is 1*/
+ int gridVisible;
+ /*grid cell size in gl coords system*/
+ float gridSize; //grid cell size
+ /*draws a border in border colors if it is 1*/
+ int bdVisible; //if borders are visible (boundries of the drawing,
+ /*border color*/
+ RGBColor borderColor;
+ /*border coordinates, needs to be calculated for each graph*/
+ float bdxLeft,bdyTop,bdzTop;
+ float bdxRight,bdyBottom,bdzBottom;
+ /*reserved , not being used yet*/
+ enum GEunit unit; //default pixels :0
+ /*variable to hold mouse coordinates temporarily*/
+ float GLx,GLy,GLz;
+ /*this is second set of mouse coordinates holder for, it is needed to draw a rectangle with mouse*/
+ float GLx2,GLy2,GLz2;
+ /*screen window size in 2d*/
+ int w,h;
+ /*graph pointer to hold loaded graphs*/
+ Agraph_t** g;
+ /*number of graphs loaded*/
+ int graphCount;
+ /*active graph*/
+ int activeGraph;
+ /**/
+ int FontSize;
+ /*texture data*/
+ int texture; /*1 texturing enabled, 0 disabled*/
+ /*opengl depth value to convert mouse to GL coords*/
+ float GLDepth;
+ /*stores the info about status of mouse,pressed? what button ? where?*/
+ mouse_attr mouse;
+ /*selection object,refer to smyrnadefs.h for more info*/
+ selection Selection;
+ /*rectangular magnifier object*/
+ magnifier mg;
+ /*fisheye magnifier object*/
+ fisheye_magnifier fmg;
+ /*data attributes are read from graph's attributes DataAttribute1 and DataAttribute2*/
+ char* node_data_attribute1; /*for topview graphs this is the node data attribute to put as label*/
+ char* node_data_attribute2; /*for topview graphs this is the node data attribute to be stored and used for something else*/
+ /*0 advanced users with editing options 1 nonice users just navigate (glmenu system)*/
+ int topviewusermode;
+ /*open gl canvas, used to be a globa variable before looks better wrapped in viewinfo*/
+ GtkWidget *drawing_area;
+ /*some boolean variable for variety hacks used in the software*/
+ int SignalBlock;
+ /*Topview data structure, refer topview.h for more info*/
+ topview* Topview;
+extern ViewInfo* view;
+extern GtkMessageDialog* Dlg;
+extern int respond;
+extern void glexpose();
# ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-gladedir = $(datadir)/gtktopview/glade
+guidir = $(pkgdatadir)/gui
- -DGTKTOPVIEW_GLADE=\""$(gladedir)/gtktopview.glade"\" \
- -DGTKTOPVIEW_ATTRS=\""$(gladedir)/attrs.txt"\" \
+ -DSMYRNA_GLADE=\""$(guidir)/smyrna.glade"\" \
+ -DSMYRNA_ATTRS=\""$(guidir)/attrs.txt"\" \
-I$(top_srcdir) \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/xdot \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/cgraph \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/cdt \
-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/utilities \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/cmd/gtktopview \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/topfish \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cmd/smyrna \
-noinst_HEADERS = callbacks.h datalistcallbacks.h gui.h \
+noinst_HEADERS = callbacks.h datalistcallbacks.h filterscallbacks.h gui.h \
menucallbacks.h toolboxcallbacks.h
-noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libGUI_C.la
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libgui_C.la
-libGUI_C_la_SOURCES = gui.c callbacks.c datalistcallbacks.c \
- menucallbacks.c toolboxcallbacks.c
+libgui_C_la_SOURCES = callbacks.c datalistcallbacks.c filterscallbacks.c \
+ gui.c menucallbacks.c toolboxcallbacks.c