Mike Sullivan <mike@regexia.com>
#TestFest 2008 (London)
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
CDATA Content: data><&"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
\ No newline at end of file
Mike Sullivan <mike@regexia.com>
#TestFest 2008 (London)
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
Comment Content: data><&"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
\ No newline at end of file
Andrew Larssen <al@larssen.org>
London TestFest 2008
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+<?php // require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
Testing DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML and DOMDocumentFragment::hasChildNodes
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
$doc = new DOMDocument();
Muhammad Khalid Adnan
# TestFest 2008
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
Test DOMDocument::createAttribute() for expected expection thrown when wrong parameter passed
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
$dom = new DOMDocument();
Muhammad Khalid Adnan
# TestFest 2008
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
Test DOMDocument::createAttribute() for expected return value
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
$dom = new DOMDocument();
Muhammad Khalid Adnan
# TestFest 2008
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
Muhammad Khalid Adnan
# TestFest 2008
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
James Lewis <james@s-1.com>
#TestFest 2008
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
--- /dev/null
+DOM cloneNode : Basic Functionality
+Simon Hughes <odbc3@hotmail.com>
+$xml = <<< EOXML
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ <course title="one">
+ <notes>
+ <note>c1n1</note>
+ <note>c1n2</note>
+ </notes>
+ </course>
+ <course title="two">
+ <notes>
+ <note>c2n1</note>
+ <note>c2n2</note>
+ </notes>
+ </course>
+function dumpcourse($current) {
+ $title = ($current->nodeType != XML_TEXT_NODE && $current->hasAttribute('title')) ? $current->getAttribute('title'):"no title";
+ echo "Course: $title:";var_dump($current);
+ echo "~";var_dump($current->textContent);
+$dom = new DOMDocument();
+$root = $dom->documentElement;
+// strip all text nodes from this tree
+$children = $root->childNodes;
+$len = $children->length;
+for ($index = $children->length - 1; $index >=0; $index--) {
+ $current = $children->item($index);
+ if ($current->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
+ $noderemoved = $root->removeChild($current);
+ }
+echo "Start cloneNode test\n";
+$first_course = $children->item(0);
+$cloned_first_course_default = $first_course->cloneNode();
+$first_course->setAttribute('title', 'new title1');
+$cloned_first_course_true = $first_course->cloneNode(true);
+$first_course->setAttribute('title', 'new title2');
+$cloned_first_course_false = $first_course->cloneNode(false);
+$first_course->setAttribute('title', 'new title3');
+$cloned_first_course_default->setAttribute('title', 'new title default');
+$cloned_first_course_true->setAttribute('title', 'new title true');
+$cloned_first_course_false->setAttribute('title', 'new title false');
+$children = $root->childNodes;
+for ($index = 0; $index < $children->length; $index++) {
+ echo "node $index\n";
+ dumpcourse($children->item($index));
+Start cloneNode test
+node 0
+Course: new title3:object(DOMElement)#6 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c1n1
+ c1n2
+ "
+node 1
+Course: two:object(DOMElement)#3 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c2n1
+ c2n2
+ "
+node 2
+Course: new title default:object(DOMElement)#4 (0) {
+~string(0) ""
+node 3
+Course: new title true:object(DOMElement)#7 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c1n1
+ c1n2
+ "
+node 4
+Course: new title false:object(DOMElement)#8 (0) {
+~string(0) ""
\ No newline at end of file
James Lewis <james@s-1.com>
#TestFest 2008
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
/* Create an XML document
* with structure
- * <book>
+ * <book>
* <author></author>
* <title>This is the title</title>
* </book>
--- /dev/null
+DOM removeChild : Basic Functionality
+Simon Hughes <odbc3@hotmail.com>
+$xml = <<< EOXML
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ <course title="one">
+ <notes>
+ <note>c1n1</note>
+ <note>c1n2</note>
+ </notes>
+ </course>
+ <course title="two">
+ <notes>
+ <note>c2n1</note>
+ <note>c2n2</note>
+ </notes>
+ </course>
+function dumpcourse($current) {
+ $title = ($current->nodeType != XML_TEXT_NODE && $current->hasAttribute('title')) ? $current->getAttribute('title'):"no title";
+ echo "Course: $title:";var_dump($current);
+ echo "~";var_dump($current->textContent);
+$dom = new DOMDocument();
+$root = $dom->documentElement;
+$children = $root->childNodes;
+$len = $children->length;
+echo "orignal has $len nodes\n";
+for ($index = $children->length - 1; $index >=0; $index--) {
+ echo "node $index\n";
+ $current = $children->item($index);
+ dumpcourse($current);
+ if ($current->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
+ $noderemoved = $root->removeChild($current);
+ }
+$children = $root->childNodes;
+$len = $children->length;
+echo "after text removed it now has $len nodes\n";
+for ($index = 0; $index < $children->length; $index++) {
+ echo "node $index\n";
+ $current = $children->item($index);
+ dumpcourse($current);
+orignal has 5 nodes
+node 4
+Course: no title:object(DOMText)#4 (0) {
+~string(1) "
+node 3
+Course: two:object(DOMElement)#5 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c2n1
+ c2n2
+ "
+node 2
+Course: no title:object(DOMText)#6 (0) {
+~string(2) "
+ "
+node 1
+Course: one:object(DOMElement)#4 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c1n1
+ c1n2
+ "
+node 0
+Course: no title:object(DOMText)#5 (0) {
+~string(2) "
+ "
+after text removed it now has 2 nodes
+node 0
+Course: one:object(DOMElement)#3 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c1n1
+ c1n2
+ "
+node 1
+Course: two:object(DOMElement)#4 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c2n1
+ c2n2
+ "
\ No newline at end of file
Mike Sullivan <mike@regexia.com>
#TestFest 2008 (London)
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
Text Content: data><&"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
\ No newline at end of file
Bug #42082 (NodeList length zero should be empty)
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
$doc = new DOMDocument();
\ No newline at end of file