file 'bootJVM-doc-M.m.p.tar.gz' and source-plus-doc distribution
file 'bootJVM-srcdoc-M.m.p.tar.gz' files are in the repository
(at the root level of this project).
Changes with Apache 2.3.0
[Remove entries to the current 2.0 and 2.2 section below, when backported]
- *) mod_proxy_balancer: BalancerManager and proxies correctly handle
- member workers with paths. PR36816. [Ruediger Pluem, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_cgid: Refuse to work on Solaris 10 due to OS bugs. PR 34264.
[Justin Erenkrantz]
Changes with Apache 2.1.9
+ *) mod_proxy_balancer: BalancerManager and proxies correctly handle
+ member workers with paths. PR36816. [Ruediger Pluem, Jim Jagielski]
*) mod_log_config: %{hextid}P will log the thread id in hex with APR
versions 1.2.0 or higher. [Jeff Trawick]