When building PHP modules, it's important to have known-good versions
of the required tools (autoconf, automake, libtool, etc.) See the
- Anonymous CVS Instructions for details on the required tools, and
- required versions.
+ SVN Instructions for details on the required tools, and required
+ versions.
Downloading PECL extensions
PECL extensions that have releases listed on the PECL web site are
available for download and installation using the pecl command.
Specific revisions may also be specified.
- * CVS
- Most PECL extensions also reside in CVS. A web-based view may be
- seen at http://cvs.php.net/pecl/. To download straight from CVS,
- the following sequence of commands may be used. Note that phpfi is
- the password for user cvsread:
+ * SVN
+ All PECL files reside in SVN. A web-based view may be seen at
+ http://svn.php.net/pecl/. To download straight from SVN, use:
-$ cvs -d:pserver:cvsread@cvs.php.net:/repository login
-$ cvs -d:pserver:cvsread@cvs.php.net:/repository co pecl/extname
+$ svn co http://svn.php.net/repository/pecl/<extname>/trunk <extname>
* Windows downloads
Windows users may find compiled PECL binaries by downloading the
Sometimes, using the pecl installer is not an option. This could be
because you're behind a firewall, or it could be because the extension
you want to install is not available as a PECL compatible package, such
- as unreleased extensions from CVS. If you need to build such an
+ as unreleased extensions from SVN. If you need to build such an
extension, you can use the lower-level build tools to perform the build
directives are documented in the manual though. For a complete list of
directives available in your PHP version, please read your well
commented php.ini file. Alternatively, you may find the the latest
- php.ini from CVS helpful too.
+ php.ini from SVN helpful too.
Example 6-1. php.ini example
; any text on a line after an unquoted semicolon (;) is ignored
How to create patch?
-We are working with CVS. You need to get CVS source to create a patch
-that we accept. Visit http://www.php.net/anoncvs.php to get CVS
-source. You can check out older versions, but make sure you get
-the default branch (i.e. Do not use -r option when you check out the
-CVS source)
+We use Subversion (SVN) for revision control. You need to get the
+source from SVN in order to create a patch. Read
+http://www.php.net/svn.php for help on using SVN. You can check out
+older branches, but make sure you get trunk as well and make your
+patch work there.
Read CODING_STANDARDS file before you start working.
patch. Read README.TESTING for testing.
After you finish testing your patch, take diff file using
-"cvs diff > your.patch" command.
+"svn diff > your.patch" command.
Read README.TESTING for submitting a test script for your patch. This is
not strictly required, but it is preferred to submit a test script along
you are patching PEAR. Official module maintainers can be found in
EXTENSIONS file in PHP source.
-If you are new to CVS (Concurrent Versions System), visit
-http://cvshome.org/ for details.
-Recommended CVS client settings for creating patch file
-Recommended ~/.cvsrc file setting is:
-cvs -z3
-update -d -P
-checkout -P
-diff -u
-diff -u means:
- -u Use the unified output format.
-With this CVS setting, you don't have to worry about adding/deleting
-newlines and spaces.
+If you are new to SVN (Subversion), visit
+http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ for details.
Check list for submitting patch
web server error logs when you test your patch?
- Did you build PHP for multi-threaded web servers. (Optional)
- Did you create test script for "make test"? (Recommended)
- - Did you check your patch is unified format and it does not
- contain white space changes? (If you are not using recommended
- cvs setting)
- - Did you update CVS source before you take final patch?
+ - Did you update SVN source before you take final patch?
- Did you read the patch again?
What happens when your patch is applied?
-Your name will be included together with your email address in the CVS
+Your name will be included together with your email address in the SVN
commit log. If your patch affects end-users, a brief description
and your name might be added to the NEWS file.