Torrent._StatusSeeding = 8;
Torrent._StatusPaused = 16;
Torrent._InfiniteTimeRemaining = 215784000; // 999 Hours - may as well be infinite
-Torrent._MaxProgressBarWidth = 100; // reduce this to make the progress bar shorter (%)
Torrent.prototype =
name: function() { return this._name; },
peersDownloading: function() { return this._peers_downloading; },
peersUploading: function() { return this._peers_uploading; },
+ getPercentDone: function() {
+ if( !this._sizeWhenDone ) return 1.0;
+ return ( this._sizeWhenDone - this._leftUntilDone )
+ / this._sizeWhenDone;
+ },
+ getPercentDoneStr: function() {
+ return Math.ratio( 100 * ( this._sizeWhenDone - this._leftUntilDone ),
+ this._sizeWhenDone );
+ },
size: function() { return this._size; },
state: function() { return this._state; },
stateStr: function() {
refreshData: function(data)
// These variables never change after the inital load
- if (data.isPrivate) this._is_private = data.isPrivate;
- if (data.hashString) this._hashString = data.hashString;
- if (data.addedDate) this._date = data.addedDate;
- if (data.totalSize) this._size = data.totalSize;
- if (data.announceURL) this._tracker = data.announceURL;
- if (data.comment) this._comment = data.comment;
- if (data.creator) this._creator = data.creator;
- if (data.dateCreated) this._creator_date = data.dateCreated;
- if (data.path) this._torrent_file = data.path;//FIXME
+ if (data.isPrivate) this._is_private = data.isPrivate;
+ if (data.hashString) this._hashString = data.hashString;
+ if (data.addedDate) this._date = data.addedDate;
+ if (data.totalSize) this._size = data.totalSize;
+ if (data.announceURL) this._tracker = data.announceURL;
+ if (data.comment) this._comment = data.comment;
+ if (data.creator) this._creator = data.creator;
+ if (data.dateCreated) this._creator_date = data.dateCreated;
+ if (data.leftUntilDone) this._leftUntilDone = data.leftUntilDone;
+ if (data.sizeWhenDone) this._sizeWhenDone = data.sizeWhenDone;
+ if (data.path) this._torrent_file = data.path;//FIXME
if ( {
this._name =;
this._name_lc = this._name.toLowerCase( );
this._error_message = data.errorString;
this._eta = data.eta;
this._swarm_speed = data.swarmSpeed;
- this._total_leechers = data.leechers;
- this._total_seeders = data.seeders;
+ this._total_leechers = Math.max( 0, data.leechers );
+ this._total_seeders = Math.max( 0, data.seeders );
this._state = data.status;
- // Get -1 returned sometimes (maybe torrents with errors?)
- if( this._total_leechers < 0 )
- this._total_leechers = 0;
- if( this._total_seeders < 0 )
- this._total_seeders = 0;
refreshHTML: function()
var progress_details;
var peer_details;
var root = this._element;
+ var MaxBarWidth = 100; // reduce this to make the progress bar shorter (%)
setInnerHTML( root._name_container[0], this._name );
- // Figure out the percent completed
- var percent = Math.min( 1.0, ( this._completed / this._size ) );
- var css_completed_width = Math.floor( percent * Torrent._MaxProgressBarWidth );
// Add the progress bar
- var notDone = this._completed < this._size;
+ var notDone = this._leftUntilDone > 0;
if( notDone )
var eta = '';
// Create the 'progress details' label
// Eg: '101 MB of 631 MB (16.02%) - 2 hr remaining'
- progress_details = Math.formatBytes( this._completed )
+ progress_details = Math.formatBytes( this._sizeWhenDone - this._leftUntilDone )
+ ' of '
- + Math.formatBytes( this._size )
+ + Math.formatBytes( this._sizeWhenDone )
+ ' ('
- + Math.ratio( this._completed, this._size )
+ + this.getPercentDoneStr()
+ '%)'
+ eta;
+ // Figure out the percent completed
+ var css_completed_width = Math.floor( this.getPercentDone() * MaxBarWidth );
// Update the 'in progress' bar
- var class_name = (this.isActive()) ? 'in_progress' : 'incomplete_stopped';
+ var class_name = this.isActive() ? 'in_progress' : 'incomplete_stopped';
var e = root._progress_complete_container;
- e.removeClass();
- e.addClass('torrent_progress_bar');
- e.addClass(class_name);
- e.css('width', css_completed_width + '%');
+ e.removeClass( );
+ e.addClass( 'torrent_progress_bar' );
+ e.addClass( class_name );
+ e.css( 'width', css_completed_width + '%' );
// Update the 'incomplete' bar
e = root._progress_incomplete_container;
e.addClass('torrent_progress_bar in_progress');
- e.css('width', (Torrent._MaxProgressBarWidth - css_completed_width) + '%');
+ e.css('width', (MaxBarWidth - css_completed_width) + '%');;
// Create the 'peer details' label
// Set progress to maximum
- root._progress_complete_container.css('width', Torrent._MaxProgressBarWidth + '%');
+ root._progress_complete_container.css('width', MaxBarWidth + '%');
// Create the 'peer details' label
// Eg: 'Seeding to 13 of 22 peers - UL: 36.2 KB/s'
/** Helper function for sortTorrents(). */
Torrent.compareByProgress = function( a, b ) {
- var a_prog = Math.ratio( a._completed, a._size );
- var b_prog = Math.ratio( b._completed, b._size );
- if( a_prog !== b_prog )
- return a_prog - b_prog;
+ if( a._leftUntilDone !== b._leftUntilDone )
+ return a._leftUntilDone - b._leftUntilDone;
var a_ratio = Math.ratio( a._upload_total, a._download_total );
var b_ratio = Math.ratio( b._upload_total, b._download_total );
return a_ratio - b_ratio;
RPC._UpSpeedLimited = 'speed-limit-up-enabled';
RPC._DownSpeedLimited = 'speed-limit-down-enabled';
+RPC._TorrentActivity = (1<<0);
+RPC._TorrentAnnounce = (1<<1);
+RPC._TorrentError = (1<<2);
+RPC._TorrentFiles = (1<<3);
+RPC._TorrentHistory = (1<<4);
+RPC._TorrentId = (1<<5);
+RPC._TorrentInfo = (1<<6);
+RPC._TorrentLimits = (1<<7);
+RPC._TorrentPeers = (1<<8);
+RPC._TorrentPriorities = (1<<9);
+RPC._TorrentScrape = (1<<10);
+RPC._TorrentSize = (1<<11);
+RPC._TorrentTrackerStats = (1<<12);
+RPC._TorrentTrackers = (1<<13);
+RPC._TorrentWebseeds = (1<<14);
function TransmissionRemote( controller )
this.initialize( controller );
var o = { };
o.method = 'torrent-get'
o.arguments = { };
- o.arguments.fields = 1+2+4+16+32+64+128+1024+2048+4096;
+ o.arguments.fields = RPC._TorrentActivity
+ + RPC._TorrentAnnounce
+ + RPC._TorrentError
+ + RPC._TorrentHistory
+ + RPC._TorrentId
+ + RPC._TorrentInfo
+ + RPC._TorrentLimits
+ + RPC._TorrentScrape
+ + RPC._TorrentSize
+ + RPC._TorrentTrackerStats;
this.sendRequest( RPC._Root, $.toJSON(o), function(data) {
tr.updateTorrents( data.arguments.torrents );
}, "json" );