- Fixed bug #27337 (missing sapi_shutdown() in sapi/isapi causes memory leak).
(Jani, msisolak at yahoo dot com)
- Fixed bug #27328 (ftp extension relies on 32-bit longs). (Sara)
+- Fixed bug #27300 (Improved regex for pg_convert()).
+ (benjcarson at digitaljunkies dot ca, Ilia)
- Fixed bug #27295 (memory leak inside sscanf()). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #27293 (two crashes inside image2wbmp()). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #27291 (get_browser matches browscap.ini patterns incorrectly).
ZVAL_STRING(new_val, "NULL", 1);
else {
- /* FIXME: better regex must be used */
- if (php_pgsql_convert_match(Z_STRVAL_PP(val), "^[+-]{0,1}[ \\t]+((second|seconds|minute|minute|hour|hour|day|days|week|weeks|month|monthes|year|years|decade|decades|century|centuries|millennium|millenniums){1,1}[ \\t]+)+([ \\t]+ago){0,1}$", 1 TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE &&
- php_pgsql_convert_match(Z_STRVAL_PP(val), "^@[ \\t]+[+-]{0,1}[ \\t]+(second|seconds|minute|minute|hour|hour|day|days|week|weeks|month|monthes|year|years|decade|decades|century|centuries|millennium|millenniums){1,1}[ \\t]+)+([ \\t]+ago$", 1 TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {
+ /* From the Postgres docs:
+ interval values can be written with the following syntax:
+ [@] quantity unit [quantity unit...] [direction]
+ Where: quantity is a number (possibly signed); unit is second, minute, hour,
+ day, week, month, year, decade, century, millennium, or abbreviations or
+ plurals of these units [note not *all* abbreviations] ; direction can be
+ ago or empty. The at sign (@) is optional noise.
+ ...
+ Quantities of days, hours, minutes, and seconds can be specified without explicit
+ unit markings. For example, '1 12:59:10' is read the same as '1 day 12 hours 59 min 10
+ sec'.
+ */
+ if (php_pgsql_convert_match(Z_STRVAL_PP(val),
+ "^(@?[ \\t]+)?("
+ /* Textual time units and their abbreviations: */
+ "(([-+]?[ \\t]+)?"
+ "[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?[ \\t]*"
+ "(millenniums|millennia|millennium|mil|mils|"
+ "centuries|century|cent|c|"
+ "decades|decade|dec|decs|"
+ "years|year|y|"
+ "months|month|mon|"
+ "weeks|week|w|"
+ "days|day|d|"
+ "hours|hour|hr|hrs|h|"
+ "minutes|minute|mins|min|m|"
+ "seconds|second|secs|sec|s))+|"
+ /* Textual time units plus (dd)* hh[:mm[:ss]] */
+ "((([-+]?[ \\t]+)?"
+ "[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?[ \\t]*"
+ "(millenniums|millennia|millennium|mil|mils|"
+ "centuries|century|cent|c|"
+ "decades|decade|dec|decs|"
+ "years|year|y|"
+ "months|month|mon|"
+ "weeks|week|w|"
+ "days|day|d))+"
+ "([-+]?[ \\t]+"
+ "([0-9]+[ \\t]+)+" /* dd */
+ "(([0-9]{1,2}:){0,2}[0-9]{0,2})" /* hh:[mm:[ss]] */
+ ")?))"
+ "([ \\t]+ago)?$",
err = 1;
else {
ZVAL_STRING(new_val, Z_STRVAL_PP(val), 1);
php_pgsql_add_quotes(new_val, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
- }
+ }
case IS_NULL: