Problem: Some test failures don't give a clear error.
Solution: Use assert_match() and assert_fails() instead of assert_true().
(Ken Takata, closes #7368)
augroup TheWarning
au VimEnter * echo 'entering'
augroup END
- call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "TheWarning.*VimEnter") >= 0)
+ call assert_match("TheWarning.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))
redir => res
augroup! TheWarning
redir END
- call assert_true(match(res, "W19:") >= 0)
- call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0)
+ call assert_match("W19:", res)
+ call assert_match("-Deleted-.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))
" check "Another" does not take the pace of the deleted entry
augroup Another
augroup END
- call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0)
+ call assert_match("-Deleted-.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))
augroup! Another
" no warning for postpone aucmd delete
augroup StartOK
au VimEnter * call RemoveGroup()
augroup END
- call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "StartOK.*VimEnter") >= 0)
+ call assert_match("StartOK.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))
redir => res
doautocmd VimEnter
redir END
- call assert_true(match(res, "W19:") < 0)
+ call assert_notmatch("W19:", res)
au! VimEnter
call assert_fails('augroup!', 'E471:')
au VimEnter * echo
augroup end
augroup! x
- call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0)
+ call assert_match("-Deleted-.*VimEnter", execute('au VimEnter'))
au! VimEnter
" Tests for 'backspace' settings
-func Exec(expr)
- let str=''
- try
- exec a:expr
- catch /.*/
- let str=v:exception
- endtry
- return str
func Test_backspace_option()
set backspace=
call assert_equal('', &backspace)
set backspace-=eol
call assert_equal('', &backspace)
" Check the error
- call assert_equal(0, match(Exec('set backspace=ABC'), '.*E474:'))
- call assert_equal(0, match(Exec('set backspace+=def'), '.*E474:'))
+ call assert_fails('set backspace=ABC', 'E474:')
+ call assert_fails('set backspace+=def', 'E474:')
" NOTE: Vim doesn't check following error...
- "call assert_equal(0, match(Exec('set backspace-=ghi'), '.*E474:'))
+ "call assert_fails('set backspace-=ghi', 'E474:')
" Check backwards compatibility with version 5.4 and earlier
set backspace=0
call assert_equal('2', &backspace)
set backspace=3
call assert_equal('3', &backspace)
- call assert_false(match(Exec('set backspace=4'), '.*E474:'))
- call assert_false(match(Exec('set backspace=10'), '.*E474:'))
+ call assert_fails('set backspace=4', 'E474:')
+ call assert_fails('set backspace=10', 'E474:')
" Cleared when 'compatible' is set
set compatible
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2046,