Problem: Various commands not completely tested.
Solution: Add more test cases. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #5551)
bwipeout bufb
bwipeout bufc
+" Test for the :copy command
+func Test_copy()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4'])
+ " copy lines in a range to inside the range
+ 1,3copy 2
+ call assert_equal(['L1', 'L2', 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L3', 'L4'], getline(1, 7))
+ close!
+" Test for the :file command
+func Test_file_cmd()
+ call assert_fails('3file', 'E474:')
+ call assert_fails('0,0file', 'E474:')
+ call assert_fails('0file abc', 'E474:')
+" Test for the :drop command
+func Test_drop_cmd()
+ call writefile(['L1', 'L2'], 'Xfile')
+ enew | only
+ drop Xfile
+ call assert_equal('L2', getline(2))
+ " Test for switching to an existing window
+ below new
+ drop Xfile
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr())
+ " Test for splitting the current window
+ enew | only
+ set modified
+ drop Xfile
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ " Check for setting the argument list
+ call assert_equal(['Xfile'], argv())
+ enew | only!
+ call delete('Xfile')
+" Test for the :append command
+func Test_append_cmd()
+ new
+ call setline(1, [' L1'])
+ call feedkeys(":append\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %delete _
+ " append after a specific line
+ call setline(1, [' L1', ' L2', ' L3'])
+ call feedkeys(":2append\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L4', ' L5', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %delete _
+ " append with toggling 'autoindent'
+ call setline(1, [' L1'])
+ call feedkeys(":append!\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_false(&autoindent)
+ %delete _
+ " append with 'autoindent' set and toggling 'autoindent'
+ set autoindent
+ call setline(1, [' L1'])
+ call feedkeys(":append!\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_true(&autoindent)
+ set autoindent&
+ close!
+" Test for the :insert command
+func Test_insert_cmd()
+ new
+ call setline(1, [' L1'])
+ call feedkeys(":insert\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L2', ' L3', ' L1'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %delete _
+ " insert before a specific line
+ call setline(1, [' L1', ' L2', ' L3'])
+ call feedkeys(":2insert\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L1', ' L4', ' L5', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %delete _
+ " insert with toggling 'autoindent'
+ call setline(1, [' L1'])
+ call feedkeys(":insert!\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L2', ' L3', ' L1'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_false(&autoindent)
+ %delete _
+ " insert with 'autoindent' set and toggling 'autoindent'
+ set autoindent
+ call setline(1, [' L1'])
+ call feedkeys(":insert!\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L2', ' L3', ' L1'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_true(&autoindent)
+ set autoindent&
+ close!
+" Test for the :change command
+func Test_change_cmd()
+ new
+ call setline(1, [' L1', 'L2', 'L3'])
+ call feedkeys(":change\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L4', ' L5', 'L2', 'L3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %delete _
+ " change a specific line
+ call setline(1, [' L1', ' L2', ' L3'])
+ call feedkeys(":2change\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L1', ' L4', ' L5', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %delete _
+ " change with toggling 'autoindent'
+ call setline(1, [' L1', 'L2', 'L3'])
+ call feedkeys(":change!\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L4', ' L5', 'L2', 'L3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_false(&autoindent)
+ %delete _
+ " change with 'autoindent' set and toggling 'autoindent'
+ set autoindent
+ call setline(1, [' L1', 'L2', 'L3'])
+ call feedkeys(":change!\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal([' L4', ' L5', 'L2', 'L3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_true(&autoindent)
+ set autoindent&
+ close!
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
call assert_true(status, "ExclamationMark")
call delete(fname)
+ call assert_equal('\-', fnameescape('-'))
+ call assert_equal('\+', fnameescape('+'))
+ call assert_equal('\>', fnameescape('>'))
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
call assert_equal("\nNUL", Do_ga(''))
call assert_equal("\n<^A> 1, Hex 01, Oct 001, Digr SH", Do_ga("\x01"))
call assert_equal("\n<^I> 9, Hex 09, Oct 011, Digr HT", Do_ga("\t"))
+ call assert_equal("\n<^@> 0, Hex 00, Octal 000", Do_ga("\n"))
call assert_equal("\n<e> 101, Hex 65, Octal 145", Do_ga('e'))
call assert_equal("\n<e> 101, Hex 65, Octal 145 < ́> 769, Hex 0301, Octal 1401", Do_ga("e\u0301"))
call assert_equal("\n<e> 101, Hex 65, Octal 145 < ́> 769, Hex 0301, Octal 1401 < ̱> 817, Hex 0331, Octal 1461", Do_ga("e\u0301\u0331"))
call assert_equal("\n<e> 101, Hex 65, Octal 145 < ́> 769, Hex 0301, Octal 1401 < ̱> 817, Hex 0331, Octal 1461 < ̸> 824, Hex 0338, Octal 1470", Do_ga("e\u0301\u0331\u0338"))
+ " When using Mac fileformat, CR instead of NL is used for line termination
+ enew!
+ set fileformat=mac
+ call assert_equal("\n<^J> 10, Hex 0a, Oct 012, Digr NU", Do_ga("\r"))
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
call assert_equal(['nothing', '++found', 'found bad', 'bad'], getline(1, 4))
+func Test_global_error()
+ call assert_fails('g\\a', 'E10:')
+ call assert_fails('g', 'E148:')
+ call assert_fails('g/\(/y', 'E476:')
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
call assert_fails('1,2move 1', 'E134')
call assert_fails('2,3move 2', 'E134')
+ call assert_fails("move -100", 'E16:')
+ call assert_fails("move +100", 'E16:')
+ call assert_fails('move', 'E16:')
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
set novisualbell
set belloff=all
+" Test for the 'write' option
+func Test_write()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['L1'])
+ set nowrite
+ call assert_fails('write Xfile', 'E142:')
+ set write
+ close!
+" Test for 'buftype' option
+func Test_buftype()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['L1'])
+ set buftype=nowrite
+ call assert_fails('write', 'E382:')
+ close!
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
call assert_match('look-here', tags1[0])
let tags2 = readfile(docdir2 . '/tags')
call assert_match('look-away', tags2[0])
+ call assert_fails('helptags abcxyz', 'E150:')
func Test_colorscheme()
runtime! ALL extra/bar.vim
call assert_equal('runstartopt', g:sequence)
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
\ 'input' : [
\ '1.234',
\ '0.88',
- \ '123.456',
+ \ ' + 123.456',
\ '1.15e-6',
\ '-1.1e3',
\ '-1.01e3',
\ '1.15e-6',
\ '0.88',
\ '1.234',
- \ '123.456'
+ \ ' + 123.456'
\ ]
\ },
\ {
\ 'cc',
\ ]
\ },
+ \ {
+ \ 'name' : 'sort one line buffer',
+ \ 'cmd' : 'sort',
+ \ 'input' : [
+ \ 'single line'
+ \ ],
+ \ 'expected' : [
+ \ 'single line'
+ \ ]
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ 'name' : 'sort ignoring case',
+ \ 'cmd' : '%sort i',
+ \ 'input' : [
+ \ 'BB',
+ \ 'Cc',
+ \ 'aa'
+ \ ],
+ \ 'expected' : [
+ \ 'aa',
+ \ 'BB',
+ \ 'Cc'
+ \ ]
+ \ },
\ ]
for t in tests
- call assert_fails('sort no', 'E474')
+ " Needs atleast two lines for this test
+ call setline(1, ['line1', 'line2'])
+ call assert_fails('sort no', 'E474:')
+ call assert_fails('sort c', 'E475:')
+ call assert_fails('sort #pat%', 'E682:')
" the output comes from the :g command, not from the :sort
call assert_match("6 fewer lines", res)
- endfunc
+" Test for a :sort command followed by another command
+func Test_sort_followed_by_cmd()
+ new
+ let var = ''
+ call setline(1, ['cc', 'aa', 'bb'])
+ %sort | let var = "sortcmdtest"
+ call assert_equal(var, "sortcmdtest")
+ call assert_equal(['aa', 'bb', 'cc'], getline(1, '$'))
+ " Test for :sort followed by a comment
+ call setline(1, ['3b', '1c', '2a'])
+ %sort /\d\+/ " sort alphabetically
+ call assert_equal(['2a', '3b', '1c'], getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for :sort using last search pattern
+func Test_sort_last_search_pat()
+ new
+ let @/ = '\d\+'
+ call setline(1, ['3b', '1c', '2a'])
+ sort //
+ call assert_equal(['2a', '3b', '1c'], getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for retaining marks across a :sort
+func Test_sort_with_marks()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['cc', 'aa', 'bb'])
+ call setpos("'c", [0, 1, 0, 0])
+ call setpos("'a", [0, 2, 0, 0])
+ call setpos("'b", [0, 3, 0, 0])
+ %sort
+ call assert_equal(['aa', 'bb', 'cc'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_equal(2, line("'a"))
+ call assert_equal(3, line("'b"))
+ call assert_equal(1, line("'c"))
+ close!
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
call assert_fails('s/FOO/bar/', 'E486:')
call assert_fails('s/foo/bar/@', 'E488:')
call assert_fails('s/\(/bar/', 'E476:')
+ call assert_fails('s afooabara', 'E146:')
+ call assert_fails('s\\a', 'E10:')
setl nomodifiable
call assert_fails('s/foo/bar/', 'E21:')
call assert_equal('#', getline(1))
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
\ ], getline(1, '$'))
+ " align text with 'wrapmargin'
+ call setline(1, ['Vim'])
+ set textwidth=0
+ set wrapmargin=60
+ right
+ call assert_equal("\t\t Vim", getline(1))
+ set wrapmargin&
set tw&
set noautowrite
+" Test for ':w !<cmd>' to pipe lines from the current buffer to an external
+" command.
+func Test_write_pipe_to_cmd()
+ if !has('unix')
+ return
+ endif
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4'])
+ 2,3w !cat > Xfile
+ call assert_equal(['L2', 'L3'], readfile('Xfile'))
+ close!
+ call delete('Xfile')
+" Test for :saveas
+func Test_saveas()
+ call assert_fails('saveas', 'E471:')
+ call writefile(['L1'], 'Xfile')
+ new Xfile
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['L1'])
+ call assert_fails('saveas Xfile', 'E139:')
+ close!
+ enew | only
+ call delete('Xfile')
+func Test_write_errors()
+ " Test for writing partial buffer
+ call writefile(['L1', 'L2', 'L3'], 'Xfile')
+ new Xfile
+ call assert_fails('1,2write', 'E140:')
+ close!
+ " Try to overwrite a directory
+ if has('unix')
+ call mkdir('Xdir1')
+ call assert_fails('write Xdir1', 'E17:')
+ call delete('Xdir1', 'd')
+ endif
+ " Test for :wall for a buffer with no name
+ enew | only
+ call setline(1, ['L1'])
+ call assert_fails('wall', 'E141:')
+ enew!
+ " Test for writing a 'readonly' file
+ new Xfile
+ set readonly
+ call assert_fails('write', 'E45:')
+ close
+ " Test for writing to a read-only file
+ new Xfile
+ call setfperm('Xfile', 'r--r--r--')
+ call assert_fails('write', 'E505:')
+ call setfperm('Xfile', 'rw-rw-rw-')
+ close
+ call delete('Xfile')
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 174,