#include "clang/Basic/arm_neon.inc"
+#include "clang/Basic/arm_fp16.inc"
#undef BUILTIN
SOURCE arm_neon.td
+clang_tablegen(arm_fp16.inc -gen-arm-neon-sema
+ SOURCE arm_fp16.td
--- /dev/null
+//===--- arm_fp16.td - ARM FP16 compiler interface ------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the TableGen definitions from which the ARM FP16 header
+// file will be generated.
+include "arm_neon_incl.td"
+// ARMv8.2-A FP16 intrinsics.
+let ArchGuard = "defined(__ARM_FEATURE_FP16_SCALAR_ARITHMETIC) && defined(__aarch64__)" in {
+ // Negate
+ def VNEGSH : SInst<"vneg", "ss", "Sh">;
+ // Reciprocal/Sqrt
+ def SCALAR_FRECPSH : IInst<"vrecps", "sss", "Sh">;
+ def FSQRTSH : SInst<"vsqrt", "ss", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FRSQRTSH : IInst<"vrsqrts", "sss", "Sh">;
+ // Reciprocal Estimate
+ def SCALAR_FRECPEH : IInst<"vrecpe", "ss", "Sh">;
+ // Reciprocal Exponent
+ def SCALAR_FRECPXH : IInst<"vrecpx", "ss", "Sh">;
+ // Reciprocal Square Root Estimate
+ def SCALAR_FRSQRTEH : IInst<"vrsqrte", "ss", "Sh">;
+ // Rounding
+ def FRINTZ_S64H : SInst<"vrnd", "ss", "Sh">;
+ def FRINTA_S64H : SInst<"vrnda", "ss", "Sh">;
+ def FRINTI_S64H : SInst<"vrndi", "ss", "Sh">;
+ def FRINTM_S64H : SInst<"vrndm", "ss", "Sh">;
+ def FRINTN_S64H : SInst<"vrndn", "ss", "Sh">;
+ def FRINTP_S64H : SInst<"vrndp", "ss", "Sh">;
+ def FRINTX_S64H : SInst<"vrndx", "ss", "Sh">;
+ // Conversion
+ def SCALAR_SCVTFSH : SInst<"vcvth_f16", "Ys", "silUsUiUl">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZSH : SInst<"vcvt_s16", "$s", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZSH1 : SInst<"vcvt_s32", "Is", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZSH2 : SInst<"vcvt_s64", "Ls", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZUH : SInst<"vcvt_u16", "bs", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZUH1 : SInst<"vcvt_u32", "Us", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZUH2 : SInst<"vcvt_u64", "Os", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTASH : SInst<"vcvta_s16", "$s", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTASH1 : SInst<"vcvta_s32", "Is", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTASH2 : SInst<"vcvta_s64", "Ls", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTAUH : SInst<"vcvta_u16", "bs", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTAUH1 : SInst<"vcvta_u32", "Us", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTAUH2 : SInst<"vcvta_u64", "Os", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTMSH : SInst<"vcvtm_s16", "$s", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTMSH1 : SInst<"vcvtm_s32", "Is", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTMSH2 : SInst<"vcvtm_s64", "Ls", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTMUH : SInst<"vcvtm_u16", "bs", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTMUH1 : SInst<"vcvtm_u32", "Us", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTMUH2 : SInst<"vcvtm_u64", "Os", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTNSH : SInst<"vcvtn_s16", "$s", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTNSH1 : SInst<"vcvtn_s32", "Is", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTNSH2 : SInst<"vcvtn_s64", "Ls", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTNUH : SInst<"vcvtn_u16", "bs", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTNUH1 : SInst<"vcvtn_u32", "Us", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTNUH2 : SInst<"vcvtn_u64", "Os", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTPSH : SInst<"vcvtp_s16", "$s", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTPSH1 : SInst<"vcvtp_s32", "Is", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTPSH2 : SInst<"vcvtp_s64", "Ls", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTPUH : SInst<"vcvtp_u16", "bs", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTPUH1 : SInst<"vcvtp_u32", "Us", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTPUH2 : SInst<"vcvtp_u64", "Os", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_SCVTFSHO : SInst<"vcvth_n_f16", "Ysi", "silUsUiUl">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZSHO : SInst<"vcvt_n_s16", "$si", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZSH1O: SInst<"vcvt_n_s32", "Isi", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZSH2O: SInst<"vcvt_n_s64", "Lsi", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZUHO : SInst<"vcvt_n_u16", "bsi", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZUH1O: SInst<"vcvt_n_u32", "Usi", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FCVTZUH2O: SInst<"vcvt_n_u64", "Osi", "Sh">;
+ // Comparison
+ def SCALAR_CMEQRH : SInst<"vceq", "bss", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_CMEQZH : SInst<"vceqz", "bs", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_CMGERH : SInst<"vcge", "bss", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_CMGEZH : SInst<"vcgez", "bs", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_CMGTRH : SInst<"vcgt", "bss", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_CMGTZH : SInst<"vcgtz", "bs", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_CMLERH : SInst<"vcle", "bss", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_CMLEZH : SInst<"vclez", "bs", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_CMLTH : SInst<"vclt", "bss", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_CMLTZH : SInst<"vcltz", "bs", "Sh">;
+ // Absolute Compare Mask Greater Than Or Equal
+ def SCALAR_FACGEH : IInst<"vcage", "bss", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FACLEH : IInst<"vcale", "bss", "Sh">;
+ // Absolute Compare Mask Greater Than
+ def SCALAR_FACGT : IInst<"vcagt", "bss", "Sh">;
+ def SCALAR_FACLT : IInst<"vcalt", "bss", "Sh">;
+ // Scalar Absolute Value
+ def SCALAR_ABSH : SInst<"vabs", "ss", "Sh">;
+ // Scalar Absolute Difference
+ def SCALAR_ABDH: IInst<"vabd", "sss", "Sh">;
+ // Add/Sub
+ def VADDSH : SInst<"vadd", "sss", "Sh">;
+ def VSUBHS : SInst<"vsub", "sss", "Sh">;
+ // Max/Min
+ def VMAXHS : SInst<"vmax", "sss", "Sh">;
+ def VMINHS : SInst<"vmin", "sss", "Sh">;
+ def FMAXNMHS : SInst<"vmaxnm", "sss", "Sh">;
+ def FMINNMHS : SInst<"vminnm", "sss", "Sh">;
+ // Multiplication/Division
+ def VMULHS : SInst<"vmul", "sss", "Sh">;
+ def MULXHS : SInst<"vmulx", "sss", "Sh">;
+ def FDIVHS : SInst<"vdiv", "sss", "Sh">;
+ // Vector fused multiply-add operations
+ def VFMAHS : SInst<"vfma", "ssss", "Sh">;
+ def VFMSHS : SInst<"vfms", "ssss", "Sh">;
// file will be generated. See ARM document DUI0348B.
-// Each intrinsic is a subclass of the Inst class. An intrinsic can either
-// generate a __builtin_* call or it can expand to a set of generic operations.
-// The operations are subclasses of Operation providing a list of DAGs, the
-// last of which is the return value. The available DAG nodes are documented
-// below.
-// The base Operation class. All operations must subclass this.
-class Operation<list<dag> ops=[]> {
- list<dag> Ops = ops;
- bit Unavailable = 0;
-// An operation that only contains a single DAG.
-class Op<dag op> : Operation<[op]>;
-// A shorter version of Operation - takes a list of DAGs. The last of these will
-// be the return value.
-class LOp<list<dag> ops> : Operation<ops>;
-// These defs and classes are used internally to implement the SetTheory
-// expansion and should be ignored.
-foreach Index = 0-63 in
- def sv##Index;
-class MaskExpand;
-// Available operations
-// DAG arguments can either be operations (documented below) or variables.
-// Variables are prefixed with '$'. There are variables for each input argument,
-// with the name $pN, where N starts at zero. So the zero'th argument will be
-// $p0, the first $p1 etc.
-// op - Binary or unary operator, depending on the number of arguments. The
-// operator itself is just treated as a raw string and is not checked.
-// example: (op "+", $p0, $p1) -> "__p0 + __p1".
-// (op "-", $p0) -> "-__p0"
-def op;
-// call - Invoke another intrinsic. The input types are type checked and
-// disambiguated. If there is no intrinsic defined that takes
-// the given types (or if there is a type ambiguity) an error is
-// generated at tblgen time. The name of the intrinsic is the raw
-// name as given to the Inst class (not mangled).
-// example: (call "vget_high", $p0) -> "vgetq_high_s16(__p0)"
-// (assuming $p0 has type int16x8_t).
-def call;
-// cast - Perform a cast to a different type. This gets emitted as a static
-// C-style cast. For a pure reinterpret cast (T x = *(T*)&y), use
-// "bitcast".
-// The syntax is (cast MOD* VAL). The last argument is the value to
-// cast, preceded by a sequence of type modifiers. The target type
-// starts off as the type of VAL, and is modified by MOD in sequence.
-// The available modifiers are:
-// - $X - Take the type of parameter/variable X. For example:
-// (cast $p0, $p1) would cast $p1 to the type of $p0.
-// - "R" - The type of the return type.
-// - A typedef string - A NEON or stdint.h type that is then parsed.
-// for example: (cast "uint32x4_t", $p0).
-// - "U" - Make the type unsigned.
-// - "S" - Make the type signed.
-// - "H" - Halve the number of lanes in the type.
-// - "D" - Double the number of lanes in the type.
-// - "8" - Convert type to an equivalent vector of 8-bit signed
-// integers.
-// example: (cast "R", "U", $p0) -> "(uint32x4_t)__p0" (assuming the return
-// value is of type "int32x4_t".
-// (cast $p0, "D", "8", $p1) -> "(int8x16_t)__p1" (assuming __p0
-// has type float64x1_t or any other vector type of 64 bits).
-// (cast "int32_t", $p2) -> "(int32_t)__p2"
-def cast;
-// bitcast - Same as "cast", except a reinterpret-cast is produced:
-// (bitcast "T", $p0) -> "*(T*)&__p0".
-// The VAL argument is saved to a temporary so it can be used
-// as an l-value.
-def bitcast;
-// dup - Take a scalar argument and create a vector by duplicating it into
-// all lanes. The type of the vector is the base type of the intrinsic.
-// example: (dup $p1) -> "(uint32x2_t) {__p1, __p1}" (assuming the base type
-// is uint32x2_t).
-def dup;
-// splat - Take a vector and a lane index, and return a vector of the same type
-// containing repeated instances of the source vector at the lane index.
-// example: (splat $p0, $p1) ->
-// "__builtin_shufflevector(__p0, __p0, __p1, __p1, __p1, __p1)"
-// (assuming __p0 has four elements).
-def splat;
-// save_temp - Create a temporary (local) variable. The variable takes a name
-// based on the zero'th parameter and can be referenced using
-// using that name in subsequent DAGs in the same
-// operation. The scope of a temp is the operation. If a variable
-// with the given name already exists, an error will be given at
-// tblgen time.
-// example: [(save_temp $var, (call "foo", $p0)),
-// (op "+", $var, $p1)] ->
-// "int32x2_t __var = foo(__p0); return __var + __p1;"
-def save_temp;
-// name_replace - Return the name of the current intrinsic with the first
-// argument replaced by the second argument. Raises an error if
-// the first argument does not exist in the intrinsic name.
-// example: (call (name_replace "_high_", "_"), $p0) (to call the non-high
-// version of this intrinsic).
-def name_replace;
-// literal - Create a literal piece of code. The code is treated as a raw
-// string, and must be given a type. The type is a stdint.h or
-// NEON intrinsic type as given to (cast).
-// example: (literal "int32_t", "0")
-def literal;
-// shuffle - Create a vector shuffle. The syntax is (shuffle ARG0, ARG1, MASK).
-// The MASK argument is a set of elements. The elements are generated
-// from the two special defs "mask0" and "mask1". "mask0" expands to
-// the lane indices in sequence for ARG0, and "mask1" expands to
-// the lane indices in sequence for ARG1. They can be used as-is, e.g.
-// (shuffle $p0, $p1, mask0) -> $p0
-// (shuffle $p0, $p1, mask1) -> $p1
-// or, more usefully, they can be manipulated using the SetTheory
-// operators plus some extra operators defined in the NEON emitter.
-// The operators are described below.
-// example: (shuffle $p0, $p1, (add (highhalf mask0), (highhalf mask1))) ->
-// A concatenation of the high halves of the input vectors.
-def shuffle;
-// add, interleave, decimate: These set operators are vanilla SetTheory
-// operators and take their normal definition.
-def add;
-def interleave;
-def decimate;
-// rotl - Rotate set left by a number of elements.
-// example: (rotl mask0, 3) -> [3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2]
-def rotl;
-// rotl - Rotate set right by a number of elements.
-// example: (rotr mask0, 3) -> [4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3]
-def rotr;
-// highhalf - Take only the high half of the input.
-// example: (highhalf mask0) -> [4, 5, 6, 7] (assuming mask0 had 8 elements)
-def highhalf;
-// highhalf - Take only the low half of the input.
-// example: (lowhalf mask0) -> [0, 1, 2, 3] (assuming mask0 had 8 elements)
-def lowhalf;
-// rev - Perform a variable-width reversal of the elements. The zero'th argument
-// is a width in bits to reverse. The lanes this maps to is determined
-// based on the element width of the underlying type.
-// example: (rev 32, mask0) -> [3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4] (if 8-bit elements)
-// example: (rev 32, mask0) -> [1, 0, 3, 2] (if 16-bit elements)
-def rev;
-// mask0 - The initial sequence of lanes for shuffle ARG0
-def mask0 : MaskExpand;
-// mask0 - The initial sequence of lanes for shuffle ARG1
-def mask1 : MaskExpand;
-def OP_NONE : Operation;
-def OP_UNAVAILABLE : Operation {
- let Unavailable = 1;
-// Instruction definitions
-// Every intrinsic subclasses "Inst". An intrinsic has a name, a prototype and
-// a sequence of typespecs.
-// The name is the base name of the intrinsic, for example "vget_lane". This is
-// then mangled by the tblgen backend to add type information ("vget_lane_s16").
-// A typespec is a sequence of uppercase characters (modifiers) followed by one
-// lowercase character. A typespec encodes a particular "base type" of the
-// intrinsic.
-// An example typespec is "Qs" - quad-size short - uint16x8_t. The available
-// typespec codes are given below.
-// The string given to an Inst class is a sequence of typespecs. The intrinsic
-// is instantiated for every typespec in the sequence. For example "sdQsQd".
-// The prototype is a string that defines the return type of the intrinsic
-// and the type of each argument. The return type and every argument gets a
-// "modifier" that can change in some way the "base type" of the intrinsic.
-// The modifier 'd' means "default" and does not modify the base type in any
-// way. The available modifiers are given below.
-// Typespecs
-// ---------
-// c: char
-// s: short
-// i: int
-// l: long
-// k: 128-bit long
-// f: float
-// h: half-float
-// d: double
-// Typespec modifiers
-// ------------------
-// S: scalar, only used for function mangling.
-// U: unsigned
-// Q: 128b
-// H: 128b without mangling 'q'
-// P: polynomial
-// Prototype modifiers
-// -------------------
-// prototype: return (arg, arg, ...)
-// v: void
-// t: best-fit integer (int/poly args)
-// x: signed integer (int/float args)
-// u: unsigned integer (int/float args)
-// f: float (int args)
-// F: double (int args)
-// H: half (int args)
-// d: default
-// g: default, ignore 'Q' size modifier.
-// j: default, force 'Q' size modifier.
-// w: double width elements, same num elts
-// n: double width elements, half num elts
-// h: half width elements, double num elts
-// q: half width elements, quad num elts
-// e: half width elements, double num elts, unsigned
-// m: half width elements, same num elts
-// i: constant int
-// l: constant uint64
-// s: scalar of element type
-// z: scalar of half width element type, signed
-// r: scalar of double width element type, signed
-// a: scalar of element type (splat to vector type)
-// b: scalar of unsigned integer/long type (int/float args)
-// $: scalar of signed integer/long type (int/float args)
-// y: scalar of float
-// o: scalar of double
-// k: default elt width, double num elts
-// 2,3,4: array of default vectors
-// B,C,D: array of default elts, force 'Q' size modifier.
-// p: pointer type
-// c: const pointer type
-// Every intrinsic subclasses Inst.
-class Inst <string n, string p, string t, Operation o> {
- string Name = n;
- string Prototype = p;
- string Types = t;
- string ArchGuard = "";
- Operation Operation = o;
- bit CartesianProductOfTypes = 0;
- bit BigEndianSafe = 0;
- bit isShift = 0;
- bit isScalarShift = 0;
- bit isScalarNarrowShift = 0;
- bit isVCVT_N = 0;
- // For immediate checks: the immediate will be assumed to specify the lane of
- // a Q register. Only used for intrinsics which end up calling polymorphic
- // builtins.
- bit isLaneQ = 0;
- // Certain intrinsics have different names than their representative
- // instructions. This field allows us to handle this correctly when we
- // are generating tests.
- string InstName = "";
- // Certain intrinsics even though they are not a WOpInst or LOpInst,
- // generate a WOpInst/LOpInst instruction (see below for definition
- // of a WOpInst/LOpInst). For testing purposes we need to know
- // this. Ex: vset_lane which outputs vmov instructions.
- bit isHiddenWInst = 0;
- bit isHiddenLInst = 0;
-// The following instruction classes are implemented via builtins.
-// These declarations are used to generate Builtins.def:
-// SInst: Instruction with signed/unsigned suffix (e.g., "s8", "u8", "p8")
-// IInst: Instruction with generic integer suffix (e.g., "i8")
-// WInst: Instruction with only bit size suffix (e.g., "8")
-class SInst<string n, string p, string t> : Inst<n, p, t, OP_NONE> {}
-class IInst<string n, string p, string t> : Inst<n, p, t, OP_NONE> {}
-class WInst<string n, string p, string t> : Inst<n, p, t, OP_NONE> {}
-// The following instruction classes are implemented via operators
-// instead of builtins. As such these declarations are only used for
-// the purpose of generating tests.
-// SOpInst: Instruction with signed/unsigned suffix (e.g., "s8",
-// "u8", "p8").
-// IOpInst: Instruction with generic integer suffix (e.g., "i8").
-// WOpInst: Instruction with bit size only suffix (e.g., "8").
-// LOpInst: Logical instruction with no bit size suffix.
-// NoTestOpInst: Intrinsic that has no corresponding instruction.
-class SOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-class IOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-class WOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-class LOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-class NoTestOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-// Operations
+include "arm_neon_incl.td"
def OP_ADD : Op<(op "+", $p0, $p1)>;
def OP_ADDL : Op<(op "+", (call "vmovl", $p0), (call "vmovl", $p1))>;
--- /dev/null
+//===--- arm_neon_incl.td - ARM NEON compiler interface ------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines data structures shared by arm_neon.td and arm_fp16.td.
+// It constains base operation classes, operations, instructions, instruction
+// modifiers, etc.
+// Each intrinsic is a subclass of the Inst class. An intrinsic can either
+// generate a __builtin_* call or it can expand to a set of generic operations.
+// The operations are subclasses of Operation providing a list of DAGs, the
+// last of which is the return value. The available DAG nodes are documented
+// below.
+// The base Operation class. All operations must subclass this.
+class Operation<list<dag> ops=[]> {
+ list<dag> Ops = ops;
+ bit Unavailable = 0;
+// An operation that only contains a single DAG.
+class Op<dag op> : Operation<[op]>;
+// A shorter version of Operation - takes a list of DAGs. The last of these will
+// be the return value.
+class LOp<list<dag> ops> : Operation<ops>;
+// These defs and classes are used internally to implement the SetTheory
+// expansion and should be ignored.
+foreach Index = 0-63 in
+ def sv##Index;
+class MaskExpand;
+// Available operations
+// DAG arguments can either be operations (documented below) or variables.
+// Variables are prefixed with '$'. There are variables for each input argument,
+// with the name $pN, where N starts at zero. So the zero'th argument will be
+// $p0, the first $p1 etc.
+// op - Binary or unary operator, depending on the number of arguments. The
+// operator itself is just treated as a raw string and is not checked.
+// example: (op "+", $p0, $p1) -> "__p0 + __p1".
+// (op "-", $p0) -> "-__p0"
+def op;
+// call - Invoke another intrinsic. The input types are type checked and
+// disambiguated. If there is no intrinsic defined that takes
+// the given types (or if there is a type ambiguity) an error is
+// generated at tblgen time. The name of the intrinsic is the raw
+// name as given to the Inst class (not mangled).
+// example: (call "vget_high", $p0) -> "vgetq_high_s16(__p0)"
+// (assuming $p0 has type int16x8_t).
+def call;
+// cast - Perform a cast to a different type. This gets emitted as a static
+// C-style cast. For a pure reinterpret cast (T x = *(T*)&y), use
+// "bitcast".
+// The syntax is (cast MOD* VAL). The last argument is the value to
+// cast, preceded by a sequence of type modifiers. The target type
+// starts off as the type of VAL, and is modified by MOD in sequence.
+// The available modifiers are:
+// - $X - Take the type of parameter/variable X. For example:
+// (cast $p0, $p1) would cast $p1 to the type of $p0.
+// - "R" - The type of the return type.
+// - A typedef string - A NEON or stdint.h type that is then parsed.
+// for example: (cast "uint32x4_t", $p0).
+// - "U" - Make the type unsigned.
+// - "S" - Make the type signed.
+// - "H" - Halve the number of lanes in the type.
+// - "D" - Double the number of lanes in the type.
+// - "8" - Convert type to an equivalent vector of 8-bit signed
+// integers.
+// example: (cast "R", "U", $p0) -> "(uint32x4_t)__p0" (assuming the return
+// value is of type "int32x4_t".
+// (cast $p0, "D", "8", $p1) -> "(int8x16_t)__p1" (assuming __p0
+// has type float64x1_t or any other vector type of 64 bits).
+// (cast "int32_t", $p2) -> "(int32_t)__p2"
+def cast;
+// bitcast - Same as "cast", except a reinterpret-cast is produced:
+// (bitcast "T", $p0) -> "*(T*)&__p0".
+// The VAL argument is saved to a temporary so it can be used
+// as an l-value.
+def bitcast;
+// dup - Take a scalar argument and create a vector by duplicating it into
+// all lanes. The type of the vector is the base type of the intrinsic.
+// example: (dup $p1) -> "(uint32x2_t) {__p1, __p1}" (assuming the base type
+// is uint32x2_t).
+def dup;
+// splat - Take a vector and a lane index, and return a vector of the same type
+// containing repeated instances of the source vector at the lane index.
+// example: (splat $p0, $p1) ->
+// "__builtin_shufflevector(__p0, __p0, __p1, __p1, __p1, __p1)"
+// (assuming __p0 has four elements).
+def splat;
+// save_temp - Create a temporary (local) variable. The variable takes a name
+// based on the zero'th parameter and can be referenced using
+// using that name in subsequent DAGs in the same
+// operation. The scope of a temp is the operation. If a variable
+// with the given name already exists, an error will be given at
+// tblgen time.
+// example: [(save_temp $var, (call "foo", $p0)),
+// (op "+", $var, $p1)] ->
+// "int32x2_t __var = foo(__p0); return __var + __p1;"
+def save_temp;
+// name_replace - Return the name of the current intrinsic with the first
+// argument replaced by the second argument. Raises an error if
+// the first argument does not exist in the intrinsic name.
+// example: (call (name_replace "_high_", "_"), $p0) (to call the non-high
+// version of this intrinsic).
+def name_replace;
+// literal - Create a literal piece of code. The code is treated as a raw
+// string, and must be given a type. The type is a stdint.h or
+// NEON intrinsic type as given to (cast).
+// example: (literal "int32_t", "0")
+def literal;
+// shuffle - Create a vector shuffle. The syntax is (shuffle ARG0, ARG1, MASK).
+// The MASK argument is a set of elements. The elements are generated
+// from the two special defs "mask0" and "mask1". "mask0" expands to
+// the lane indices in sequence for ARG0, and "mask1" expands to
+// the lane indices in sequence for ARG1. They can be used as-is, e.g.
+// (shuffle $p0, $p1, mask0) -> $p0
+// (shuffle $p0, $p1, mask1) -> $p1
+// or, more usefully, they can be manipulated using the SetTheory
+// operators plus some extra operators defined in the NEON emitter.
+// The operators are described below.
+// example: (shuffle $p0, $p1, (add (highhalf mask0), (highhalf mask1))) ->
+// A concatenation of the high halves of the input vectors.
+def shuffle;
+// add, interleave, decimate: These set operators are vanilla SetTheory
+// operators and take their normal definition.
+def add;
+def interleave;
+def decimate;
+// rotl - Rotate set left by a number of elements.
+// example: (rotl mask0, 3) -> [3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2]
+def rotl;
+// rotl - Rotate set right by a number of elements.
+// example: (rotr mask0, 3) -> [4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3]
+def rotr;
+// highhalf - Take only the high half of the input.
+// example: (highhalf mask0) -> [4, 5, 6, 7] (assuming mask0 had 8 elements)
+def highhalf;
+// highhalf - Take only the low half of the input.
+// example: (lowhalf mask0) -> [0, 1, 2, 3] (assuming mask0 had 8 elements)
+def lowhalf;
+// rev - Perform a variable-width reversal of the elements. The zero'th argument
+// is a width in bits to reverse. The lanes this maps to is determined
+// based on the element width of the underlying type.
+// example: (rev 32, mask0) -> [3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4] (if 8-bit elements)
+// example: (rev 32, mask0) -> [1, 0, 3, 2] (if 16-bit elements)
+def rev;
+// mask0 - The initial sequence of lanes for shuffle ARG0
+def mask0 : MaskExpand;
+// mask0 - The initial sequence of lanes for shuffle ARG1
+def mask1 : MaskExpand;
+def OP_NONE : Operation;
+def OP_UNAVAILABLE : Operation {
+ let Unavailable = 1;
+// Instruction definitions
+// Every intrinsic subclasses "Inst". An intrinsic has a name, a prototype and
+// a sequence of typespecs.
+// The name is the base name of the intrinsic, for example "vget_lane". This is
+// then mangled by the tblgen backend to add type information ("vget_lane_s16").
+// A typespec is a sequence of uppercase characters (modifiers) followed by one
+// lowercase character. A typespec encodes a particular "base type" of the
+// intrinsic.
+// An example typespec is "Qs" - quad-size short - uint16x8_t. The available
+// typespec codes are given below.
+// The string given to an Inst class is a sequence of typespecs. The intrinsic
+// is instantiated for every typespec in the sequence. For example "sdQsQd".
+// The prototype is a string that defines the return type of the intrinsic
+// and the type of each argument. The return type and every argument gets a
+// "modifier" that can change in some way the "base type" of the intrinsic.
+// The modifier 'd' means "default" and does not modify the base type in any
+// way. The available modifiers are given below.
+// Typespecs
+// ---------
+// c: char
+// s: short
+// i: int
+// l: long
+// k: 128-bit long
+// f: float
+// h: half-float
+// d: double
+// Typespec modifiers
+// ------------------
+// S: scalar, only used for function mangling.
+// U: unsigned
+// Q: 128b
+// H: 128b without mangling 'q'
+// P: polynomial
+// Prototype modifiers
+// -------------------
+// prototype: return (arg, arg, ...)
+// v: void
+// t: best-fit integer (int/poly args)
+// x: signed integer (int/float args)
+// u: unsigned integer (int/float args)
+// f: float (int args)
+// F: double (int args)
+// H: half (int args)
+// d: default
+// g: default, ignore 'Q' size modifier.
+// j: default, force 'Q' size modifier.
+// w: double width elements, same num elts
+// n: double width elements, half num elts
+// h: half width elements, double num elts
+// q: half width elements, quad num elts
+// e: half width elements, double num elts, unsigned
+// m: half width elements, same num elts
+// i: constant int
+// l: constant uint64
+// s: scalar of element type
+// z: scalar of half width element type, signed
+// r: scalar of double width element type, signed
+// a: scalar of element type (splat to vector type)
+// b: scalar of unsigned integer/long type (int/float args)
+// $: scalar of signed integer/long type (int/float args)
+// y: scalar of float
+// o: scalar of double
+// k: default elt width, double num elts
+// 2,3,4: array of default vectors
+// B,C,D: array of default elts, force 'Q' size modifier.
+// p: pointer type
+// c: const pointer type
+// Every intrinsic subclasses Inst.
+class Inst <string n, string p, string t, Operation o> {
+ string Name = n;
+ string Prototype = p;
+ string Types = t;
+ string ArchGuard = "";
+ Operation Operation = o;
+ bit CartesianProductOfTypes = 0;
+ bit BigEndianSafe = 0;
+ bit isShift = 0;
+ bit isScalarShift = 0;
+ bit isScalarNarrowShift = 0;
+ bit isVCVT_N = 0;
+ // For immediate checks: the immediate will be assumed to specify the lane of
+ // a Q register. Only used for intrinsics which end up calling polymorphic
+ // builtins.
+ bit isLaneQ = 0;
+ // Certain intrinsics have different names than their representative
+ // instructions. This field allows us to handle this correctly when we
+ // are generating tests.
+ string InstName = "";
+ // Certain intrinsics even though they are not a WOpInst or LOpInst,
+ // generate a WOpInst/LOpInst instruction (see below for definition
+ // of a WOpInst/LOpInst). For testing purposes we need to know
+ // this. Ex: vset_lane which outputs vmov instructions.
+ bit isHiddenWInst = 0;
+ bit isHiddenLInst = 0;
+// The following instruction classes are implemented via builtins.
+// These declarations are used to generate Builtins.def:
+// SInst: Instruction with signed/unsigned suffix (e.g., "s8", "u8", "p8")
+// IInst: Instruction with generic integer suffix (e.g., "i8")
+// WInst: Instruction with only bit size suffix (e.g., "8")
+class SInst<string n, string p, string t> : Inst<n, p, t, OP_NONE> {}
+class IInst<string n, string p, string t> : Inst<n, p, t, OP_NONE> {}
+class WInst<string n, string p, string t> : Inst<n, p, t, OP_NONE> {}
+// The following instruction classes are implemented via operators
+// instead of builtins. As such these declarations are only used for
+// the purpose of generating tests.
+// SOpInst: Instruction with signed/unsigned suffix (e.g., "s8",
+// "u8", "p8").
+// IOpInst: Instruction with generic integer suffix (e.g., "i8").
+// WOpInst: Instruction with bit size only suffix (e.g., "8").
+// LOpInst: Logical instruction with no bit size suffix.
+// NoTestOpInst: Intrinsic that has no corresponding instruction.
+class SOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
+class IOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
+class WOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
+class LOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
+class NoTestOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
if ((FPU & NeonMode) && HasFullFP16)
Builder.defineMacro("__ARM_FEATURE_FP16_VECTOR_ARITHMETIC", "1");
+ if (HasFullFP16)
+ Builder.defineMacro("__ARM_FEATURE_FP16_SCALAR_ARITHMETIC", "1");
switch (ArchKind) {
NEONMAP1(vuqaddd_s64, aarch64_neon_suqadd, Add1ArgType),
NEONMAP1(vuqaddh_s16, aarch64_neon_suqadd, Vectorize1ArgType | Use64BitVectors),
NEONMAP1(vuqadds_s32, aarch64_neon_suqadd, Add1ArgType),
+ // FP16 scalar intrinisics go here.
+ NEONMAP1(vabdh_f16, aarch64_sisd_fabd, Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vabsh_f16, aarch64_neon_abs, Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcageh_f16, aarch64_neon_facge, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcagth_f16, aarch64_neon_facgt, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcaleh_f16, aarch64_neon_facge, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcalth_f16, aarch64_neon_facgt, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtah_s16_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtas, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtah_s32_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtas, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtah_s64_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtas, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtah_u16_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtau, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtah_u32_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtau, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtah_u64_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtau, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_f16_s16, aarch64_neon_vcvtfxs2fp, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_f16_s32, aarch64_neon_vcvtfxs2fp, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_f16_s64, aarch64_neon_vcvtfxs2fp, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_f16_u16, aarch64_neon_vcvtfxu2fp, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_f16_u32, aarch64_neon_vcvtfxu2fp, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_f16_u64, aarch64_neon_vcvtfxu2fp, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_s16_f16, aarch64_neon_vcvtfp2fxs, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_s32_f16, aarch64_neon_vcvtfp2fxs, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_s64_f16, aarch64_neon_vcvtfp2fxs, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_u16_f16, aarch64_neon_vcvtfp2fxu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_u32_f16, aarch64_neon_vcvtfp2fxu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvth_n_u64_f16, aarch64_neon_vcvtfp2fxu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtmh_s16_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtms, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtmh_s32_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtms, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtmh_s64_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtms, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtmh_u16_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtmu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtmh_u32_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtmu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtmh_u64_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtmu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtnh_s16_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtns, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtnh_s32_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtns, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtnh_s64_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtns, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtnh_u16_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtnu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtnh_u32_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtnu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtnh_u64_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtnu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtph_s16_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtps, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtph_s32_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtps, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtph_s64_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtps, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtph_u16_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtpu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtph_u32_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtpu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vcvtph_u64_f16, aarch64_neon_fcvtpu, AddRetType | Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vmulxh_f16, aarch64_neon_fmulx, Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vrecpeh_f16, aarch64_neon_frecpe, Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vrecpxh_f16, aarch64_neon_frecpx, Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vrsqrteh_f16, aarch64_neon_frsqrte, Add1ArgType),
+ NEONMAP1(vrsqrtsh_f16, aarch64_neon_frsqrts, Add1ArgType),
#undef NEONMAP0
return Builder.CreateUIToFP(Ops[0], FTy);
return Builder.CreateSIToFP(Ops[0], FTy);
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_f16_u16:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_f16_u32:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_f16_u64:
+ usgn = true;
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_f16_s16:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_f16_s32:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_f16_s64: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ llvm::Type *FTy = HalfTy;
+ llvm::Type *InTy;
+ if (Ops[0]->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() == 64)
+ InTy = Int64Ty;
+ else if (Ops[0]->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() == 32)
+ InTy = Int32Ty;
+ else
+ InTy = Int16Ty;
+ Ops[0] = Builder.CreateBitCast(Ops[0], InTy);
+ if (usgn)
+ return Builder.CreateUIToFP(Ops[0], FTy);
+ return Builder.CreateSIToFP(Ops[0], FTy);
+ }
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_u16_f16:
+ usgn = true;
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_s16_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Ops[0] = Builder.CreateBitCast(Ops[0], HalfTy);
+ if (usgn)
+ return Builder.CreateFPToUI(Ops[0], Int16Ty);
+ return Builder.CreateFPToSI(Ops[0], Int16Ty);
+ }
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_u32_f16:
+ usgn = true;
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_s32_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Ops[0] = Builder.CreateBitCast(Ops[0], HalfTy);
+ if (usgn)
+ return Builder.CreateFPToUI(Ops[0], Int32Ty);
+ return Builder.CreateFPToSI(Ops[0], Int32Ty);
+ }
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_u64_f16:
+ usgn = true;
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcvth_s64_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Ops[0] = Builder.CreateBitCast(Ops[0], HalfTy);
+ if (usgn)
+ return Builder.CreateFPToUI(Ops[0], Int64Ty);
+ return Builder.CreateFPToSI(Ops[0], Int64Ty);
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vpaddd_s64: {
llvm::Type *Ty = llvm::VectorType::get(Int64Ty, 2);
Value *Vec = EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0));
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vceqzd_s64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vceqzd_f64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vceqzs_f32:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vceqzh_f16:
return EmitAArch64CompareBuiltinExpr(
Ops[0], ConvertType(E->getCallReturnType(getContext())),
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgezd_s64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgezd_f64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgezs_f32:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgezh_f16:
return EmitAArch64CompareBuiltinExpr(
Ops[0], ConvertType(E->getCallReturnType(getContext())),
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vclezd_s64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vclezd_f64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vclezs_f32:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vclezh_f16:
return EmitAArch64CompareBuiltinExpr(
Ops[0], ConvertType(E->getCallReturnType(getContext())),
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgtzd_s64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgtzd_f64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgtzs_f32:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgtzh_f16:
return EmitAArch64CompareBuiltinExpr(
Ops[0], ConvertType(E->getCallReturnType(getContext())),
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcltzd_s64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcltzd_f64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcltzs_f32:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcltzh_f16:
return EmitAArch64CompareBuiltinExpr(
Ops[0], ConvertType(E->getCallReturnType(getContext())),
Ops[0] = Builder.CreateFCmp(P, Ops[0], Ops[1]);
return Builder.CreateSExt(Ops[0], Int32Ty, "vcmpd");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vceqh_f16:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcleh_f16:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vclth_f16:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgeh_f16:
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgth_f16: {
+ llvm::CmpInst::Predicate P;
+ switch (BuiltinID) {
+ default: llvm_unreachable("missing builtin ID in switch!");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vceqh_f16: P = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OEQ; break;
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcleh_f16: P = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE; break;
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vclth_f16: P = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OLT; break;
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgeh_f16: P = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OGE; break;
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgth_f16: P = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT; break;
+ }
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ Ops[0] = Builder.CreateBitCast(Ops[0], HalfTy);
+ Ops[1] = Builder.CreateBitCast(Ops[1], HalfTy);
+ Ops[0] = Builder.CreateFCmp(P, Ops[0], Ops[1]);
+ return Builder.CreateSExt(Ops[0], Int16Ty, "vcmpd");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vceqd_s64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vceqd_u64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vcgtd_s64:
llvm::VectorType::get(DoubleTy, 2));
return Builder.CreateExtractElement(Ops[0], EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)),
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vaddh_f16:
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ return Builder.CreateFAdd(Ops[0], Ops[1], "vaddh");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vsubh_f16:
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ return Builder.CreateFSub(Ops[0], Ops[1], "vsubh");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vmulh_f16:
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ return Builder.CreateFMul(Ops[0], Ops[1], "vmulh");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vdivh_f16:
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ return Builder.CreateFDiv(Ops[0], Ops[1], "vdivh");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vfmah_f16: {
+ Value *F = CGM.getIntrinsic(Intrinsic::fma, HalfTy);
+ // NEON intrinsic puts accumulator first, unlike the LLVM fma.
+ return Builder.CreateCall(F,
+ {EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)), EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(2)), Ops[0]});
+ }
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vfmsh_f16: {
+ Value *F = CGM.getIntrinsic(Intrinsic::fma, HalfTy);
+ Value *Zero = llvm::ConstantFP::getZeroValueForNegation(HalfTy);
+ Value* Sub = Builder.CreateFSub(Zero, EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)), "vsubh");
+ // NEON intrinsic puts accumulator first, unlike the LLVM fma.
+ return Builder.CreateCall(F, {Sub, EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(2)), Ops[0]});
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vaddd_s64:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vaddd_u64:
return Builder.CreateAdd(Ops[0], EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)), "vaddd");
Int = usgn ? Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_umax : Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_smax;
if (Ty->isFPOrFPVectorTy()) Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fmax;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vmax");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vmaxh_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fmax;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vmax");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vmin_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vminq_v:
// FIXME: improve sharing scheme to cope with 3 alternative LLVM intrinsics.
Int = usgn ? Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_umin : Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_smin;
if (Ty->isFPOrFPVectorTy()) Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fmin;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vmin");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vminh_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fmin;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vmin");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vabd_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vabdq_v:
// FIXME: improve sharing scheme to cope with 3 alternative LLVM intrinsics.
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vminnmq_v:
Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fminnm;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vminnm");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vminnmh_f16:
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fminnm;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vminnm");
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vmaxnm_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vmaxnmq_v:
Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fmaxnm;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vmaxnm");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vmaxnmh_f16:
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fmaxnm;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vmaxnm");
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrecpss_f32: {
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_frecps, FloatTy),
Ops, "vrecps");
- case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrecpsd_f64: {
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrecpsd_f64:
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_frecps, DoubleTy),
Ops, "vrecps");
- }
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrecpsh_f16:
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)));
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_frecps, HalfTy),
+ Ops, "vrecps");
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vqshrun_n_v:
Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_sqshrun;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vqshrun_n");
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vqrshrn_n_v:
Int = usgn ? Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_uqrshrn : Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_sqrshrn;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vqrshrn_n");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndah_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::round;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vrnda");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrnda_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndaq_v: {
Int = Intrinsic::round;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vrnda");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndih_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::nearbyint;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vrndi");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndi_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndiq_v: {
Int = Intrinsic::nearbyint;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vrndi");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndmh_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::floor;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vrndm");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndm_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndmq_v: {
Int = Intrinsic::floor;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vrndm");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndnh_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_frintn;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vrndn");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndn_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndnq_v: {
Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_frintn;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vrndn");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndph_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::ceil;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vrndp");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndp_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndpq_v: {
Int = Intrinsic::ceil;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vrndp");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndxh_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::rint;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vrndx");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndx_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndxq_v: {
Int = Intrinsic::rint;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vrndx");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndh_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::trunc;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vrndz");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrnd_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vrndq_v: {
Int = Intrinsic::trunc;
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vnegd_s64:
return Builder.CreateNeg(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)), "vnegd");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vnegh_f16:
+ return Builder.CreateFNeg(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)), "vnegh");
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vpmaxnm_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vpmaxnmq_v: {
Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fmaxnmp;
Int = Intrinsic::aarch64_neon_fminnmp;
return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, Ty), Ops, "vpminnm");
+ case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vsqrth_f16: {
+ Ops.push_back(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0)));
+ Int = Intrinsic::sqrt;
+ return EmitNeonCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(Int, HalfTy), Ops, "vsqrt");
+ }
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vsqrt_v:
case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_vsqrtq_v: {
Int = Intrinsic::sqrt;
# Generate arm_neon.h
clang_tablegen(arm_neon.h -gen-arm-neon
+ -I ${CLANG_SOURCE_DIR}/include/clang/Basic/
SOURCE ${CLANG_SOURCE_DIR}/include/clang/Basic/arm_neon.td)
+# Generate arm_fp16.h
+clang_tablegen(arm_fp16.h -gen-arm-fp16
+ -I ${CLANG_SOURCE_DIR}/include/clang/Basic/
+ SOURCE ${CLANG_SOURCE_DIR}/include/clang/Basic/arm_fp16.td)
foreach( f ${files} ${cuda_wrapper_files} )
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/arm_neon.h ${output_dir}/arm_neon.h
COMMENT "Copying clang's arm_neon.h...")
list(APPEND out_files ${output_dir}/arm_neon.h)
+add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${output_dir}/arm_fp16.h
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/arm_fp16.h ${output_dir}/arm_fp16.h
+ COMMENT "Copying clang's arm_fp16.h...")
+list(APPEND out_files ${output_dir}/arm_fp16.h)
add_custom_target(clang-headers ALL DEPENDS ${out_files})
set_target_properties(clang-headers PROPERTIES FOLDER "Misc")
+ FILES ${files} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/arm_fp16.h
+ COMPONENT clang-headers
FILES ${cuda_wrapper_files}
COMPONENT clang-headers
explicit module neon {
requires neon
header "arm_neon.h"
+ header "arm_fp16.h"
export *
switch (BuiltinID) {
#include "clang/Basic/arm_neon.inc"
+#include "clang/Basic/arm_fp16.inc"
return false;
#include "clang/Basic/arm_neon.inc"
+#include "clang/Basic/arm_fp16.inc"
--- /dev/null
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-none-linux-gnu -target-feature +fullfp16\
+// RUN: -fallow-half-arguments-and-returns -S -disable-O0-optnone -emit-llvm -o - %s \
+// RUN: | opt -S -mem2reg \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s
+// REQUIRES: aarch64-registered-target
+#include <arm_fp16.h>
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vabsh_f16
+// CHECK: [[ABS:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[ABS]]
+float16_t test_vabsh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vabsh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vceqzh_f16
+// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oeq half %a, 0xH0000
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vceqzh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vceqzh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcgezh_f16
+// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oge half %a, 0xH0000
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vcgezh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vcgezh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcgtzh_f16
+// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ogt half %a, 0xH0000
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vcgtzh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vcgtzh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vclezh_f16
+// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ole half %a, 0xH0000
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vclezh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vclezh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcltzh_f16
+// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp olt half %a, 0xH0000
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vcltzh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vcltzh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_f16_s16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = sitofp i16 %a to half
+// CHECK: ret half [[VCVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_f16_s16 (int16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_f16_s16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_f16_s32
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = sitofp i32 %a to half
+// CHECK: ret half [[VCVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_f16_s32 (int32_t a) {
+ return vcvth_f16_s32(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_f16_s64
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = sitofp i64 %a to half
+// CHECK: ret half [[VCVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_f16_s64 (int64_t a) {
+ return vcvth_f16_s64(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_f16_u16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = uitofp i16 %a to half
+// CHECK: ret half [[VCVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_f16_u16 (uint16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_f16_u16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_f16_u32
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = uitofp i32 %a to half
+// CHECK: ret half [[VCVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_f16_u32 (uint32_t a) {
+ return vcvth_f16_u32(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_f16_u64
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = uitofp i64 %a to half
+// CHECK: ret half [[VCVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_f16_u64 (uint64_t a) {
+ return vcvth_f16_u64(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_s16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = fptosi half %a to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+int16_t test_vcvth_s16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_s16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_s32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = fptosi half %a to i32
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+int32_t test_vcvth_s32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_s32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_s64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = fptosi half %a to i64
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+int64_t test_vcvth_s64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_s64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_u16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = fptoui half %a to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+uint16_t test_vcvth_u16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_u16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_u32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = fptoui half %a to i32
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+uint32_t test_vcvth_u32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_u32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_u64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = fptoui half %a to i64
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+uint64_t test_vcvth_u64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_u64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtah_s16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtas.i16.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+int16_t test_vcvtah_s16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtah_s16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtah_s32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtas.i32.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+int32_t test_vcvtah_s32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtah_s32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtah_s64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtas.i64.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+int64_t test_vcvtah_s64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtah_s64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtah_u16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtau.i16.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+uint16_t test_vcvtah_u16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtah_u16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtah_u32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtau.i32.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+uint32_t test_vcvtah_u32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtah_u32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtah_u64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtau.i64.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+uint64_t test_vcvtah_u64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtah_u64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtmh_s16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtms.i16.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+int16_t test_vcvtmh_s16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtmh_s16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtmh_s32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtms.i32.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+int32_t test_vcvtmh_s32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtmh_s32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtmh_s64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtms.i64.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+int64_t test_vcvtmh_s64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtmh_s64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtmh_u16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtmu.i16.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+uint16_t test_vcvtmh_u16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtmh_u16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtmh_u32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtmu.i32.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+uint32_t test_vcvtmh_u32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtmh_u32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtmh_u64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtmu.i64.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+uint64_t test_vcvtmh_u64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtmh_u64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtnh_s16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtns.i16.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+int16_t test_vcvtnh_s16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtnh_s16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtnh_s32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtns.i32.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+int32_t test_vcvtnh_s32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtnh_s32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtnh_s64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtns.i64.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+int64_t test_vcvtnh_s64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtnh_s64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtnh_u16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtnu.i16.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+uint16_t test_vcvtnh_u16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtnh_u16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtnh_u32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtnu.i32.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+uint32_t test_vcvtnh_u32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtnh_u32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtnh_u64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtnu.i64.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+uint64_t test_vcvtnh_u64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtnh_u64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtph_s16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtps.i16.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+int16_t test_vcvtph_s16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtph_s16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtph_s32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtps.i32.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+int32_t test_vcvtph_s32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtph_s32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtph_s64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtps.i64.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+int64_t test_vcvtph_s64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtph_s64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtph_u16_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtpu.i16.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[VCVT]]
+uint16_t test_vcvtph_u16_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtph_u16_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtph_u32_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtpu.i32.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[VCVT]]
+uint32_t test_vcvtph_u32_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtph_u32_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvtph_u64_f16
+// CHECK: [[VCVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtpu.i64.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[VCVT]]
+uint64_t test_vcvtph_u64_f16 (float16_t a) {
+ return vcvtph_u64_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vnegh_f16
+// CHECK: [[NEG:%.*]] = fsub half 0xH8000, %a
+// CHECK: ret half [[NEG]]
+float16_t test_vnegh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vnegh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrecpeh_f16
+// CHECK: [[VREC:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[VREC]]
+float16_t test_vrecpeh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrecpeh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrecpxh_f16
+// CHECK: [[VREC:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpx.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[VREC]]
+float16_t test_vrecpxh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrecpxh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrndh_f16
+// CHECK: [[RND:%.*]] = call half @llvm.trunc.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RND]]
+float16_t test_vrndh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrndh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrndah_f16
+// CHECK: [[RND:%.*]] = call half @llvm.round.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RND]]
+float16_t test_vrndah_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrndah_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrndih_f16
+// CHECK: [[RND:%.*]] = call half @llvm.nearbyint.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RND]]
+float16_t test_vrndih_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrndih_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrndmh_f16
+// CHECK: [[RND:%.*]] = call half @llvm.floor.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RND]]
+float16_t test_vrndmh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrndmh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrndnh_f16
+// CHECK: [[RND:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.frintn.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RND]]
+float16_t test_vrndnh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrndnh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrndph_f16
+// CHECK: [[RND:%.*]] = call half @llvm.ceil.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RND]]
+float16_t test_vrndph_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrndph_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrndxh_f16
+// CHECK: [[RND:%.*]] = call half @llvm.rint.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RND]]
+float16_t test_vrndxh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrndxh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrsqrteh_f16
+// CHECK: [[RND:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RND]]
+float16_t test_vrsqrteh_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vrsqrteh_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vsqrth_f16
+// CHECK: [[SQR:%.*]] = call half @llvm.sqrt.f16(half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[SQR]]
+float16_t test_vsqrth_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vsqrth_f16(a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vaddh_f16
+// CHECK: [[ADD:%.*]] = fadd half %a, %b
+// CHECK: ret half [[ADD]]
+float16_t test_vaddh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vaddh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vabdh_f16
+// CHECK: [[ABD:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.sisd.fabd.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret half [[ABD]]
+float16_t test_vabdh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vabdh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcageh_f16
+// CHECK: [[ABS:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.facge.i16.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[ABS]]
+uint16_t test_vcageh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vcageh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcagth_f16
+// CHECK: [[ABS:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.facgt.i16.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[ABS]]
+uint16_t test_vcagth_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vcagth_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcaleh_f16
+// CHECK: [[ABS:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.facge.i16.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[ABS]]
+uint16_t test_vcaleh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vcaleh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcalth_f16
+// CHECK: [[ABS:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.facgt.i16.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[ABS]]
+uint16_t test_vcalth_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vcalth_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vceqh_f16
+// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oeq half %a, %b
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vceqh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vceqh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcgeh_f16
+// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oge half %a, %b
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vcgeh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vcgeh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcgth_f16
+//CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ogt half %a, %b
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vcgth_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vcgth_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcleh_f16
+// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ole half %a, %b
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vcleh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vcleh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vclth_f16
+// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp olt half %a, %b
+// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext i1 [[TMP1]] to i16
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[TMP2]]
+uint16_t test_vclth_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vclth_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_f16_s16
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxs2fp.f16.i16(i16 %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret half [[CVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_n_f16_s16(int16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_f16_s16(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_f16_s32
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxs2fp.f16.i32(i32 %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret half [[CVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_n_f16_s32(int32_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_f16_s32(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_f16_s64
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxs2fp.f16.i64(i64 %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret half [[CVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_n_f16_s64(int64_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_f16_s64(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_s16_f16
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxs.i16.f16(half %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[CVT]]
+int16_t test_vcvth_n_s16_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_s16_f16(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_s32_f16
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxs.i32.f16(half %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[CVT]]
+int32_t test_vcvth_n_s32_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_s32_f16(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_s64_f16
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxs.i64.f16(half %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[CVT]]
+int64_t test_vcvth_n_s64_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_s64_f16(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_f16_u16
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxu2fp.f16.i16(i16 %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret half [[CVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_n_f16_u16(int16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_f16_u16(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_f16_u32
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxu2fp.f16.i32(i32 %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret half [[CVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_n_f16_u32(int32_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_f16_u32(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_f16_u64
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxu2fp.f16.i64(i64 %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret half [[CVT]]
+float16_t test_vcvth_n_f16_u64(int64_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_f16_u64(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_u16_f16
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxu.i16.f16(half %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret i16 [[CVT]]
+int16_t test_vcvth_n_u16_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_u16_f16(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_u32_f16
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxu.i32.f16(half %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret i32 [[CVT]]
+int32_t test_vcvth_n_u32_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_u32_f16(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vcvth_n_u64_f16
+// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxu.i64.f16(half %a, i32 0)
+// CHECK: ret i64 [[CVT]]
+int64_t test_vcvth_n_u64_f16(float16_t a) {
+ return vcvth_n_u64_f16(a, 0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vdivh_f16
+// CHECK: [[DIV:%.*]] = fdiv half %a, %b
+// CHECK: ret half [[DIV]]
+float16_t test_vdivh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vdivh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vmaxh_f16
+// CHECK: [[MAX:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.fmax.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret half [[MAX]]
+float16_t test_vmaxh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vmaxh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vmaxnmh_f16
+// CHECK: [[MAX:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnm.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret half [[MAX]]
+float16_t test_vmaxnmh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vmaxnmh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vminh_f16
+// CHECK: [[MIN:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.fmin.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret half [[MIN]]
+float16_t test_vminh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vminh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vminnmh_f16
+// CHECK: [[MIN:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnm.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret half [[MIN]]
+float16_t test_vminnmh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vminnmh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vmulh_f16
+// CHECK: [[MUL:%.*]] = fmul half %a, %b
+// CHECK: ret half [[MUL]]
+float16_t test_vmulh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vmulh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vmulxh_f16
+// CHECK: [[MUL:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.fmulx.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret half [[MUL]]
+float16_t test_vmulxh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vmulxh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrecpsh_f16
+// CHECK: [[RECPS:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.frecps.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RECPS]]
+float16_t test_vrecpsh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vrecpsh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vrsqrtsh_f16
+// CHECK: [[RSQRTS:%.*]] = call half @llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrts.f16(half %a, half %b)
+// CHECK: ret half [[RSQRTS]]
+float16_t test_vrsqrtsh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vrsqrtsh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vsubh_f16
+// CHECK: [[SUB:%.*]] = fsub half %a, %b
+// CHECK: ret half [[SUB]]
+float16_t test_vsubh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b) {
+ return vsubh_f16(a, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vfmah_f16
+// CHECK: [[FMA:%.*]] = call half @llvm.fma.f16(half %b, half %c, half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[FMA]]
+float16_t test_vfmah_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b, float16_t c) {
+ return vfmah_f16(a, b, c);
+// CHECK-LABEL: test_vfmsh_f16
+// CHECK: [[SUB:%.*]] = fsub half 0xH8000, %b
+// CHECK: [[ADD:%.*]] = call half @llvm.fma.f16(half [[SUB]], half %c, half %a)
+// CHECK: ret half [[ADD]]
+float16_t test_vfmsh_f16(float16_t a, float16_t b, float16_t c) {
+ return vfmsh_f16(a, b, c);
// run - Emit arm_neon.h.inc
void run(raw_ostream &o);
+ // runFP16 - Emit arm_fp16.h.inc
+ void runFP16(raw_ostream &o);
// runHeader - Emit all the __builtin prototypes used in arm_neon.h
+ // and arm_fp16.h
void runHeader(raw_ostream &o);
// runTests - Emit tests for all the Neon intrinsics.
NumVectors = 0;
Float = true;
+ case 'Y':
+ Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth = 16;
+ NumVectors = 0;
+ Float = true;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth = 32;
+ NumVectors = 0;
+ Float = false;
+ Signed = true;
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth = 64;
+ NumVectors = 0;
+ Float = false;
+ Signed = true;
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth = 32;
+ NumVectors = 0;
+ Float = false;
+ Signed = false;
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth = 64;
+ NumVectors = 0;
+ Float = false;
+ Signed = false;
+ break;
case 'f':
Float = true;
ElementBitwidth = 32;
static bool isFloatingPointProtoModifier(char Mod) {
- return Mod == 'F' || Mod == 'f' || Mod == 'H';
+ return Mod == 'F' || Mod == 'f' || Mod == 'H' || Mod == 'Y' || Mod == 'I';
std::string Intrinsic::getBuiltinTypeStr() {
OS << "#endif /* __ARM_NEON_H */\n";
+/// run - Read the records in arm_fp16.td and output arm_fp16.h. arm_fp16.h
+/// is comprised of type definitions and function declarations.
+void NeonEmitter::runFP16(raw_ostream &OS) {
+ OS << "/*===---- arm_fp16.h - ARM FP16 intrinsics "
+ "------------------------------"
+ "---===\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person "
+ "obtaining a copy\n"
+ " * of this software and associated documentation files (the "
+ "\"Software\"), to deal\n"
+ " * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation "
+ "the rights\n"
+ " * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, "
+ "and/or sell\n"
+ " * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software "
+ "is\n"
+ " * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be "
+ "included in\n"
+ " * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n"
+ " *\n"
+ "OTHER\n"
+ " * THE SOFTWARE.\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " *===-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ "---"
+ "---===\n"
+ " */\n\n";
+ OS << "#ifndef __ARM_FP16_H\n";
+ OS << "#define __ARM_FP16_H\n\n";
+ OS << "#include <stdint.h>\n\n";
+ OS << "typedef __fp16 float16_t;\n";
+ OS << "#define __ai static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__, "
+ "__nodebug__))\n\n";
+ SmallVector<Intrinsic *, 128> Defs;
+ std::vector<Record *> RV = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Inst");
+ for (auto *R : RV)
+ createIntrinsic(R, Defs);
+ for (auto *I : Defs)
+ I->indexBody();
+ std::stable_sort(
+ Defs.begin(), Defs.end(),
+ [](const Intrinsic *A, const Intrinsic *B) { return *A < *B; });
+ // Only emit a def when its requirements have been met.
+ // FIXME: This loop could be made faster, but it's fast enough for now.
+ bool MadeProgress = true;
+ std::string InGuard;
+ while (!Defs.empty() && MadeProgress) {
+ MadeProgress = false;
+ for (SmallVector<Intrinsic *, 128>::iterator I = Defs.begin();
+ I != Defs.end(); /*No step*/) {
+ bool DependenciesSatisfied = true;
+ for (auto *II : (*I)->getDependencies()) {
+ if (std::find(Defs.begin(), Defs.end(), II) != Defs.end())
+ DependenciesSatisfied = false;
+ }
+ if (!DependenciesSatisfied) {
+ // Try the next one.
+ ++I;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Emit #endif/#if pair if needed.
+ if ((*I)->getGuard() != InGuard) {
+ if (!InGuard.empty())
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+ InGuard = (*I)->getGuard();
+ if (!InGuard.empty())
+ OS << "#if " << InGuard << "\n";
+ }
+ // Actually generate the intrinsic code.
+ OS << (*I)->generate();
+ MadeProgress = true;
+ I = Defs.erase(I);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(Defs.empty() && "Some requirements were not satisfied!");
+ if (!InGuard.empty())
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+ OS << "\n";
+ OS << "#undef __ai\n\n";
+ OS << "#endif /* __ARM_FP16_H */\n";
namespace clang {
void EmitNeon(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
+void EmitFP16(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
+ NeonEmitter(Records).runFP16(OS);
void EmitNeonSema(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
+ GenArmFP16,
"Generate list of commands that are used in "
"documentation comments"),
clEnumValN(GenArmNeon, "gen-arm-neon", "Generate arm_neon.h for clang"),
+ clEnumValN(GenArmFP16, "gen-arm-fp16", "Generate arm_fp16.h for clang"),
clEnumValN(GenArmNeonSema, "gen-arm-neon-sema",
"Generate ARM NEON sema support for clang"),
clEnumValN(GenArmNeonTest, "gen-arm-neon-test",
case GenArmNeon:
EmitNeon(Records, OS);
+ case GenArmFP16:
+ EmitFP16(Records, OS);
+ break;
case GenArmNeonSema:
EmitNeonSema(Records, OS);
void EmitClangCommentCommandList(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
void EmitNeon(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
+void EmitFP16(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
void EmitNeonSema(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
void EmitNeonTest(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
void EmitNeon2(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);