// Set the DependsOnModule access time back more than four days.
// This shouldn't prune anything, because the timestamp has been updated, so
// the pruning mechanism won't fire.
-// RUN: touch -a -t 201101010000 `find /Volumes/Data/dgregor/Projects/llvm-build-xcode/tools/clang/test/Modules/Output/prune.m.tmp -name DependsOnModule.pcm`
+// RUN: find /Volumes/Data/dgregor/Projects/llvm-build-xcode/tools/clang/test/Modules/Output/prune.m.tmp -name DependsOnModule.pcm | xargs touch -a -t 201101010000
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fmodules -F %S/Inputs -fmodules-cache-path=%t -fmodules -fmodules-prune-interval=172800 -fmodules-prune-after=345600 %s -verify
// RUN: ls %t | grep modules.timestamp
// RUN: ls -R %t | grep ^Module.pcm
// Set both timestamp and DependsOnModule.pcm back beyond the cutoff.
// This should trigger pruning, which will remove DependsOnModule but not Module.
// RUN: touch -m -a -t 201101010000 %t/modules.timestamp
-// RUN: touch -a -t 201101010000 `find /Volumes/Data/dgregor/Projects/llvm-build-xcode/tools/clang/test/Modules/Output/prune.m.tmp -name DependsOnModule.pcm`
+// RUN: find /Volumes/Data/dgregor/Projects/llvm-build-xcode/tools/clang/test/Modules/Output/prune.m.tmp -name DependsOnModule.pcm | xargs touch -a -t 201101010000
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fmodules -F %S/Inputs -fmodules-cache-path=%t -fmodules -fmodules-prune-interval=172800 -fmodules-prune-after=345600 %s -verify
// RUN: ls %t | grep modules.timestamp
// RUN: ls -R %t | grep ^Module.pcm