Problem: More functions can be used as a method.
Solution: Allow more functions to be used as a method.
-*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Aug 28
+*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Aug 31
gettabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, '&')
< Can also be used as a |method|: >
- GetTabnr()->gettabvar(winnr, varname)
+ GetTabnr()->gettabwinvar(winnr, varname)
gettagstack([{nr}]) *gettagstack()*
The result is a Dict, which is the tag stack of window {nr}.
See |tagstack| for more information about the tag stack.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetWinnr()->gettagstack()
getwininfo([{winid}]) *getwininfo()*
Returns information about windows as a List with Dictionaries.
winrow topmost screen column of the window,
row from |win_screenpos()|
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetWinnr()->getwininfo()
getwinpos([{timeout}]) *getwinpos()*
The result is a list with two numbers, the result of
getwinposx() and getwinposy() combined:
" Do some work here
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetTimeout()->getwinpos()
getwinposx() The result is a Number, which is the X coordinate in pixels of
the left hand side of the GUI Vim window. Also works for an
Examples: >
:let list_is_on = getwinvar(2, '&list')
:echo "myvar = " . getwinvar(1, 'myvar')
+< Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetWinnr()->getwinvar(varname)
glob({expr} [, {nosuf} [, {list} [, {alllinks}]]]) *glob()*
Expand the file wildcards in {expr}. See |wildcards| for the
See |expand()| for expanding special Vim variables. See
|system()| for getting the raw output of an external command.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetExpr()->glob()
glob2regpat({expr}) *glob2regpat()*
Convert a file pattern, as used by glob(), into a search
pattern. The result can be used to match with a string that
Note that the result depends on the system. On MS-Windows
a backslash usually means a path separator.
- *globpath()*
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetExpr()->glob2regpat()
+< *globpath()*
globpath({path}, {expr} [, {nosuf} [, {list} [, {alllinks}]]])
Perform glob() on all directories in {path} and concatenate
the results. Example: >
< Upwards search and limiting the depth of "**" is not
supported, thus using 'path' will not always work properly.
+ Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
+ second argument: >
+ GetExpr()->globpath(&rtp)
has({feature}) The result is a Number, which is 1 if the feature {feature} is
supported, zero otherwise. The {feature} argument is a
{"gettabinfo", 0, 1, FEARG_1, f_gettabinfo},
{"gettabvar", 2, 3, FEARG_1, f_gettabvar},
{"gettabwinvar", 3, 4, FEARG_1, f_gettabwinvar},
- {"gettagstack", 0, 1, 0, f_gettagstack},
- {"getwininfo", 0, 1, 0, f_getwininfo},
- {"getwinpos", 0, 1, 0, f_getwinpos},
+ {"gettagstack", 0, 1, FEARG_1, f_gettagstack},
+ {"getwininfo", 0, 1, FEARG_1, f_getwininfo},
+ {"getwinpos", 0, 1, FEARG_1, f_getwinpos},
{"getwinposx", 0, 0, 0, f_getwinposx},
{"getwinposy", 0, 0, 0, f_getwinposy},
- {"getwinvar", 2, 3, 0, f_getwinvar},
- {"glob", 1, 4, 0, f_glob},
- {"glob2regpat", 1, 1, 0, f_glob2regpat},
- {"globpath", 2, 5, 0, f_globpath},
+ {"getwinvar", 2, 3, FEARG_1, f_getwinvar},
+ {"glob", 1, 4, FEARG_1, f_glob},
+ {"glob2regpat", 1, 1, FEARG_1, f_glob2regpat},
+ {"globpath", 2, 5, FEARG_2, f_globpath},
{"has", 1, 1, 0, f_has},
{"has_key", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_has_key},
{"haslocaldir", 0, 2, 0, f_haslocaldir},
call assert_equal('green', winlist[2].variables.signal)
call assert_equal(w4_id, winlist[3].winid)
- let winfo = getwininfo(w5_id)[0]
+ let winfo = w5_id->getwininfo()[0]
call assert_equal(2, winfo.tabnr)
call assert_equal([], getwininfo(3))
" Execute these commands in the sandbox, so that using the shell fails.
" Setting 'shell' to an invalid name causes a memory leak.
sandbox call assert_equal("", glob('Xxx\{'))
- sandbox call assert_equal("", glob('Xxx\$'))
+ sandbox call assert_equal("", 'Xxx\$'->glob())
w! Xxx\{
w! Xxx\$
sandbox call assert_equal("Xxx{", glob('Xxx\{'))
sandbox call assert_equal("sautest/autoload/globone.vim\nsautest/autoload/globtwo.vim",
\ globpath('sautest/autoload', 'glob*.vim'))
sandbox call assert_equal(['sautest/autoload/globone.vim', 'sautest/autoload/globtwo.vim'],
- \ globpath('sautest/autoload', 'glob*.vim', 0, 1))
+ \ 'glob*.vim'->globpath('sautest/autoload', 0, 1))
let def_str = "Chance"
call assert_equal('Dance', getwinvar(1, 'var_str'))
call assert_equal('Dance', getwinvar(1, 'var_str', def_str))
- call assert_equal({'var_str': 'Dance'}, getwinvar(1, ''))
- call assert_equal({'var_str': 'Dance'}, getwinvar(1, '', def_str))
+ call assert_equal({'var_str': 'Dance'}, 1->getwinvar(''))
+ call assert_equal({'var_str': 'Dance'}, 1->getwinvar('', def_str))
unlet w:var_str
call assert_equal('Chance', getwinvar(1, 'var_str', def_str))
call assert_equal({}, getwinvar(1, ''))
func Test_glob2regpat_valid()
call assert_equal('^foo\.', glob2regpat('foo.*'))
- call assert_equal('^foo.$', glob2regpat('foo?'))
+ call assert_equal('^foo.$', 'foo?'->glob2regpat())
call assert_equal('\.vim$', glob2regpat('*.vim'))
call assert_equal('^[abc]$', glob2regpat('[abc]'))
call assert_equal('^foo bar$', glob2regpat('foo\ bar'))
enew | only
call settagstack(1, {'items' : []})
call assert_equal(0, gettagstack(1).length)
- call assert_equal([], gettagstack(1).items)
+ call assert_equal([], 1->gettagstack().items)
" Error cases
call assert_equal({}, gettagstack(100))
call assert_equal(-1, settagstack(100, {'items' : []}))
" In the GUI it can be more, let's assume a 20 x 14 cell.
" And then add 100 / 200 tolerance.
let [xroot, yroot] = getwinpos()
+ let winpos = 50->getwinpos()
+ call assert_equal(xroot, winpos[0])
+ call assert_equal(yroot, winpos[1])
let [winrow, wincol] = win_screenpos('.')
let xoff = wincol * (has('gui_running') ? 14 : 7) + 100
let yoff = winrow * (has('gui_running') ? 20 : 10) + 200
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1952,