list-reply L reply to specified mailing list
mail m compose a new mail message
mail-key ESC k mail a PGP public key
-next-new TAB jump to the next new message
+next-new not bound jump to the next new message
+next-new-then-unread TAB jump to the next new or unread message
next-subthread ESC n jump to the next subthread
next-thread ^N jump to the next thread
next-undeleted j move to the next undeleted message
next-unread not bound jump to the next unread message
parent-message P jump to parent message in thread
pipe-message | pipe message/attachment to a shell command
-previous-new ESC TAB jump to the previous new message
+previous-new not bound jump to the previous new message
+ ESC TAB jump to the previous new or unread message
previous-page Z move to the previous page
previous-subthread ESC p jump to previous subthread
previous-thread ^P jump to previous thread
mark-as-new N toggle a message's 'new' flag
next-line RET scroll down one line
next-entry J move to the next entry
-next-new TAB jump to the next new message
+next-new not bound jump to the next new message
+next-new-then-unread TAB jump to the next new or unread message
next-page move to the next page
next-subthread ESC n jump to the next subthread
next-thread ^N jump to the next thread
previous-line BackSpace scroll up one line
previous-entry K move to the previous entry
previous-new not bound jump to the previous new message
+ not bound jump to the previous new message
previous-page - move to the previous page
previous-subthread ESC p jump to previous subthread
previous-thread ^P jump to previous thread