drop table foo;
drop table foo2;
+-- Test rules containing INSERT ... SELECT, which is a very ugly special
+-- case as of 7.1. Example is based on bug report from Joel Burton.
+create table pparent (pid int, txt text);
+insert into pparent values (1,'parent1');
+insert into pparent values (2,'parent2');
+create table cchild (pid int, descrip text);
+insert into cchild values (1,'descrip1');
+create view vview as
+ select pparent.pid, txt, descrip from
+ pparent left join cchild using (pid);
+create rule rrule as
+ on update to vview do instead
+ insert into cchild (pid, descrip)
+ select old.pid, new.descrip where old.descrip isnull;
+ update cchild set descrip = new.descrip where cchild.pid = old.pid;
+select * from vview;
+ pid | txt | descrip
+ 1 | parent1 | descrip1
+ 2 | parent2 |
+(2 rows)
+update vview set descrip='test1' where pid=1;
+select * from vview;
+ pid | txt | descrip
+ 1 | parent1 | test1
+ 2 | parent2 |
+(2 rows)
+update vview set descrip='test2' where pid=2;
+select * from vview;
+ pid | txt | descrip
+ 1 | parent1 | test1
+ 2 | parent2 | test2
+(2 rows)
+update vview set descrip='test3' where pid=3;
+select * from vview;
+ pid | txt | descrip
+ 1 | parent1 | test1
+ 2 | parent2 | test2
+(2 rows)
+select * from cchild;
+ pid | descrip
+ 1 | test1
+ 2 | test2
+(2 rows)
+drop rule rrule;
+drop view vview;
+drop table pparent;
+drop table cchild;
-- Check that ruleutils are working
SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views ORDER BY viewname;
drop table foo2;
+-- Test rules containing INSERT ... SELECT, which is a very ugly special
+-- case as of 7.1. Example is based on bug report from Joel Burton.
+create table pparent (pid int, txt text);
+insert into pparent values (1,'parent1');
+insert into pparent values (2,'parent2');
+create table cchild (pid int, descrip text);
+insert into cchild values (1,'descrip1');
+create view vview as
+ select pparent.pid, txt, descrip from
+ pparent left join cchild using (pid);
+create rule rrule as
+ on update to vview do instead
+ insert into cchild (pid, descrip)
+ select old.pid, new.descrip where old.descrip isnull;
+ update cchild set descrip = new.descrip where cchild.pid = old.pid;
+select * from vview;
+update vview set descrip='test1' where pid=1;
+select * from vview;
+update vview set descrip='test2' where pid=2;
+select * from vview;
+update vview set descrip='test3' where pid=3;
+select * from vview;
+select * from cchild;
+drop rule rrule;
+drop view vview;
+drop table pparent;
+drop table cchild;
-- Check that ruleutils are working