See NEWS and UPGRADING (or arginfo/implementation) for details.
-/* {{{ proto bool mb_ord([string str[, string encoding]]) */
+/* {{{ proto int|false mb_ord([string str[, string encoding]]) */
char* str;
-/* {{{ proto bool mb_ord([int cp[, string encoding]]) */
+/* {{{ proto string|false mb_chr([int cp[, string encoding]]) */
zend_long cp;
-/* {{{ proto bool mb_scrub([string str[, string encoding]]) */
+/* {{{ proto string|false mb_scrub([string str[, string encoding]]) */
char* str;
-/* {{{ proto proto stream_isatty(resource stream)
+/* {{{ proto bool stream_isatty(resource stream)
Check if a stream is a TTY.
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
-/* {{{ proto proto sapi_windows_vt100_support(resource stream[, bool enable])
+/* {{{ proto bool sapi_windows_vt100_support(resource stream[, bool enable])
Get or set VT100 support for the specified stream associated to an
output buffer of a Windows console.