Problem: Some instructions not yet tested.
Solution: Disassemble more instructions. Move tests to a new file. Compile
call to s:function().
char_u *deref_func_name(char_u *name, int *lenp, partial_T **partialp, int no_autoload);
void emsg_funcname(char *ermsg, char_u *name);
int get_func_tv(char_u *name, int len, typval_T *rettv, char_u **arg, funcexe_T *funcexe);
+char_u *fname_trans_sid(char_u *name, char_u *fname_buf, char_u **tofree, int *error);
ufunc_T *find_func(char_u *name, cctx_T *cctx);
int call_user_func_check(ufunc_T *fp, int argcount, typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, funcexe_T *funcexe, dict_T *selfdict);
void save_funccal(funccal_entry_T *entry);
int function_exists(char_u *name, int no_deref);
char_u *get_expanded_name(char_u *name, int check);
char_u *get_user_func_name(expand_T *xp, int idx);
-void clean_script_functions(int sid);
void ex_delfunction(exarg_T *eap);
void func_unref(char_u *name);
void func_ptr_unref(ufunc_T *fp);
test_utf8 \
test_utf8_comparisons \
test_vartabs \
+ test_vim9_disassemble \
test_vim9_expr \
test_vim9_script \
test_viminfo \
test_user_func.res \
test_usercommands.res \
test_vartabs.res \
+ test_vim9_disassemble.res \
test_vim9_expr.res \
test_vim9_script.res \
test_viminfo.res \
--- /dev/null
+" Test the :disassemble command, and compilation as a side effect
+func NotCompiled()
+ echo "not"
+let s:scriptvar = 4
+let g:globalvar = 'g'
+def s:ScriptFuncLoad(arg: string)
+ let local = 1
+ buffers
+ echo arg
+ echo local
+ echo v:version
+ echo s:scriptvar
+ echo g:globalvar
+ echo &tabstop
+ echo $ENVVAR
+ echo @z
+def Test_disassembleLoad()
+ assert_fails('disass NoFunc', 'E1061:')
+ assert_fails('disass NotCompiled', 'E1062:')
+ let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncLoad')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncLoad.*'
+ \ .. 'buffers.*'
+ \ .. ' EXEC \+buffers.*'
+ \ .. ' LOAD arg\[-1\].*'
+ \ .. ' LOAD $0.*'
+ \ .. ' LOADV v:version.*'
+ \ .. ' LOADS s:scriptvar from .*test_vim9_disassemble.vim.*'
+ \ .. ' LOADG g:globalvar.*'
+ \ .. ' LOADENV $ENVVAR.*'
+ \ .. ' LOADREG @z.*'
+ \, res)
+def s:ScriptFuncPush()
+ let localbool = true
+ let localspec = v:none
+ let localblob = 0z1234
+ if has('float')
+ let localfloat = 1.234
+ endif
+def Test_disassemblePush()
+ let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncPush')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncPush.*'
+ \ .. 'localbool = true.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSH v:true.*'
+ \ .. 'localspec = v:none.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSH v:none.*'
+ \ .. 'localblob = 0z1234.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHBLOB 0z1234.*'
+ \, res)
+ if has('float')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncPush.*'
+ \ .. 'localfloat = 1.234.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHF 1.234.*'
+ \, res)
+ endif
+def s:ScriptFuncStore()
+ let localnr = 1
+ localnr = 2
+ let localstr = 'abc'
+ localstr = 'xyz'
+ v:char = 'abc'
+ s:scriptvar = 'sv'
+ g:globalvar = 'gv'
+ &tabstop = 8
+ $ENVVAR = 'ev'
+ @z = 'rv'
+def Test_disassembleStore()
+ let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncStore')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncStore.*'
+ \ .. 'localnr = 2.*'
+ \ .. ' STORE 2 in $0.*'
+ \ .. 'localstr = ''xyz''.*'
+ \ .. ' STORE $1.*'
+ \ .. 'v:char = ''abc''.*'
+ \ .. 'STOREV v:char.*'
+ \ .. 's:scriptvar = ''sv''.*'
+ \ .. ' STORES s:scriptvar in .*test_vim9_disassemble.vim.*'
+ \ .. 'g:globalvar = ''gv''.*'
+ \ .. ' STOREG g:globalvar.*'
+ \ .. '&tabstop = 8.*'
+ \ .. ' STOREOPT &tabstop.*'
+ \ .. '$ENVVAR = ''ev''.*'
+ \ .. ' STOREENV $ENVVAR.*'
+ \ .. '@z = ''rv''.*'
+ \ .. ' STOREREG @z.*'
+ \, res)
+def s:ScriptFuncTry()
+ try
+ echo 'yes'
+ catch /fail/
+ echo 'no'
+ finally
+ echo 'end'
+ endtry
+def Test_disassembleTry()
+ let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncTry')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncTry.*'
+ \ .. 'try.*'
+ \ .. 'TRY catch -> \d\+, finally -> \d\+.*'
+ \ .. 'catch /fail/.*'
+ \ .. ' JUMP -> \d\+.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSH v:exception.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHS "fail".*'
+ \ .. ' COMPARESTRING =\~.*'
+ \ .. ' JUMP_IF_FALSE -> \d\+.*'
+ \ .. ' CATCH.*'
+ \ .. 'finally.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHS "end".*'
+ \ .. 'endtry.*'
+ \ .. ' ENDTRY.*'
+ \, res)
+def s:ScriptFuncNew()
+ let ll = [1, "two", 333]
+ let dd = #{one: 1, two: "val"}
+def Test_disassembleNew()
+ let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncNew')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncNew.*'
+ \ .. 'let ll = \[1, "two", 333].*'
+ \ .. 'PUSHNR 1.*'
+ \ .. 'PUSHS "two".*'
+ \ .. 'PUSHNR 333.*'
+ \ .. 'NEWLIST size 3.*'
+ \ .. 'let dd = #{one: 1, two: "val"}.*'
+ \ .. 'PUSHS "one".*'
+ \ .. 'PUSHNR 1.*'
+ \ .. 'PUSHS "two".*'
+ \ .. 'PUSHS "val".*'
+ \ .. 'NEWDICT size 2.*'
+ \, res)
+def FuncWithArg(arg)
+ echo arg
+func UserFunc()
+ echo 'nothing'
+func UserFuncWithArg(arg)
+ echo a:arg
+def s:ScriptFuncCall(): string
+ changenr()
+ char2nr("abc")
+ Test_disassembleNew()
+ FuncWithArg(343)
+ ScriptFuncNew()
+ s:ScriptFuncNew()
+ UserFunc()
+ UserFuncWithArg("foo")
+ let FuncRef = function("UserFunc")
+ FuncRef()
+ let FuncRefWithArg = function("UserFuncWithArg")
+ FuncRefWithArg("bar")
+ return "yes"
+def Test_disassembleCall()
+ let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncCall')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d\+_ScriptFuncCall.*'
+ \ .. 'changenr().*'
+ \ .. ' BCALL changenr(argc 0).*'
+ \ .. 'char2nr("abc").*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHS "abc".*'
+ \ .. ' BCALL char2nr(argc 1).*'
+ \ .. 'Test_disassembleNew().*'
+ \ .. ' DCALL Test_disassembleNew(argc 0).*'
+ \ .. 'FuncWithArg(343).*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHNR 343.*'
+ \ .. ' DCALL FuncWithArg(argc 1).*'
+ \ .. 'ScriptFuncNew().*'
+ \ .. ' DCALL <SNR>\d\+_ScriptFuncNew(argc 0).*'
+ \ .. 's:ScriptFuncNew().*'
+ \ .. ' DCALL <SNR>\d\+_ScriptFuncNew(argc 0).*'
+ \ .. 'UserFunc().*'
+ \ .. ' UCALL UserFunc(argc 0).*'
+ \ .. 'UserFuncWithArg("foo").*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHS "foo".*'
+ \ .. ' UCALL UserFuncWithArg(argc 1).*'
+ \ .. 'let FuncRef = function("UserFunc").*'
+ \ .. 'FuncRef().*'
+ \ .. ' LOAD $\d.*'
+ \ .. ' PCALL (argc 0).*'
+ \ .. 'let FuncRefWithArg = function("UserFuncWithArg").*'
+ \ .. 'FuncRefWithArg("bar").*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHS "bar".*'
+ \ .. ' LOAD $\d.*'
+ \ .. ' PCALL (argc 1).*'
+ \ .. 'return "yes".*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHS "yes".*'
+ \ .. ' RETURN.*'
+ \, res)
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab tw=80 fdm=marker
assert_notmatch('JUMP', instr)
-func NotCompiled()
- echo "not"
-let s:scriptvar = 4
-let g:globalvar = 'g'
-def s:ScriptFuncLoad(arg: string)
- let local = 1
- buffers
- echo arg
- echo local
- echo v:version
- echo s:scriptvar
- echo g:globalvar
- echo &tabstop
- echo $ENVVAR
- echo @z
-def Test_disassembleLoad()
- assert_fails('disass NoFunc', 'E1061:')
- assert_fails('disass NotCompiled', 'E1062:')
- let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncLoad')
- assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncLoad.*'
- \ .. 'buffers.*'
- \ .. ' EXEC \+buffers.*'
- \ .. ' LOAD arg\[-1\].*'
- \ .. ' LOAD $0.*'
- \ .. ' LOADV v:version.*'
- \ .. ' LOADS s:scriptvar from .*test_vim9_script.vim.*'
- \ .. ' LOADG g:globalvar.*'
- \ .. ' LOADENV $ENVVAR.*'
- \ .. ' LOADREG @z.*'
- \, res)
-def s:ScriptFuncPush()
- let localbool = true
- let localspec = v:none
- let localblob = 0z1234
- if has('float')
- let localfloat = 1.234
- endif
-def Test_disassemblePush()
- let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncPush')
- assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncPush.*'
- \ .. 'localbool = true.*'
- \ .. ' PUSH v:true.*'
- \ .. 'localspec = v:none.*'
- \ .. ' PUSH v:none.*'
- \ .. 'localblob = 0z1234.*'
- \ .. ' PUSHBLOB 0z1234.*'
- \, res)
- if has('float')
- assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncPush.*'
- \ .. 'localfloat = 1.234.*'
- \ .. ' PUSHF 1.234.*'
- \, res)
- endif
-def s:ScriptFuncStore()
- let localnr = 1
- localnr = 2
- let localstr = 'abc'
- localstr = 'xyz'
- v:char = 'abc'
- s:scriptvar = 'sv'
- g:globalvar = 'gv'
- &tabstop = 8
- $ENVVAR = 'ev'
- @z = 'rv'
-def Test_disassembleStore()
- let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncStore')
- assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncStore.*'
- \ .. 'localnr = 2.*'
- \ .. ' STORE 2 in $0.*'
- \ .. 'localstr = ''xyz''.*'
- \ .. ' STORE $1.*'
- \ .. 'v:char = ''abc''.*'
- \ .. 'STOREV v:char.*'
- \ .. 's:scriptvar = ''sv''.*'
- \ .. ' STORES s:scriptvar in .*test_vim9_script.vim.*'
- \ .. 'g:globalvar = ''gv''.*'
- \ .. ' STOREG g:globalvar.*'
- \ .. '&tabstop = 8.*'
- \ .. ' STOREOPT &tabstop.*'
- \ .. '$ENVVAR = ''ev''.*'
- \ .. ' STOREENV $ENVVAR.*'
- \ .. '@z = ''rv''.*'
- \ .. ' STOREREG @z.*'
- \, res)
-def s:ScriptFuncTry()
- try
- echo 'yes'
- catch /fail/
- echo 'no'
- finally
- echo 'end'
- endtry
-def Test_disassembleTry()
- let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncTry')
- assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncTry.*'
- \ .. 'try.*'
- \ .. 'TRY catch -> \d\+, finally -> \d\+.*'
- \ .. 'catch /fail/.*'
- \ .. ' JUMP -> \d\+.*'
- \ .. ' PUSH v:exception.*'
- \ .. ' PUSHS "fail".*'
- \ .. ' COMPARESTRING =\~.*'
- \ .. ' JUMP_IF_FALSE -> \d\+.*'
- \ .. ' CATCH.*'
- \ .. 'finally.*'
- \ .. ' PUSHS "end".*'
- \ .. 'endtry.*'
- \ .. ' ENDTRY.*'
- \, res)
-def s:ScriptFuncNew()
- let ll = [1, "two", 333]
- let dd = #{one: 1, two: "val"}
-def Test_disassembleNew()
- let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncNew')
- assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncNew.*'
- \ .. 'let ll = \[1, "two", 333].*'
- \ .. 'PUSHNR 1.*'
- \ .. 'PUSHS "two".*'
- \ .. 'PUSHNR 333.*'
- \ .. 'NEWLIST size 3.*'
- \ .. 'let dd = #{one: 1, two: "val"}.*'
- \ .. 'PUSHS "one".*'
- \ .. 'PUSHNR 1.*'
- \ .. 'PUSHS "two".*'
- \ .. 'PUSHS "val".*'
- \ .. 'NEWDICT size 2.*'
- \, res)
-def FuncWithArg(arg)
- echo arg
-func UserFunc()
- echo 'nothing'
-func UserFuncWithArg(arg)
- echo a:arg
-def s:ScriptFuncCall(): string
- changenr()
- char2nr("abc")
- Test_disassembleNew()
- FuncWithArg(343)
- UserFunc()
- UserFuncWithArg("foo")
- let FuncRef = function("UserFunc")
- FuncRef()
- let FuncRefWithArg = function("UserFuncWithArg")
- FuncRefWithArg("bar")
- return "yes"
-def Test_disassembleCall()
- let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncCall')
- assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncCall.*'
- \ .. 'changenr().*'
- \ .. ' BCALL changenr(argc 0).*'
- \ .. 'char2nr("abc").*'
- \ .. ' PUSHS "abc".*'
- \ .. ' BCALL char2nr(argc 1).*'
- \ .. 'Test_disassembleNew().*'
- \ .. ' DCALL Test_disassembleNew(argc 0).*'
- \ .. 'FuncWithArg(343).*'
- \ .. ' PUSHNR 343.*'
- \ .. ' DCALL FuncWithArg(argc 1).*'
- \ .. 'UserFunc().*'
- \ .. ' UCALL UserFunc(argc 0).*'
- \ .. 'UserFuncWithArg("foo").*'
- \ .. ' PUSHS "foo".*'
- \ .. ' UCALL UserFuncWithArg(argc 1).*'
- \ .. 'let FuncRef = function("UserFunc").*'
- \ .. 'FuncRef().*'
- \ .. ' LOAD $\d.*'
- \ .. ' PCALL (argc 0).*'
- \ .. 'let FuncRefWithArg = function("UserFuncWithArg").*'
- \ .. 'FuncRefWithArg("bar").*'
- \ .. ' PUSHS "bar".*'
- \ .. ' LOAD $\d.*'
- \ .. ' PCALL (argc 1).*'
- \ .. 'return "yes".*'
- \ .. ' PUSHS "yes".*'
- \ .. ' RETURN.*'
- \, res)
" vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab tw=80 fdm=marker
return ret;
-#define FLEN_FIXED 40
* Return TRUE if "p" starts with "<SID>" or "s:".
* Only works if eval_fname_script() returned non-zero for "p"!
* Use "fname_buf[FLEN_FIXED + 1]" when it fits, otherwise allocate memory
* (slow).
- static char_u *
+ char_u *
fname_trans_sid(char_u *name, char_u *fname_buf, char_u **tofree, int *error)
int llen;
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 223,
#define FCERR_NOTMETHOD 8 // function cannot be used as a method
+// fixed buffer length for fname_trans_sid()
+#define FLEN_FIXED 40
// flags for find_name_end()
#define FNE_INCL_BR 1 // include [] in name
#define FNE_CHECK_START 2 // check name starts with valid character
char_u *p;
int argcount = argcount_init;
char_u namebuf[100];
+ char_u fname_buf[FLEN_FIXED + 1];
+ char_u *tofree = NULL;
+ int error = FCERR_NONE;
ufunc_T *ufunc;
+ int res = FAIL;
if (varlen >= sizeof(namebuf))
semsg(_("E1011: name too long: %s"), name);
return FAIL;
- vim_strncpy(namebuf, name, varlen);
+ vim_strncpy(namebuf, *arg, varlen);
+ name = fname_trans_sid(namebuf, fname_buf, &tofree, &error);
*arg = skipwhite(*arg + varlen + 1);
if (compile_arguments(arg, cctx, &argcount) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
+ goto theend;
- if (ASCII_ISLOWER(*name))
+ if (ASCII_ISLOWER(*name) && name[1] != ':')
int idx;
// builtin function
- idx = find_internal_func(namebuf);
+ idx = find_internal_func(name);
if (idx >= 0)
- return generate_BCALL(cctx, idx, argcount);
+ {
+ res = generate_BCALL(cctx, idx, argcount);
+ goto theend;
+ }
semsg(_(e_unknownfunc), namebuf);
- // User defined function or variable must start with upper case.
- if (!ASCII_ISUPPER(*name))
- {
- semsg(_("E1012: Invalid function name: %s"), namebuf);
- return FAIL;
- }
// If we can find the function by name generate the right call.
- ufunc = find_func(namebuf, cctx);
+ ufunc = find_func(name, cctx);
if (ufunc != NULL)
- return generate_CALL(cctx, ufunc, argcount);
+ {
+ res = generate_CALL(cctx, ufunc, argcount);
+ goto theend;
+ }
// If the name is a variable, load it and use PCALL.
p = namebuf;
if (compile_load(&p, namebuf + varlen, cctx, FALSE) == OK)
- return generate_PCALL(cctx, argcount, FALSE);
+ {
+ res = generate_PCALL(cctx, argcount, FALSE);
+ goto theend;
+ }
// The function may be defined only later. Need to figure out at runtime.
- return generate_UCALL(cctx, namebuf, argcount);
+ res = generate_UCALL(cctx, name, argcount);
+ vim_free(tofree);
+ return res;
// like NAMESPACE_CHAR but with 'a' and 'l'.