multipart/digest isn't a message/rfc822. This is legal, but counter
to recommended practice in RFC 2046, $5.1.5.
The fix is to look at the content type after setting the default
content type. If the maintype is then message or multipart, attach
the parsed subobject, otherwise use set_payload() to set the data of
the other object.
# msgobj in this case is the "message/rfc822" container
msgobj = self.parsestr(parthdrs, headersonly=1)
# while submsgobj is the message itself
- submsgobj = self.parsestr(part)
- msgobj.attach(submsgobj)
+ maintype = msgobj.get_content_maintype()
+ if maintype in ('message', 'multipart'):
+ submsgobj = self.parsestr(part)
+ msgobj.attach(submsgobj)
+ else:
+ msgobj.set_payload(part)
msgobj = self.parsestr(part)
container.preamble = preamble