* boundaries. The new <code>Calendar</code> protocol specifies the
* maximum range of supportable dates as those having Julian day numbers
* of <code>-0x7F000000</code> to <code>+0x7F000000</code>. This
- * corresponds to years from ~5,000,000 BCE to ~5,000,000 CE. Programmers
+ * corresponds to years from ~5,800,000 BCE to ~5,800,000 CE. Programmers
* should use the protected constants in <code>Calendar</code> to
* specify an extremely early or extremely late date.</p>
* Sets this Calendar's current time from the given long value.
+ * An IllegalIcuArgumentException is thrown when millis is outside the range permitted
+ * by a Calendar object when in strict mode.
+ * When in lenient mode the out of range values are pinned to their respective min/max.
* @param millis the new time in UTC milliseconds from the epoch.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public void setTimeInMillis( long millis ) {
if (millis > MAX_MILLIS) {
- millis = MAX_MILLIS;
+ if(isLenient()) {
+ millis = MAX_MILLIS;
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("millis value greater than upper bounds for a Calendar : " + millis);
+ }
} else if (millis < MIN_MILLIS) {
- millis = MIN_MILLIS;
+ if(isLenient()) {
+ millis = MIN_MILLIS;
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("millis value less than lower bounds for a Calendar : " + millis);
+ }
time = millis;
areFieldsSet = areAllFieldsSet = false;
logln("-1 day: " + dstr);
assertEquals("Subtract 1 day", "2011-12-29T00:00:00-10:00", dstr);
+ /**
+ * Test case for ticket 9403
+ * semantic API change when attempting to call setTimeInMillis(long) with a value outside the bounds.
+ * In strict mode an IllegalIcuArgumentException will be thrown
+ * In lenient mode the value will be pinned to the relative min/max
+ */
+ public void TestT9403() {
+ Calendar myCal = Calendar.getInstance();
+ long dateBit1, dateBit2, testMillis = 0L;
+ boolean missedException = true;
+ testMillis = -184303902611600000L;
+ logln("Testing invalid setMillis value in lienent mode - using value: " + testMillis);
+ try {
+ myCal.setTimeInMillis(testMillis);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ logln("Fail: detected as bad millis");
+ missedException = false;
+ }
+ assertTrue("Fail: out of bound millis did not trigger exception!", missedException);
+ dateBit1 = myCal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
+ assertNotEquals("Fail: millis not changed to MIN_MILLIS", testMillis, dateBit1);
+ logln("Testing invalid setMillis value in strict mode - using value: " + testMillis);
+ myCal.setLenient(false);
+ try {
+ myCal.setTimeInMillis(testMillis);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ logln("Pass: correctly detected bad millis");
+ missedException = false;
+ }
+ dateBit1 = myCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
+ dateBit2 = myCal.getTimeInMillis();
+ assertFalse("Fail: error in setMillis, allowed invalid value : " + testMillis + "...returned dayOfMonth : " + dateBit1 + " millis : " + dateBit2, missedException);
+ }